01-23-2019 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article
      • Recap from last meeting:
        • Groups agreed to keep these going on a monthly basis for now
        • Provide a 'status' article at the top of every newsletter
        • Provide a Scoreboard and/or state map on the side bar of the newsletter
        • Create a google contact group to subscribe to the newsletter
      • Today's meeting topics:
        • Discuss Google Contact Group created  - I will monitor this list
        • Discuss January newsletter format and what needs to be added/deleted/changed
        • Volunteers to write articles for upcoming editions... articles could coincide with time of year.. (i.e. budgeting or forecast articles in April or May) 
          • Wave Status: Do you feel it's necessary to provide a wave status article since we have a scoreboard/map?
        • Article Assigning and Uploading wiki page
          • Deadline to submit article.  I would like to publish the newsletter within the first 10 days of the month so articles due by 1st of the month?
        • Other suggestions?


  • Best Practices

    • Recap from last meeting
      • Implementation Repository for ITC Fiscal Staff
      • Checklists other ITC may be using to implement their districts
    • Topics for today's meeting
  • Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • Implement within User Manuals... can be denoted as such 

      This is an example of a tip

      Or create a separate document in Appendix or somewhere else?

  • Videos:

    • Recap from last meeting

      • Requisition videos on how to create a req in Redesign

      • FISCWEB users (how to generate your report)

    • Topics for today's meeting

      • Will discontinue "how to" videos in documentation.  However will create a video on creating reqs and generating Financial Reports for district staff (FISCWEB users)

      • Other suggestions?


Regional Demonstrations for Districts

  • Recap from last meeting:

    • face to face meetings with SSDT staff or the UAT group... partner with SSAC member to assist with training

    • where to hold? OASBO locations or possibly ESC locations
  • Today's meeting topics
    • are we going to conduct regional trainings within the next 6 months?
    • USAS-R training at OASBO annual workshop Tuesday 4/23
      • We have decided on the following sessions:
        • - 9:30-12:00 - training covering USPS-R tips/tricks and reports
          - 1:00-3:30 - training covering USAS-R tips/tricks and reports 
          - 3:30-4:15 - panel discussion involving treasurers office staff who are currently using the software

      • Dee is currently applying for CPIM credit so for those OASBO members who attend this session, they can receive CPIM credit for it.  We're hoping this will entice many to attend the conference early in order to attend our sessions.   For those who are currently on Redesign but who won't be attending the conference, they will be able to attend our session Tuesday free of charge.

ITC Fiscal Support Staff

  • Recap from last meeting:
    • provide additional training for ITCs staff members
  • Today's meeting topics:
    • When and in what format (webinar or hands-on)?
    • SSDT currently short staffed.  We are planning webinars for ITC staff but not until late February or early March
    • Training Topics?
    • Other suggestions?