Payroll Payments-Future

Payroll Payments-Future

Payroll Payments - Future

Future allows a user to enter payroll exceptions before starting a payroll.  Exceptions can be entered days, even months ahead of time.

Future works in the same manner as Current. The only difference is that an effective date field appears in Future. This field allows the user to direct a Future record into a specific payroll. The effective date must be inclusive of payroll period begin and end dates in which the payment needs to be made.

Future pay records entered using the FUTURE option will be included in the current payroll only if the effective date falls within the payroll beginning and ending dates specified in the Initializing of the new payroll or if the effective date is all zeroes. Future pay records pulled into the current payroll will be deleted from the FUTURE screen the next time your new pay is INITIALIZED.

Employee's paid through Future pay using a REG pay type and is their last pay in contract, will not change from a REG to a LPE.  No warning will be given for Last Pay in contract. Only a warning is created if the pay amount is generated through the normal pay initialization process.

**Archived Employee's with a Compensation that is not archived, will be imported, if using Attendance/Absence Import**

The Description field on the Future Pay Amount gets saved to the Pay Amount description when pulled into a Payroll.  When the Payroll is posted, that description gets saved on the HistoricalPayAmount.  Whatever is entered as the Description on the Future Pay Amount screen will be exactly what prints on the DD/Check forms as the Pay Type.


Check Stub

Mass Delete Entries

If needing to Mass Delete multiple entries, Select the employee's or check the box under create, to select all employee's and click on :

Highlight Viewer

To use the 'Highlight Viewer', select the row in the grid to view.  The 'Highlight Viewer' on the right hand side will appear:

Create a Single Future Entry

From the Payroll Menu, select 'Payroll Payment-Future' option:

Click on 

  • To create a single future entry, the Close option can be checked  

    If the Create New option is checked, click the  check box to uncheck it and then click on the Close box. 

  • Select the employee and enter the Future pay amount information.  Click on 

     This will then create one future record for the employee and return you to the Future grid so other employee Future records can be added.


  •   If the Create New option is checked     You can add the Employee and the Future pay amount information data. Click on    

  • Click  in the upper right corner of the record or click the  button. This will then create one future record and take you back to the Future grid so that other employee future records can be added.

Creating Multiple Future Entries for an Employee

From the Payroll Menu, select 'Payroll Payment-Future' option:

Click on  

  • To create multiple Future entries for an employee, the Create New option should be checked   

    Note-If the Close option is checked click the check box to uncheck it and then click on the Create New box 

  • Enter the Employee and the Future pay information. Click on  This will then create one future record for the employee and return you to a blank Future Pay Amount record so that additional Future records can be added.

  • To return to the Future grid- Click 

     in the upper right corner of the record or click the  


Future Pay Amount Fields

  • In the Employee field type in either a partial identification number for the employee or a few alpha characters of the employee's first or last name.

    • When entering in either a partial ID number or a few characters of the employee's first or last name, a list of employees matching that criteria will appear. From here you can then select the employee you are searching for from the drop-down box.

  • In the Compensation field from the drop-down box, select the position you are wanting to pay or modify for this employee in this payroll. This is from the employee's Position Description and the Compensation label (up to 30 characters)

    • Example:

      • Superintendent is from Position Description

      • Comp: C = Contract, Comp: NC = Non Contract, Comp: L = Legacy

      • Super is from the Label field on the Compensation.

  • The Description will default to the Compensation>Label. If there is not a Compensation>Label then the Compensation>Description will be the default.  If desired, the description can be changed.

Select a Pay Type using the Drop down

*Note- Pay types marked with an asteriskaffect the contract amount paid. Pay types marked with ** affect the contract amount paid and earned.

