Leave Activity Report

Leave Activity Report

The Leave Activity Report provides a listing of accruals and absence categories by employee, by date applied date and then by activity date. It also includes the Beginning Balance, Length and Ending Balance of the activity by category.  

Field Definitions

  • The Save and Recall option , allows the users to create and save certain reports  for different report runs for each report option.  The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user.  If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report.  The Default reports cannot be deleted. 
  • Leave Activity Report is the default file name for the report. This can be changed by entering a new file name in the Report Title field. **Required Field**
  • The Sort By field offers the following choices: **Required Field**
    • Employee Number
    • Employee Name
  • Check Begin Each Employee On New Page? to page break on each employee.
  • Show Applied Balance Starting - Report will show beginning balance for leave as of this start date, including all accumulations/usages that have been applied to the balance. **Required Field**
  • Show Applied Balance Ending - Report will show ending balance for leave as of this end date, including all accumulations/usages that have been applied to the balance. **Required Field**
    • The report will provide the beginning balance for each leave type at the time of the begin date entered and the ending balance at the time of the end date entered (Leave Activity Date).  It will list any leave transactions that occurred between the begin and end date that account for the change in balance from begin to end date.  This is based upon the Leave Activity Date of the transaction, which can be different than the Activity Date of an absence or accumulation.  If the Leave Activity Date on the leave transaction is between the begin and end date used for the report, the transaction will be listed on the report:

Example of Leave Activity Report


  • Select Leave Types To Include: (Defaulted to ALL 3) 
    • Sick Leave
    • Personal Leave
    • Vacation Leave 
  • Check To Include Ineligible Employees? If this option is selected, this will cause an option to Include Archived Employees? to display. The Include Archived Employees option is only available when Including Ineligible Employees is checked.
  • Check Include Archived Employees? will not always be display due the eligibility checks on employees that they are not archived.  This allows inclusion of employees who are just ineligible but not archived OR ineligible and also archived.
  • Select Employees (Leave empty to select all Employees)
  • Click on to create report

Example of Leave Activity Report

Helpful tips

The leave transactions on the report are sorted by applied date (Timestamp Date) first and then activity date.  If multiple leave transactions have the same applied date, they would be sorted by activity date for that applied date.  The reasoning for this sort order is because the order in which the district entered them (or they were applied by deferred absence posting) we are showing them in the order in which they affected the balance.

The report uses the applied date for the beginning and end date filters.  We filter in this way because that is the date the balance is actually affected by an absence or accumulation.  If a district is a non-deferred absence district that enters a sick day today with an activity date of next week, the employees balance is updated today and therefore must be reflected on the report if ran for today.  If the report included leave transactions based on the activity date, this employee would show a change in their sick leave balance of 1 day, but no usage transaction would show on the report unless the date range also included the activity date.  To always show the leave transactions that account for the change in balance from the beginning balance to the end we have to use the date the absence/accumulation was applied to the balance.

The Leave Activity Date is the date the Leave was entered.  

  • This is the date when the value was applied to the balance, if applicable, for Absences. Example, The Activity Date of 07/20/2023 was entered on 07/17/2023.  If running the Leave Activity Report, for the dates of 07/01/2023 - 07/17/2023, the Activity Date of 07/20/2023 will show on the report, since this date was entered on 07/17/2023 Date Applied:
    • Leave Activity Report

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