Volume 1 Issue 6

Volume 1 Issue 6

Published October 3rd, 2016                                                                                                                      

I heard a rumor.... 

The SSDT would like to address some of the concerns or questions that have arisen lately on the status of the redesign projects. The following excerpts are from Dave Smith’s latest blog post found on the SSDT website. http://ssdt.oecn.k12.oh.us/ 


The Redesign software is just Classic with a new user interface

No, not even close.  When we say "reproduce existing functionality", we mean that Redesign must have, at a minimum, the same features and capabilities as the Classic software.  But we did not use the same data model, architecture or techniques used in Classic.  The Redesign is completely new software on a modern platform and already has additional capabilities that Classic doesn't.  For one example, the ability to have multiple open Posting Periods and the ability to re-open prior periods.

I’ve heard that Redesign will be competitive with other software?

No.  The SSDT is not funded to develop a full ERP like Munis or SunGard.  This has never been a goal of Redesign and is outside the scope of the SSDT's mission.  It's not reasonable to imagine that the SSDT (with a 2M dollar budget) could compete with commercial products from multi-billion market cap companies.  The goal of the Redesign projects is to reproduce the Classic functionality on a modern, sustainable platform.  However, the Redesign has been modeled and designed to support additional features and modules in the future.  After we reach production, we can begin work on optional modules, some of which may be thought of as ERP features (like workflows).  We will continue, based on user feedback, to apply our modest budget to benefit the largest number of districts possible, which is central to the SSDT's mission.

OpenVMS will cease to function in 2018

We’re not sure where this came from, but it is probably related to HP phasing out of the OpenVMS business.  HP has sold the rights to OpenVMS to a new company (VMS Systems, Inc) whose sole business is supporting and improving OpenVMS. There are a large number of OpenVMS systems doing critical work world-wide.  There's no reason to believe that OpenVMS will come to an abrupt end.  However, it's possible that licensing cost for OpenVMS will increase. So there will still be an impetus to implement Redesign and migrate from Classic.

I want to stay on Classic (forever or until I retire)! 

From the time we start production releases, we expect it will take several years to complete all migrations from Classic to Redesign.  If you decide to wait till the end, and based on your retirement plans, you may make it. (wink)   But at some point, the expense of maintaining the Classic systems will become prohibitive for the SSDT and your ITC.  At some point, there will be a requirement to move from Classic to Redesign (or other solution).

USAS-R Preview Release Highlights

An overview of the most recent USAS-R preview release

The latest preview release of USAS-R was sent to your ITCs a couple of weeks ago. This release is officially known as v0.18.0.  

Here are some of the changes you will see in this latest release:

New User Interfaces 

  • Appropriations: is now viewable in the tabbed Accounts user interface
  • Receipts: has been rewritten into the new grid format
  • Reports:
    • Canned report
      • Financial Detail Report
    • Predefined reports
      • SSDT Appropriation Summary
      • SSDT Budget Summary
      • SSDT Cash Summary
      • SSDT Revenue Summary
      • SSDT Outstanding PO Detail

      • SSDT Outstanding PO Summary

      • SSDT Outstanding Disbursement Summary

Date shortcuts: are now available to use in processing and report generation

Tool tips: have been added to grid buttons

Encumbrance amounts available for any period

Some notable bug fixes on this release: 

  • Auto assign of Vendor number has been corrected
  • Transaction numbers and fiscal years no longer contain commas
  • Account Filter UI permission labels now fully visible

Those are the items that will be most visible to you as end user when the release is installed.  However, there were many more bug fixes and improvements included in v0.18.0.  Complete release notes are available here.

USPS-R - It's Here!!...Attendance importing is now available!!!

An Attendance Import option is now available in USPS-R. This option will function in the same fashion as USPIMPORT does in the legacy system. The csv file that you will be uploading must be in the proper format using the USPIMPORT specifications guideline: https://mcoecn.atlassian.net/wiki/display/usps/USPIMPORT+-+Import+File+Specifications  Note-The header information on the csv file must be removed before the import is processed.

Here is a breakdown of how the Attendance Import option can be used to upload Attendance and Payroll Payments-Current or Payroll Payments-Future data.

1-Under the Utilities tab select the Attendance Import option

2-Attendance Import File- Click Browse to locate your file from AESOP, Timeclock, etc. that you wish to import.

3-The Location Code drop down is used to determine the job number to post the transaction to if a job number is not supplied on the csv file.