  • Adoption Assistance - NC2

  • *Dock - Dock amounts are subtracted from gross wages.  If there is not enough pay to cover the Dock, then a Deferred Dock Pay Type for the remaining Dock that could not be paid, will automatically be created.  This Deferred Dock will then try to be paid on the next pay, if there is enough earnings to cover it.  Dock Gross will be negative. (Deferred Docks is not included in the Pay Group Totals on pay report)

  • **Irregular - Irregular pays update the contract amount paid, but do not update pays paid and days worked. This can be used to pay retro amount on a separate check. Irregular pay type is not allowed when employee is in Advance, error will be created.

  • Life Insurance Premium - NC1- This pay type is used in the processing of the taxable amount of life insurance premiums on W2's for coverage in excess of $50,000.  Any NC1 amounts are taxed by Medicare and Social Security, as applicable. No Federal, state, or OSDI tax is deducted from this amount. The software provides the ability to withhold city tax on non-cash earnings. This can be activated by checking the "Tax Non-Cash Earn" box on the city tax record in the Core/Payroll Item Configuration option. (Not included in the Pay Group Totals on pay report)

  • Miscellaneous - Does not update the contract amount paid. Miscellaneous pays can be taxed at different rates and charged to different accounts.

  • Non-cash Taxable Benefit - NC3 - This pay type will represent the non-cash taxable benefit amount. (Not included in the Pay Group Totals on pay report)

  • Non-taxable Reimbursement - Can be used to reimburse meals or mileage cost: (Not included in the Pay Group Totals on pay report but will show under Pay Type Totals as Pay Code NTR - Non-taxable Reimbursement))

    • No Retirement will be withheld. (If the 'Applies for Retirement' box it checked, it will include it in the SERS and STRS Earnings, but NO retirement will be withheld)

    • No tax will be withheld with this Pay Type and will not be added to the employee's W2. The employee will just be paid for this amount. It will be included in their Net Pay but not in the Total Gross.  

    • This amount is not included in the Employer Distribution to USAS

    • This amount is NOT included in the Total All Funds amount on the Payroll Account Distribution Report and Payroll Account Distribution Detail Report but the employee's account and amount paid, will be included on the report. 

    • This amount will show on the Pay Amount Summary Report under Other Pay.
    • This amount is not included in the Payroll Submission to USAS. In order to add to the expenditure for this amount, the district will need to do that by running it through the standard Expenditure process (PO, Invoice, Disbursement). They can attach it to a memo vendor for a Payroll Correction to help with indicating that it's related to the payroll charge.

    • The amount of the NTR will reduce the Regular pay account.
      • Example: Pay Report Total gross was $5,740.83 but the Pay Accounts Distribution for the REG Pay account is reduced by the $80.00. So the Total Charged stays the same as the Total Gross of $5,740.83: 
    • Or the district can pay this amount out of USAS and not include it in payroll. 
  • Overtime - These do not update the contract amount paid. If the rate field is left blank the system will enter a rate of 1 1/2. Overtime wages are charged to an overtime account based on the employee's regular pay account.
    • If using the Configuration/Overtime Object Codes, the system will create a new payroll account, if not found on the USAS side.

  • *Pay Off Accrued Wages - Pay off of total accrued wages. This pay type updates the contract amount paid. This amount is calculated by the system and enters a 1 in the Units field.

  • **Regular - Regular wages for contracted employees. These count toward the fulfillment of the contract. When adding regular wages to an employee leaving the rate blank will cause the system to default to the employee's regular rate. Regular pay types are charged according to how they are set-up in Core/Payroll Accounts. Regular pay type is not allowed when employee is in Advance, error will be created.

  • **Retro - BCK - Retro pay updates the contract amount paid.  Can be used as a negative or positive pay.

  • Shift Premium - Shift Premium can be chosen from Pay Type drop down box. The Shift Premium Rate needs to be manually added accordingly.

  • Termination - Pays an employee a specific amount as termination pay, for example severance pay. You must supply the tax and retirement options. The Job Status field on Position, will be changed to 'Termination' once the payroll has been posted.

