Date Code Loading
Loading Date Code data:
To load a Date Code field into a particular screen using the Mass Load option you will need to create a csv file using the following format:
The Property Name is an abbreviation of the display name Ex-Display Name=Test Prop 3 Date Property Name=testProp3. The Property Name is used in other places in the software where the field may be selected, such as in the advanced query and report properties selection boxes.
Name-This will be how the code is displayed on the Employee record as well as the Display Name on Custom Field Definition screen.
Applies To-This is the defining which record the custom date field is going to be displayed on.
The Date Code records are always loaded to the Employee record. Custom dates can be added to other records through the Custom Field Definition.
Group-This defines which group on the Employee record that the date code should be displayed on.
You will then go to Utilities>Mass Load
USPS Load File-You will click onÂ
 and find the csv file you wish to load.Importable Entities-From the Drop Down option your will select "Date Text Field Definition"
A USPLOADERR.CSV file will be created. There will be indicators on the screen informing you how many records loaded and how many had errors. If errors occurred, the USPLOADERR.CSV report should be open to view the errors. The errors can be corrected on the USPLOADERR.CSV file and this file can be used to load into Mass Load again.
The new date field should now be on the Employee record and can be seen under the "more" option. A report can be created on the grid pulling these fields populated on the csv file and then loaded using the Mass Load>Employees option.