Volume 5 Issue 8 - July 2022

Volume 5 Issue 8 - July 2022

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Are We There Yet?

Being that we are in the midst of summer vacations and family road trips, I thought this proverbial question was quite fitting for our migration status update.  I can remember the countless times I asked my parents (from the very back of the station wagon, mind you) 'are we there yet?'... anticipating the golden answer of 'almost'.  Well, I can say with sheer excitement that we are 'almost' there in completing the USAS & USPS migrations with only a handful of districts left in the state!  Most ITCs reported their districts have migrated USAS and USPS while still working on their Inventory migrations.  However there are a few ITCs that have completely finished migrating USAS, USPS and Inventory.  Kudos to you!  What an amazing accomplishment this migration endeavor has been for both the ITCs and the districts they serve!

As stated many times before, our classic software applications will be retired this December (2022). This means we will no longer support the classic software after calendar 2022 closing is complete nor will districts be able to process a payroll for calendar year 2023 in the classic software.  If you are still using our classic applications and are unclear of your migration plan, please contact your ITC immediately for further assistance. To state it clearly once more, you will not be able to process 2023 payrolls in the classic software, so it is imperative you migrate off of classic before you need to run your first 2023 payroll.

Our final wave, Wave 10, has been set in motion and I must be honest, I'm very happy to be reporting my final 'status update'.  Thank you for your hard work, determination, patience and support.  I think we all earned a well-deserved vacation.

Attendance Reports -- Perfect Attendance Report is not alone anymore!

That is right. The Perfect Attendance Report is no longer an only child in the Reports>Attendance Reports option. We have added two additional reports (ABS101 and ABS103) to this section.  And yes, we kept their Classic names. (wink)

ABS101 Report

This report allows you to pull one or multiple Transaction Types - Absence, Attendance, Accumulation and Adjustment  - with a wide choice of categories to choose from. It also allows for Sub Category names to be entered so they will pull into the report as well. The report can be processed for an individual employee or for specific pay groups. The report options also allow you to choose specific buildings or departments.

Two required fields include:

  • Report Title which defaults to ABS101 Report. This can be changed if desired by entering a report name that you would like in the Report Title field.
  • Begin Date. The user must enter in a specific beginning date they wish to run this report from. There is also an End Date field that can be used if the user wants to use a specific date range for this report processing.

There are also several other selections available that can be chosen when setting up the report:

  • Sort By: There are several options available from the drop down tab
  • Include Sub Total By Selected Sort Option
  • Page Break By Selected Sort Option
  • Include Employee Numbers on Report
  • Include Substitute For Employee Numbers on Report
  • Job Status: Can be chosen from the drop down tab
  • Appointment Type: Can be chosen from the drop down tab
  • Day of Week: Can be chosen from the drop down tab
  • Include Only Records With No Substitute For Assigned
  • Include Only Records Not Reported to USAS
  • Deferred Status Option: Can be chosen from drop down tab

This report has the report formatting options of

  • PDF (download)
  • Comma Separated Value
  • Excel-Data

ABS103 Report

This report allows you to produce a report for a specified number of absences based on Days or Hours.  For example, if the user enters in 2 days for a specific category (Sick), the report will pull in any employee that has 2 or less days absent.

The report can be processed for an individual employee or for specific pay groups. The report options also allow you to choose specific buildings or departments.

Two required fields include:

  • Report Title which defaults to ABS103 Report. This can be changed if desired by typing a report name that you would like in the Report Title field.
  • Begin Date. The user must enter in a specific beginning date they wish to run this report from. There is also an End Date field that can be used if the user wants to use a specific date range for this report processing.

There are also several other selections available that can be chosen when setting up the report:

  • Sort By: There are several options available from the drop down tab
  • Include Sub Total By Selected Sort Option
  • Page Break By Selected Sort Option
  • Include Archived Employees on Report
  • Include All Employees on Report
  • Include Employee Numbers on Report
  • Job Status: Can be chosen from the drop down tab
  • Appointment Type: Can be chosen from the drop down tab
  • Category: Can be chosen from drop down tab
  • Category Number of Days: User will manually enter if desired certain number of days
  • Category Number of Hours: User will manually enter if desired certain number of hours

This report has the report formatting options of

  • PDF (download)
  • Coma Separated Value
  • Excel-Data

Useful links:

Did You Know?

Ability to delete non history compensations!

If a compensation has never been paid or there are no compensation journals, it will be removed instead of archived. 

It will archive all other compensations that have history attached to them.

Legacy compensations should NEVER be deleted (they will be archived).

FYI:  If New contracts is the only place a compensation is referenced and you try to delete the compensation, you will get a 'Object is referenced and cannot be deleted' exception. If the user takes these steps, the Compensation is not used anywhere else and should just be repurposed to fit their need instead of using it as a base for a new contract.



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 10 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

Did You Know?

ODE Period H Financial Reporting

The June 3rd ODE EMIS Release Notes included information regarding the FY22 Financial (Period H) Reporting period.  The Financial collection opened on June 2nd and runs through August 31st.  The following organization types must report:

  • Traditional Districts
  • Community Schools
  • STEM districts
  • JVSDs
  • ESCs
  • ITCs

Further information on Level 2 reports as well as general issues related to Period H are provided in the EMIS related validations and report explanations on ODE's website.  

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