  • Building IRN
  • Building/Department
  • None

4-The Post  to Payroll Processing Options available are:

  • Post to Payroll Processing Future
  • Post to Payroll Processing Current
  • None

5-Combine Attendance Entries :

If selected, all  AT entries charged to Payroll Payments-Current or Payroll Payments-Future will be combined for an employee. In order to combine entries in Payroll Payments-Current or Payroll Payments-Future the EMPID, job number, pay type, unit, unit amount, tax option, retirement flag, budget account, leave projection flag, and the BRDDIS flag must match.

If this option is not selected the AT entries will not be combined when posted to Payroll Payments-Current or Payroll Payments-Future.

6- Allow negative leave balances prompt offers the following options:

If selected AB entries for Sick, Vacation and Personal Leave will be allowed to go negative.  It will appear as a WARNING on the report.

If this field is not selected AB entries for Sick, Vacation and Personal Leave will NOT go negative. It will appear as a FATAL Error on the report.

7-Payroll Account to Charge drop down option:

  • Defined Payroll Account for Position -Pay account defined in Position/Payroll Accounts for the job will be used.
  • Sub for SSN-Using the "Sub for SSN", the regular employee's pay account(s) will be charged.

You will then click the  button to upload the data into the payroll system.

Details regarding the import (not loaded) will be displayed on the screen:

An ATTERR.CSV.TXT report will be created. This will give you a detailed description of the error(s) explaining why the import did not load.

If the files imported successfully the following will be displayed on the screen:

If all files imported successfully the ATTERR.CSV.TXT report will display the following


USPS-R Canned Reports available

SSDT has several canned reports available for districts to use that are similar to Classic's reports.  These reports have been created as a convenience for districts when needing to run their weekly or monthly reports....just a few options to choose from...only a fingertip away to a generated report! 

The Canned Reports can be found under the tab ‘Reports’.  We have added the most popular reports at this time and more are to follow! 

Below is an example of how to generate the W2 Report canned report.  Once you select 'W2 Report', it will display the following report options.  Most of the canned reports have similar options to what you are used to seeing in Classic.


Format - Output format desired.  Default is PDF.

  • PDF (download)
  • PDF (inline)
  • Comma Separated Values (CSV)
  • Excel
  • View (html)
  • Plain Text
  • XML
  • Jasper Report Design

Report Title - Default is W2 Report, but can be modified.

Federal ID Number - Defaulted to district's Federal ID Number.

State ID Number - Defaulted to district's State ID Number.

Kind of Employer - Available choices from the drop-down box: 

  • F,  Federal Government
  • S, State and Local Governmental Employer (non 501c)
  • T, Tax Exempt Employer
  • Y, State and Local Tax Exempt Employer (501c)
  • N, None apply

Sort Options - Available choices from the drop-down box: 

  • Employee SSN
  • Employee Name
  • Building/Department and Employee Name
  • Building/Department, Pay Group and Employee Name
  • Pay Group
  • Zip Code and Employee SSN
  • Zip Code and Employee Name
  • Check Distribution and Employee Name

Report for Year - Select reporting year from available choices from the drop-down box

Below is an example of the report in PDF format: 

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Feedback Email: ssdt-feedback@nwoca.org





















USAS Predefined Reports

Several predefined reports are available with the latest release. Predefined reports are basically template reports, created by the SSDT, and available for users to generate as is or customize to your specifications allowing you to save your "custom" report so that you can generate it as needed. The USAS Predefined Reports are located under the 'Report Manager' option on the 'Reports' module.

We will be adding more Predefined Reports with the next release based on user feedback. We would love to hear your comments about our existing reports as well as any you think should be added. Please submit your feedback to ssdt-feedback@nwoca.org.





















After Preview Releases, then what?

Both USAS & USPS expect to issue a couple more 'Preview' releases. The next step after that is to begin 'Release Candidates'. We believe the first Release Candidate will be in early 2017. When we switch to Release Candidate phase, it means we believe the software is ready for production use and SSDT will be looking for a few volunteer (small) entities who are willing to be 'early adopters' to evaluate the software with the intention to 'go live'. More information about Release Candidates will be in the November newsletter.
































USPS Predefined Reports

The SSDT is planning on creating Predefined Reports for some of the more popular Classic USPS reports as well. As mentioned with the USAS Predefined Reports above, predefined reports are report definitions already created by the SSDT and available for users to save, customize and/or generate their own reports from.. it's basically a template report you can tweak, save and generate as needed.


















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