Maintain Fund Codes
Field Definitions
Format - Prepares the data for displaying on the screen or to output it in a variety spreadsheet options.
Quick Report - Gives you a report-type display on the screen or on a spreadsheet.
Add Fund - Allows you to enter an additional Fund - SCC to the current list of funds.
Find - Allows you to search the list by Fund - SCC or by Description and places the fund at the top of the list.
Description - Is a general description of the Fund - SCC.
Fund Type - Indicates the type of fund, such as General, Special Revenue, Enterprise, Private Purpose Trust, Agency, etc.
Budget - Indicates whether the Fund-SCC is budgeted. If so, then a Budget vs Actual report showing the variance between budgeted and actual amounts may be generated.
Major - Indicates whether the fund is to be considered as a Major or Non-major fund for GASB 34 reporting.
Mapped to - If the fund is mapped to another fund, the entry indicates the mapped-to fund. For example, several funds with different SCC's might be included in a common SCC for reporting purposes.
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