USPS Fiscal Year End Checklist
Individual ITC's may supply slightly different instructions depending on the policies and procedures of the ITC. Therefore, these procedures are intended to be general guidelines only.
Payrolls with a July or later pay date in the new fiscal year cannot be processed unless the STRS Advance has been completed. The following error will be produced if a payroll is initialized with a July or later pay date before creating the STRS Advance Submission File.
Pre-Closing Steps
The following pre-closing steps can be completed any time prior to processing the last payroll of the fiscal year.
Go to Payroll>Payroll Payments - Future or Payroll Payments - Current.
Click Create.
If using Payroll - Payroll Current, select the appropriate payroll.
Employee = Select the appropriate employee.
Compensation = Select the appropriate compensation.
Description = Enter if desired.
Pay Type = Life Insurance Premium.
Units = 1.
Rate = Amount of the calculated life insurance cost.
Click Save.
Go to Reports>STRS Reporting>STRS Advance.
Sort By = Employee Name. Can be changed from drop down if desired.
Report Format = PDF. Can be changed from drop down if desired.
Starting Date for the Academic Year = Enter 07/01/YYY or choose 07/01/YYYY from the calendar.
Ending Date for the Academic Year = Enter 06/30/YYY or choose 06/30/YYYY from the calendar.
Click Generate Advance Fiscal Year to Date Report.
Click Generate Advanced Positions Report.
Click Non-Advance Positions Report.
Month End Closing Steps
Quarter End Closing Steps
Fiscal Year End Closing Steps
The following steps can be processed once the final payroll of the fiscal year has been processed.
Go to Reports>Wage Obligation Reports>Wage Obligation By Employee.
Format = PDF and CSV for GAAP auditing purposes.
Report as of = Enter 06/30/YYY or choose 06/30/YYYY from the calendar.
Date to calculate payables through = Enter 06/30/YYY or choose 06/30/YYYY from the calendar.
Sort By = Employee Number.
Appointment Type = Classified.
Include Positions of archived Employees = Leave unchecked.
Select Pay Groups = Move all classified pay groups to the Selected (right side) side.
Click on the field under the Un-Selected (left side) section so it is highlighted. Click the right arrow to move the field to the Selected (right side) section.
Double click on the field under the Un-Selected (left side) section. This will move the field to the Selected (right side) section.
Select Employees = Leave blank.
Click Generate Report.
Save the report on your computer for the Auditors use at a later time.
Reports>SERS Reporting>SERS Surcharge Report.
Fiscal Year = Defaults to the current year. Can be changed by using drop down if desired.
Include Fixed Pay Accounts? = Defaults to be checked.
Sort By = Defaults to Fund. Can be changed if desired.
Include Subtotal by Selected Sort Option? = Default is to not subtotal by sort option. Changed be changed by marking the checkbox.
Report Format = PDF. Can be changed by using drop down if desired.
Click Generate SERS Surcharge Account Report.
Save the report on your computer for use at a later time.
Employees flagged as full-time must have at least 120 service days to be granted a full year of service credit toward retirement. Employees flagged as part-time will be given credit according to STRS rules outlined in the STRS Employer's Manual. If you are in doubt about an employee's part-time or full-time status, please contact STRS and obtain a ruling.
Go to Reports> STRS Reporting>STRS Advance.
Sort By = Employee Name. Can be changed from drop down if desired.
Report Format = PDF. Can be changed from drop down if desired.
Starting Date for the Academic Year = Enter 07/01/YYY or choose 07/01/YYYY from the calendar.
Ending Date for the Academic Year = Enter 06/30/YYY or choose 06/30/YYYY from the calendar.
Click Generate Advanced Fiscal Year To Date Report.
Click Generate Advance Positions Report.
Click Generate Non-Advanced Positions Report.
Go to Reports>STRS Reporting>STRS Advance.
Click Generate Submission File.
Save the STRSADYY06.TXT to your computer.
Go to Core>Organization>STRS Advance Configuration information.
Advance Amount - Value should equal the STRS Advance amount.
Advance Amount - Checkbox should be marked.
Go to Utilities>File Archive>Payroll Archive.
Filter the list by entering the appropriate year in the Year filter field.
Single click YYYY - Fiscal Year Reports line. The following reports should be listed:
STRS Advance FYTD Report.
STRS Advanced Positions Report.
