Employee Earnings Register

Employee Earnings Register

**USPS_STANDARD_PAYROLL_VIEW is role needed to run Employee Earnings Register**

The Employee Earnings Register program can be run for one or all Employees and Pay Groups receiving a paycheck.  The report is based on payroll pay dates.  Currently the report does not break down totals by pay type.

You may also enter ranges of dates. For example, activity for an entire quarter or calendar year can be generated by specifying the applicable dates.

Payrolls ran in redesign will get the description from the historical payroll item.  If no description exists in history, then the abbreviation from the payroll item configuration will be used.  Imported classic deductions, uses the payroll item configuration abbreviations in redesign.

The report will show the charge % calculated for percentage accounts and the charge Type for the Pay Accounts.  No charge % is calculated for Fixed Accounts.  On employee totals, it will not show the position number, charge type and charge % for Pay Accounts.

Refund of payroll items processed in redesign, will be listed on the Employee's Earnings Register.  Classic refunds imported, will NOT be listed on the report.

The program generates a report file called Employee Earnings Register Report.

**NOTE** Archived employees will not show on the Earnings Register Report.  They need to be unarchived first.  This is a bug**

**INFO** The report will sort by employee last name, first name, middle initial.**

Field Definitions

The Save and Recall option , allows the users to create and save certain reports  for different report runs for each report option.  The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user.  If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report.  The Default reports cannot be deleted. 

Enter a Start Date (Start Date entered, needs to be a date used for payroll processing (Pay Date) **Required**

Enter a Stop Date (Stop Date entered, needs to be a date used for payroll processing (Pay Date) **Required**

Include Archived Employees?  **NOTE** Archived employee's will not show on the Earnings Register Report.  They need to be unarchived first.  This is a bug**

= Includes archived employees  
= Excludes archived employees

The Include Employer Paid Amounts offers the option to print board paid Payroll Items.  If wanting to Include Employer Paid Amounts, check the box .

Select Pay Groups to be included? (Leave empty to select all Pay Groups)

Select Individual Employees?  (Leave empty to select all Employees) This dropdown will also include archived employee's to run in a report. To remove from grid, select the employee and click on :


Pay Date Earnings Register Report.pdf

Earnings Register By Payroll Account.csv

Medicare Pickup Breakdown

If an employee is Full Medicare Pickup, the breakdown on the employee's Earnings Register will show as:

Gross $1,819.00 - Section 125's $70.84 + $25.72 Pickup = Applicable Gross $1,773.88 x 2.9% = $51.44

$25.72 + $25.72 = $51.44 Employer Pickup Amount

Employee 'Medicare Tax' Amount of $25.72 is a subset of the Employer Pickup Amount in Medicare P/U situations.

If an employee is Partial Pickup Medicare employee (0.45/2.45)

Medicare Inflated wages $2,691.91 will show on the employee's 692 Payroll Item Record.

Gross $2,773.15 - Section 125's $81.24 = $2,691.91 x 1.00% = $26.91 Employee Portion Paid by Employer

Gross $2,773.15 - Section 125's $81.24 = $2,691.91 x .45% = $12.11 Employee Portion Paid by Employee

Gross $2,773.15 - Section 125's $81.24 = $2,691.91 x 1.45% = $39.02 Employer Portion

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