File Archive

The File Archive view has 5 tabs:  Payroll Archive, Pay Form Archive (for pay slips), W2 Archive, Other (Legacy reports) and Audit Reports (AoS).  Once the module is installed (SYSTEM/MODULES/FILE ARCHIVE MODULE), everyone will see File Import and File Archive in the menu (due to how the permissions are structured).  ADMIN/GM/USPS STANDARD users will, by default, be able to view all 3 types.  The users will be able to see a listing for "sets" of files.  For instance, W2 Archive will have a list of years - when they select a year, a listing of the individual files will be available in the highlight viewer (when row is selected) and then be able to download individual files.

To View Imported and Archived data, go to Utilities/File Archive

Payroll Archive - Imported Payroll CD information from Classic and Present Payrolls Reports from Redesign

Pay Form Archive - Past Pay Slips for employees from Classic

W2 Archive - Past W2's for employees from Classic and W2's from Redesign.  The W2's then show in the employee's Kiosk.

Other - Miscellaneous district reports, imported from Legacy

Audit Reports - AoS District Audit Job and AoS SOC1 Audit Job

Payroll Archive

Click on the Payroll to show the available reports included in the file.  Click on  to save the file:

**Note** Only Administrators can Delete File sets  **

View Payroll Archive Reports

To view Payroll Archive Reports, click on  next to the report:

The Reports will be listed in .pdf form. Certain users can View, Edit, Delete and Download these reports. 

**Note** Standard Users can only View and Download

Group Managers can View, Edit, and Download

Administrators can perform all tasks

To View a Payroll Archive File Info, click on

To Edit a Payroll Archive File Info, click onand then click onor Cancel to exit without saving updates:

To Delete a Payroll Archive File Info, click on  **Only Administrators are allowed to delete**

To Download and Save a report, click on  next to your selected report. 

Payroll Archive Report Bundles

For a printable version of the Payroll Archive Report Bundles spreadsheet, click here.

Payroll Archive CategorySSDT Supplied Payroll Archive Report Bundle NameUser Action that triggers the EventName of Event triggeredReports Saved and Submission FilesEvent also triggers creation of reports  
ACH SubmissionSSDT ACH Submission Report ArchiveACH or HSA ACH Submission file is generatedAchSubmissionCreatedEvent

ACH Submission Report

ACH Submission File

ACH HSA Submission Report

ACH HSA Submission File

Benefit Accrual

SSDT Benefit Accrual Report Archive

SSDT Personal Leave to Pay Report Archive

SSDT Personal to Sick Leave Report Archive

SSDT Part Time Sick Leave Accrual Report Archive

SSDT Reset Personal Leave Report Archive

Benefit Accrual Actual Report is generated

Convert Personal Leave to Pay Actual Report is generated

Convert Personal to Sick Leave Actual Report is generated

Part Time Sick Leave Accrual Actual Report is generated

Reset Personal Leave Actual Report is generated






Benefit Accrual Report

Convert Personal Leave to Pay Report

Convert Personal to Sick Leave Report

Part Time Sick Leave Accrual Report

Reset Personal Leave Report

Calendar Year Reports

SSDT Calendar Year End Report Archive

User closes the December Posting Period


Attendance Journal Report

Leave Balance Report

Payment Transaction Status Report

Employee Master Report

Earnings Register

YTD Report

If you close Calendar Year End, it will automatically produce the File Archive Reports for:

  • Month-End reports
  • Quarter-End reports
  • Calendar Year-End reports

Calendar Year Reports - W2 Reporting

SSDT W2 Submission Report ArchiveUser creates a submission fileW2SubmissionCreatedEvent

W2 Report Options

  • W2 Report.pdf (only when SSA submission file generated)
  • W2 Submission Files:
    • W2TAPE.TXT
    • W2CCA.TXT
    • W2RITA.TXT
  • W2 Form Data.XML

W2 City Options

  • W2CITY_xxxxx.TXT

W2 State Options

  • W2OH.TXT
  • W2PA.TXT
  • W2WV.TXT
  • W2KY.TXT
  • W2MI.TXT
  • W2IN.TXT


  • W2C Report.pdf
  • W2C Submission
    • W2C.TXT
  • W2C Forms.pdf (have to process under W2C Form Output Files, File Archive)

If districts creating and submitting own files, these files are created when selecting W2 Submission File:

  • W2CITY_xxxxxx.TXT
  • Only if districts have employees in these states:
  • W2C Report.pdf
  • W2C.txt
  • W2C Forms.pdf (have to process under W2C Form Output Files, File Archive)
Calendar Year Reports - W2 and W2 Forms

User archives W2 and/or W2 Forms files in W2 Form Output Files



Employer DistributionsSSDT Employer Distributions Submission Report ArchiveEmployer Distributions are submitted to USASEmployerDistributionsSubmissionEvent