STRS Non-Advanced Positions Report.
Go to Reports>STRS Reporting>STRS Advance>STRS Merge Files.
Upload Advance Submission File For Merge - Click Choose File, browse to locate the USPS STRSADYY06.TXT file.
Uploaded File to Merge - Click Choose File, browse to locate the third party file.
Click Generate STRS Merge Report. Verify the information in the report.
Click Merge Files.
Go to Reports>STRS Reporting>STRS Advance.
Upload Submission File - Click Choose File, browse to locate the USPS STRSADYY06.TXT file.
Click Submit Uploaded File to STRS.
Go to Core>Organization>STRS Advance Configuration information.
Submitted to Strs - Verify the date and timestamp applies to the current year’s submission.
Close the June YYYY Posting Period.
Go to Core>Posting Periods.
On the June YYYY line, click the icon to close June YYYY.
Create the July YYYY Posting Period.
Click Create.
Calendar Month - July
Calendar Year - YYYY
Current - Mark the checkbox to make the July posting period Current.
Click Create
Verify the banner in the upper right hand corner states July XXXX (FY YYYY).
Go to Utilities>File Archive>Payroll Archive.
Filter the list by entering the appropriate year in the Year filter field.
Single click YYYY - Fiscal Year Reports line. The following reports should be listed:
Attendance Journal Report.
Benefit Obligation Report by Account.pdf.
Benefit Obligation Report by Employee.pdf.
Benefit Obligation Report by Account.csv.
Benefit Obligation Report by Employee.csv.
Leave Balance Report.
Payment Transaction Status Report.
Earnings Register.
Wage Obligation Report by Account.pdf.
Wage Obligation Report by Employee.pdf.
Wage Obligation Report by Account.csv.
Wage Obligation Report by Employee.csv.
Follow-Up Steps
Go to File Utilities>Job Scheduler.
Click Create.
Job Type - class org.ssdt_ohio usps.reporting.aos.DistrictAuditJob.
Cron Schedule - Create the event trigger by doing one the following:
If needing assistance creating the cron expression, click here.
Use the appropriate tabs to select the July 1, the current year, and the current time.
Copy the cron expression (found after Resulting Cron Expression).
Paste the cron expression in the Cron Schedule field.
Click Submit.
Go to Core>Organization>STRS Advance Configuration.
If the STRS Advance did balance, the Advance Amount should be 0.00, the Advance Mode checkbox should not be marked, and the Amount Paid Back should be 0.00. Nothing further is required.
If the STRS Advance did not balance, the Advance Amount will not 0.00, the Advance Mode checkbox will be marked, and the Amount Paid Back will not be 0.00. The employee(s) that caused the balancing issue will need to be researched.
Go to Reports>STRS Reporting>Check STRS Advance.
Start Date - Enter the first STRS advance July pay date.
End Date - Enter the last STRS advance pay date.
Sort By - Select the same sort option that was selected when the STRS Advance Positions Report was generated.
Report Format - PDF. Can be changed using the drop down if desired.
Click Generate.
Compare the amounts for each employee listed on the STRS Advance Positions Report and the Check STRS Advance Report.
Report any discrepancies to STRS as prior fiscal year corrections.
Create Core>Adjustments for the following:
To remove the Non-taxed Earnings (employee’s earnings) -
Payroll Item - 450
Type - Total Gross
Transaction Date - A date within the fiscal year.
Amount - Enter the positive or negative amount needing to be removed.
Description - Enter a description for future reference.
To Date Options - Check the Fiscal Year To Date checkbox.
To remove Taxed + Non-taxed and Non-taxed Total (employee contributions) -
Payroll Item - 591
Type - Amount Withheld
Transaction Date - A date within the fiscal year.
Amount - Enter the positive or negative amount needing to be removed.
Description - Enter a description for future reference.
To Date Options - Check the Fiscal Year To Date checkbox
To remove Taxed + Non-taxed and Non-taxed Total (employee contributions) -
Payroll Item - 691 (if applicable)
Type - Board’s Amount of payroll itme
Transaction Date - A date within the fiscal year.
Amount - Enter the positive or negative amount needing to be removed.
Description - Enter a description for future reference.
To Date Options - Check the Fiscal Year To Date checkbox
Report the discrepancies to the ITC so the STRS Advance Configuration values can be updated.