  • An Effective Date is the date when the record should be paid. When this date is included within the run of the current payroll beginning and ending dates, the record will be included in the payroll. If no date is entered in the Effective Date field, the record will be included in the next payroll run.

  • The Units field contains the number of units that the employee should be paid by. This could be the number of hours/days the employee worked.

  • The Rate for the job is the amount an employee earns per unit they work. This amount could be for a day, hour, etc. If the Rate field is left blank, it will automatically default to the Compensation Unit Amount.

    If the Overtime pay type is used and the rate field is left blank, when clicking the rate will automatically be calculated at 1.5 times the normal listed rate on the compensation record. Overtime wages are charged to an overtime account based on the employee's regular pay account. -(OBJ codes must be defined in Configuration/Overtime Object Code Configuration)

  • The Gross amount will be automatically calculated when the pay type, units and rate (automatically if provided in compensation).  (You must tab off the field after entering it, for it to automatically calculate)

  • Does this payment 'Applies For Retirement'?  The corresponding box will always be checked.  If this payment does not count toward retirement uncheck the corresponding box next to the Applies for Retirement field.

  • Enter in the Retire Hours. This field is important for retirement reporting as well as Affordable Care Act reporting purposes.

  • Supplemental - This is a non-modifiable field.  This checkbox is not used in the payroll process. The system will automatically mark or not mark the checkbox based on the Position>Position Type value:

    • R (Regular), T (Temporary) = Checkbox will not be marked. 
    • S (Supplemental (coaches, student activities, etc.)) = Checkbox will be marked.
  • The Supplemental Tax Option field is used to identify the taxing option to be used when paying a supplemental job.  By default, the option defined on the Compensation>Supplemental Tax Option will be populated.  The supplemental tax option can be changed here by selecting a different option from the dropdown.

    • Three options are available:

      • None - Payment taxed as part of regular wages (uses regular tax rates)

      • Apply Annuities to Regular - all amounts paid on this job will be taxed at the federal withholding rate for supplemental payments. When choosing this option, all annuity amounts for the employee are applied to the regular wages. No annuity amounts are applied to the wages that will be taxed at the federal supplemental withholding rate.

      • Apply Annuities to Supplemental - all amounts paid on this job will be taxed at the federal withholding rate for supplemental payments. When choosing this option, all annuity amounts for the employee are applied to the wages being taxed at the supplemental withholding rate. No annuity amounts are applied to the regular wages.

    For example, if you choose "Apply Annuities to Supplemental" the system will apply the applicable annuities to the supplemental wages first (assuming the employee also has regular wages on the same payroll). If there are then annuities "left over" after applying them to the supplemental wage amount, the remaining amounts will be applied to the regular wages. The opposite is true when the option to apply the annuities to regular wages is selected. 

  • The Pay Group displayed, is associated with the Position being paid (this is a read-only field).

Specific Pay Accounts

If a Specific Pay Account is to be used for this payment, click the in the lower left-hand box:

 a. Choose the Rate Type from the drop-down box specifying if this is a Fixed or Percent.  The default is set at Percent.
 b. Choose from the drop-down box which Expenditure Account is to be used. 

    • The Expenditure Account will show accounts setup for the employee in Payroll Accounts for that Position only. The Account can be searched by using dashes, not using dashes, by XRef code or description:

Click on the Expenditure Account and click on or Cancel to exit without adding the Future Pay Amount:


 If not wanting to use these pay accounts, you can search  for other accounts to be selected:

**NOTE** Expenditure Account search can be limited to only show 1XX Object codes.  This configuration is checked by default.  If wanting to show ALL payroll accounts in the search option, click here to go to 'Specific Account Search Limit' configuration documentation.

The Account Search grid can be filtered by any of the object headers listed:

      • Fund

      • Func

      • Object

      • SCC

      • Subject

      • OPU

      • IL

      • Job

      • Description

      • XRef Code

    • Have the option to 'Include All Accounts?' If the 'Specific Account Search Limit' configuration is checked but need to view ALL Payroll Accounts, Check 'Include All Accounts'?  

