USPS Quarter End Checklist

USPS Quarter End Checklist


The checklist below is intended for general guidelines only.  Your ITC may supply slightly different instructions depending on their policies and procedures.  Please contact your ITC for their checklist. 

This procedure outlines the steps to be taken to close the USPS-R quarter-end.

**NOTE** If unable to balance and need to start the next payroll, you will have to create/open the next month posting period, if you haven't done so already, but do NOT make it current.  You will need to finish prior quarter before you can post the next payroll in the new quarter as the posting period will have to be marked as current to post the new quarter payroll **

ODJFS Reporting

 1.____Processing ODJFS-Go to Reports/ODJFS Report choose the Generate Report option.

                    A) Check all totals carefully for accuracy. If necessary, adjustments can be made using the Core/Adjustments screen.

 2.____When all data is correct, in Reports/ODJFS Report, click on the Generate Submission File option.

                    A) Save the file to a folder of your choosing.

                          1.  If your ITC submits your ODJFS data for you securely email the file to them. OR

                          2. Upload your ODJFSxxQx.TXT-ODJFS submission file by logging into the The SOURCE:  Ohio's New Unemployment Insurance Tax System.   When uploading the file, format type should be set to ICESA.

Quarter-End Closing

  3.____Go to Reports/Quarter Report

                    A) Year- Should be defaulted to current year

                    B) Quarter-Should be defaulted to current quarter

                    C) Sort By- Choose sorting option from drop down

  4.____Click Generate Report            

                    A) In the "Totals Summary" section of the Quarter Report, the gross and adjusted gross should balance using a manual calculation.


                    ‾ Annuities

                    Calculated Adjusted Gross

  5.____Payroll Item checks for the quarter should equal the total Payroll Items  showing on the Quarter Report. Be sure to verify the electronic transfers of Federal and Medicare payments as well. This should be true for every Payroll Item code. This report,  can be used to get a total of Specific Payroll Items.  Keep in mind Refunds processed outside the payroll process will not be reflected on the Specific Payroll Items Report.  

  6.____The total gross showing on QRTRPT should equal the total of all payroll disbursement checks created during Payroll Posting to USAS for the quarter. If off, look for Voids, Medicare Pickup or NC1 payments could cause a difference in gross.

                   A) Once balanced, if a hard copy of the report is desired, print the  Quarter Report.

*Note-In the redesign software there is no clearing of quarter to date totals.

  7.____It is recommended that you balance the W2Report quarterly to minimize problems at calendar year-end.

                   A) Go to Reports/ W2Report and Submission. Output type should be set to Report. Check the report for errors.

                   B) Complete and balance the W2Report Reconciliation Worksheet for the quarter following the directions on the worksheet.

                   C) Balance the Payroll Item totals (taxes and annuities) on the W2Report with the totals from the Payables Reports from the quarter.

                   D) Balance the gross amounts on the W2Report with Pay Reports for the quarter.

*Note-These amounts may not balance due to the way W2Report handles certain amounts (e.g. Medicare pickup.)

                  E) If errors are discovered, check employees that had exception processing during the quarter such as voided checks, error adjustments, or manual changes made through Core/Adjustments. The Audit Trail Report can be useful in identifying these problems. To process the Audit Trail Report go to Reports/Report Manager/SSDT Audit Trail.

  8. ____Verify all Payroll Items have been paid by going to Processing/Process Outstanding Payables and making sure that there are no outstanding payables that have not been paid.

  9. ____The total of all board paid amounts (if tracked on the system) should equal the total of all USAS checks paid to the vendor or deduction company.

10.____ Complete and file any required quarter-end submission forms.

11.____ For city withholdings, take the total gross times the percentage to be sure the tax withheld and submitted are correct.

*Note-Mobile employees could cause discrepancies.

12.____ Only if hard copies of quarter end reports are desired, run the following:

                ♦  Reports/Employee Master (all data)

                ♦ Reports/Employee Earnings Register


You are now ready to proceed with payroll for the new quarter.