Employer Distributions Report

Employer Retire ShareSSDT Employer Retire Share Submission Report ArchiveEmployer Retire Share is submitted to USASEmployerRetireShareSubmissionEventEmployer Retire Share Report
Fiscal Year ReportsSSDT Fiscal Year End Report ArchiveUser closes the June Posting PeriodFiscalYearCloseEvent

Attendance Journal Report

Benefit Obligation Report by Account (CSV and PDF)

Benefit Obligation Report by Employee (CSV and PDF)

Leave Balance Report

Payment Transaction Status Report

Earnings Register

Wage Obligation Report by Account (CSV and PDF)

Wage Obligation Report by Employee (PDF and PDF)

Fiscal Year Reports -

STRS Advance

STRSAD Merge File

SSDT STRS Advance Reports Archive

User creates a submission file

User clicks on Merge Files



STRS Advance FYTD Report

STRS Advanced Positions Report

STRS Non-Advanced Positions Report


STRS Employee Merge Report.pdf

(Name of the Third Party File).txt


Leave ProjectionSSDT Leave Projection Submission Report ArchiveLeave Projection is submitted to USASLeaveProjectionSubmissionEventLeave Projection Report
Monthly ReportsSSDT Month End Report ArchiveUser closes any Posting PeriodPostingPeriodCloseEvent

Attendance Journal Report

Leave Balance Report

Payment Transaction Status Report

STRS Monthly Report

User Listing Report

ODJFS Reporting

SSDT ODJFS New Hire Submission Report Archive

SSDT ODJFS Submission Report Archive

ODJFS New Hire submission file is generated

ODJFS submission files is generated



ODJFS New Hire Report

ODJFS New Hire Submission File

ODFJS Report

ODJFS Submission File

Payee Payment DetailSSDT Payables Posted Report ArchiveOutstanding Payables are PostedPayablesPostedEvent

Payable Detail Report

Payable Summary Report

Payables Payment Report (if Checks included)

Check Payment Detail (PDF) (if Checks included)

Check Payment Detail (XML) (if XML output chosen)

Payroll Payment DetailSSDT Payroll Payment Detail Report Archive

Checks or Direct Deposit Notices are printed or

XML generated, or Email Direct Deposit Notices

are scheduled.


Checks.PDF (if Checks PDF or XML generated)

Checks.XML (if XML output chosen)

Direct Deposits.PDF (if Checks PDF or XML generated)

Direct Deposits.XML (if XML output chosen)

Direct Deposits.PDF (if Email notices scheduled)

Use's Pay Date (not system date) to determine what Calendar Year to post to.
Per Pay ReportsSSDT Payroll Posted Report ArchivePayroll posting completes successfullyPayrollPostCompletedEvent

Pay Report

Budget Distribution Report

Payroll Account Distribution Detail Report

Pay Amount Summary Report

Payroll Item Detail Report

Quarterly ReportsSSDT Quarter End Report ArchiveUser closes the last Posting Period of a given QuarterQuarterCloseEvent

Attendance Journal Report

Leave Balance Report

Payment Transaction Status Report

Employee Master Report

Earnings Register

Quarter Report

If you close Quarter-End, it will automatically produce File Archive reports for:

  • Month-end reports
  • Quarter-End reports
SERS Reporting

SSDT SERS New Hire Submission Report Archive

SSDT SERS Per Pay Submission Report Archive

SERS Surcharge Account Report

SERS New Hire submission file is generated

SERS Per Pay submission file is generated

SERS Surcharge Account Report is generated




SERS New Hire Report

SERS New Hire Submission File

SERS Per Pay Report

SERS Per Pay Submission File

SERS Surcharge Account Report

STRS Reporting

SSDT STRS New Hire Submission Report Archive

SSDT STRS Submission Report Archive

STRS New Hire submission file is generated

STRS Submission file is generated



STRS New Hire Report

STRS New Hire Submission File

STRS Report

STRS Submission File

W2 Archive tab

W2 Archive

W2 Archive Individual W2 Forms

Schedule Job from W2 Archive Individual Formsscheduling EmployeeW2Archive.Job20XX Tax YearKiosk uses this file to view W2's for employee's

Pay Form Archive

Click on the Pay to show the employees included in the file.  Click on  to save the file:

W2 Archive

You have the option to View, Edit or Delete the files.

Click on 2021 Tax Year.  To Open or Save, click on next to the employees name:


Option to add miscellaneous reports that are not part of the Payroll archived

To add reports under the 'Legacy Reports', click on , then click on .

A box will open 

You can click on  or , select one or multiple reports at a time,  you would like to import into 'Legacy Reports' from where they are saved on your computer:

Then click on 

If wanting to view these reports, click on  or if wanting to Edit, click on .

Audit Reports

Under the Audit Reports tab, the reports for AoS District Audit Job and AoS SOC1 Audit Job will be listed:

For more information on Creating Audit Jobs, please see the Job Scheduler chapter. 


To Create a new Report Description, click on .  Enter in the 'Description' name of the new 'Other File Set':

Click on . or to exit, click on Cancel.


To Delete Report sets, click on