USAS v2024.11.0 Release Notes

USAS v2024.11.0 Release Notes




Jul 9, 2024 


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Build Date

Jul 8, 2024  12:56:51 PM



This release of USAS-R contains the following improvements detailed in the release notes below.  Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and Classic USAS. 

Important Highlights


  • Performance improvements have been made to

    • Pending Transactions:  We were able to improve posting POs by 45%.  As a side effect we also noted an improvement with AP Invoice processing by 15%.

    • the PO user interface responsiveness.  We are now loading a subset of the items instead of every item in the grid.  POs in view/display mode will load 15 items at a time, and 5 items will display at a time when creating/modifying/amending a purchase order.  The item grid will be scrollable, so you will be able to view any item on the purchase order.  Loading a subset of the items vs every item has allowed us to improve the responsiveness of the UI by 82-97% depending on the size of the PO.

  • Fund 592 has been added to USAS.

  • Fund type is now required when adding a new cash account.

  • The output field on the report bundle scheduler is now required.  Previously this could be left blank which resulted in having to reschedule the bundle.

  • The /rest/version endpoint has been updated to include the organization name and ID.

Bug Fixes

  • A problem querying by AR due date when the vendor's location has been deleted has been corrected.

  • AR Ledger has been corrected to remove the billing amount, which was inflating the AR Payment ledger.  Payments do not include the billing amount.


  • Created REST controllers and DTO layers for Account Filters and Roles.


Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution

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