

GAAP Setup Overview

The GAAP Setup module contains the above options. A brief explanation of each option is below.

The Maintain Fund Codes option allows you to display, modify and delete Fund/SCC's imported from the entity's files or allows Fund/SCC's to be added and/or edited through entry in this menu.

The Fund Code Listing is a report that gives a listing of all of the funds for this entity.

The Maintain Business-Type Internal Service Fund Allocation option allows you to enter or edit the funds and proportions used by the system to allocate any internal service fund with the Internal Service Fund as Business-Type flag set on the Maintain Fund Codes screen.

The Mass Mapping of Funds option allows the mapping of a group of fund-SCCs by selecting the first fund-SCC and the last fund-SCC to be mapped and the fund-SCC to which they are to be mapped.

The Maintain Account Over-rides option allo