ACH Submission

ACH Submission



ACH Submission Report Options

It creates a file which is sent to the bank by some magnetic means. This file includes the employee's name, transit routing numbers for the financial institution, account numbers, and pay amounts for all the direct deposit employees.  Also, creates an ACH submission file for Health Savings Account withholding's. Separate ACH file created for each HSA deduction processed, HSAACHXXX.SEQ.  The 'XXX' represents the deduction code.

In order for the Ach File Generated column under 'Historical Payrolls' to turn from false to true, the Payroll Posting period needs to be open for what payroll month they are creating.


Negative or zero-dollar amounts are not accepted on HSA submission files. The district will need to speak to the bank and have the amount manually reduced by them.

Negatives won't show on the file, no Outstanding Payables adjustments will need to be made.


ACH Submission

Fields Definitions:

Pay Date:  This date represents the date you would like the funds to be deposited into employee accounts and will default to the most recent posted payroll pay date. If desired, the Pay Date value can be changed by selecting a date from the calendar.

ACH Source: Select the appropriate ACH Source from the drop-down box.

Include Employee SSN: 

  • Default is 'Employee SSN will NOT be included

  • Employee SSN will be included

  • Replace employee SSN with employee ID

Sort By:  In the drop-down box you can select:

  • Employee Name

  • Employee Number

Report Format:  Default is PDF or you can open the drop-down box and choose another output option.

Check the box to 

Check to 'Display All Payrolls?' Checking this will display all payrolls that have been imported and all those that have their ACH submission files set as generated.

Historical Payrolls: Select, by placing a check mark in the box, of one or many payrolls from which to include. 

After you have selected your options, you can run the report by selecting 

Once you have reviewed the report, you can 

Generate Report Example:

Generate Submission Report example:


HSA Submission File

Once the HSA submission file is created, a payroll cannot be unposted.

When a payroll is posted, HSA Payroll Item amounts are placed in the Outstanding Payables.  Once the HSA submission file is created, these HSA amounts are removed from the Outstanding Payables. If you want your payables reports to include HSA payroll items, it is suggested you go to Outstanding Payables and generate the Payables Reports>Full Report and Summary Report prior to creating the HSA submission file.

Corrections can be made to the HSA report/submission file by creating Payables Adjustments.  If a Payables Adjustments is added after the HSA submission file is created, the amount will be included the next time the HSA submission that is created. Payables Adjustments will only be included if the HSA Payroll Item was withheld during the current payroll. The system will first find the HSA Payroll Item withheld during the payroll. If an amount is located, the Payables Adjustment amount is added to the payroll amount withheld.

If a HSA Payroll Item>ACH Configuration is missed for an employee and the payroll has been posted, enter the appropriate ACH Direct Deposit Type, Ach Account Number, and Ach Destination and regenerate the HSA ACH Report and generate the submission file.

To create the HSA Submission File:

Select the HSA ACH Source

Select 'Include Employee SSN:' from drop down options:

  • Employee SSN will be included.

  • Employee SSN will NOT be included (Defaulted)

  • Replace employee SSN with employee ID.

Select 'Sort By' using the drop-down options:

  • Employee Name

  • Employee Number

Select 'Report Format' from the drop-down options.

Select the Payroll to create the HSA file from the 'Historical Payrolls.'

To show all Past payrolls, check  

Click on  first, to create a report to verify all information is correct before generating the HSA Submission File. 

**Once the Submission File is created, this is a **NO POINT OF RETURN**.  At this point, a Payroll CAN NOT be Un-posted**

Select  to create HSA file.

Sample HSA Submission Report

Sample HSA Submission file


To create a report for 403b Accounts

If wanting to create a report for your 403b Accounts,  please copy the .json file provided for you: Annuities.rpd-json








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