Click on the Expenditure Account and click on 

Confirm Selection box will appear, to confirm of adding the account selected to the Employee's Position 1.  This will also add it to the employee's Position 1 in their Payroll Accounts. Click on to add the account or  to exit without saving.

Click on  to save the future record or Cancel to exit without adding the future record:

 c. Enter in either a percentage or fixed amount to charge to this account in the Amount Charged field.

  • **NOTE** System/Configuration/Payroll Account Default Setup Configuration has been added to the Configuration menu.  It allows district to set the flags for the Employer Distribution and Leave Projection default values.  These default values will be set whenever a payroll account is created.  The payroll account Employer Distribution and Leave Projection default values can be changed/overridden in Payroll Accounts for an employee, but it will default based on the Configuration values set.  Click here for more information.

 d. Should this account be used to charge out leave entered in USPSCN/ATDSCN and the job calendars to the corresponding leave account. If leave should be charged to this account check the corresponding box next to Leave Projection.  If Leave Projection is not to be used to charge this account, uncheck the corresponding box next to Leave Projection

**The regular payroll process does not automatically charge the appropriate leave accounts. To distribute the leave amounts to the correct USAS benefit accounts, the program Leave Projection must be run. If Leave Projection is not run, all leave is charged to the regular pay account. The Leave Projection program will create a posting file which will be posted by the USAS Integration/Leave Projection Submission program.  Contained in this posting file will be a positive reduction of expenditure to the regular payroll account (giving the money back) and a negative reduction of expenditure to the appropriate leave account.
e. Is this an Employer Distribution Account. If benefits are to be charged to this account check the corresponding box . If benefits are not to be charged to this account uncheck the corresponding box next to the Employer Distribution Account field. 

   **If an employee's account used during payroll was marked as 'No" for Employer Distribution and the Employer Distribution Report option "Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts' was marked as 'Yes', it will then look at the employee's Active payroll accounts for an account that is marked as "Employer Distribution" and use this account.

**If an employee's account, used during payroll, was marked as 'Yes' for Employer distribution and they run the report both ways, 'Yes' or 'No' to "Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts", this employee will be charged the same accounts on both reports.


    • If district needs only Medicare to be charged to this board paid account but no other board paid amounts:

      • 012 1490 111 0000 176000 012 00 000

The object code for Medicare and other board paid benefits would be different. This is defined on the Core>Payroll Item Configuration>Object Codes area:

    • The district could check the 'Employer Distribution' checkbox on the payroll account.

      • 012-1490-111-0000-176000-012-00-000   

    • Medicare would be charged to this account by default

      • 012-1490-213-0000-176000-012-00-000

    • Then they would use Account Mapping to map the other board benefits (Life and Medical for example) from these accounts below, back to the general fund account. They will need to enter more than one line of mapping to cover all of the other board paid benefits:

      602 012-1490-241-0000-176000-012-00-000
      607 012-1490-242-0000-176000-012-00-000

The trash can icon can be used to remove an account from the Specific Pay Account field.

Once data is added for the employee, click on     If you do not want to add this record click on   

Once the payment is saved, any newly added pay accounts will be added to the employee's pay accounts.  When future payments are processed, the pay account(s) will appear in the account drop down for selection.
Once the posting has been Saved but needs to be Modified, click on the button at the top left of the screen and then click the next to the entry. You can then make your changes and click to save the changes made to the record.

Payroll Accounts with New Expenditure Account

This new Expenditure Account that was added for this employee will now show under the Employee's Payroll Accounts for that Position 1:


Error - Compensation is advanced.  New earnings (REG) may not be added to the compensation.

Error - Irregular pay type affects contract amount paid for advanced compensation, cannot be used.

Error - Pay Type null, may not null.

Error - Specific Pay Account Expenditure Account for Specific Pay Account is required.

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