Employer Retirement Share

Employer Retirement Share

Configuration/'Use Only Employer Distributions Accounts'

***Note***  In order to see 'Employer Retirement Share' option, go to SYSTEM/MODULES and click on  and then click on 'Click here to refresh page'. Turning this Module on will also turn on the 'Employer Retirement Share Submission' option under USAS Integration.

To Exclude or Include Employer Distribution Accounts, go to SYSTEM/Configuration and select 

  • To include only Employer Distribution accounts, check the box  
  • To include all (Employer Distribution and Non Employer Distribution)  Accounts, leave unchecked .+

Reports/Employer Retirement Share 

Employer Retirement Share distributes the board's retirement share by allocating amounts to non-general (non-001) fund accounts at a flat 14% rate of the current payroll items paid. Any remaining amount is then allocated to the general fund (001) accounts by prorating to each account based on the current payroll items paid. Employer Retirement will not create accounts if they don't exist. It will use USPS Mapping for the accounts. The object codes are used from the payroll item configuration and mapping. 

The distribution amounts given in the State Foundation distribution are entered into the 'STRS and SERS Amount to Distribute' fields. Based on the amounts entered, the report then gathers the payroll items data for the current processing month by looking at the Payroll Items paid on the following pertinent salary accounts:


If the Object Code used to pay the employee cannot be matched, it will look at the employees 'live' Payroll accounts and find the first active account to charge. Example, employee paid using account 001-1100-115-0000-000000-000-00-000, Employer Retirement Share won't be able to use this account since it's an Object Code of 115 for a Certified employee. it will then look at the next Active Payroll Account for the employee, 467-1930-113-9120-000000-000-00-000 will be charged. 

If an employee's account used during payroll was marked as 'No" for Employer Distribution and the Employer Retirement Share option "Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts' was marked as 'Yes', it will then look at the employees 1st Active position pay account that was paid on and for an account that is marked as Yes to "Employer Distribution" and use this account.

Certificated object codes:

  • 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, and 139

Non-Certificated object codes

  • 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 169, 170, 171, 172, 179, and 190

The 2XX Object codes for retirement benefits MUST be defined on the Payroll Item Configuration record in order for the appropriate accounts to be charged. See Payroll Item Configuration for complete setup instructions.

**NOTE** If the employer rate is blank in the 400 and 450 records and was imported from Classic that way, the Employer Retirement Submission will not work.  The 400 and 450 records will need to be updated and one payroll has to be ran through Redesign in order for the Employer Retirement Share to be populated.

To create an Employer Retirement Share report for viewing, go to CORE/REPORTS/EMPLOYER RETIREMENT SHARE:

Report Options

  • The default report file name is Employer Retirement Share Distribution Report.  The text file name can be changed at the Report Title prompt.
  • Enter a Begin and End Date.-This field is mandatory. 
    • Begin Date - enter in the first payroll of the month pay date.
    • End Date - enter in the last payroll of the month pay date. This will ensure that the Employer Retirement Share for the entire month is processed. 
  • The STRS Amount to Distribute must be entered. (Zero or empty values may be entered if only processing for one retirement system).
  • The SERS Amount to Distribute must be entered. (Zero or empty values may be entered if only processing for one retirement system).
    • To calculate each detail line on Employer Retirement Report-- 

1. Subtract out the non 001 account funds (Original and prorated amounts because these are not prorated---same amount in both columns) from the Original TOTAL and Pro-rated TOTAL. 
2. Calculate pro-rated percentage = Total Pro-rated amount from step 1 divided by Total Original amount from step 1. Keep decimals (Redesign keeps up to 10 places after decimal point). I kept 5 places after decimal. 
3. Now take percentage from step 2 and multiply it by the original detail line amount and that should give you the pro-rated detail amount-Step 3.

    • STRS -  In my example the total original amount was $30,414.60 and the total Pro-rated amt was $35,000. There were two funds that didn't start with 001 and it totaled $1,231.04. 
      • 572 1270 210 9018 000000 000 00 000   $500.00
      • 439 1280 210 9018 000000 000 00 000   $731.04
      •                                                               $1,231.04

Step 1. $30,414.60 - $1231.94 = $29,183.56 
             $35,000.00 - $1231.04 = $33,768.96 
Step 2. $33,768.96 / $29,183.56 = 1.15712 
Step 3. 1.15712 x $140.00 = $161.9968 = $162.00 
             1.15712 x $71.51 = $82.7457 = $82.75 
             1.15712 x $205.93 = $238.2857 = $238.29 

  • Click on  to create the report.

Employer Retirement Share Distribution Report

Post to USAS

Go to USAS Integration

Employer Retirement Share Submission

To create a Submission Preview file:

  • Enter in Begin and End Dates -Begin Date-enter in the first payroll of the month pay date. End Date- enter in the last payroll of the month pay date. This will ensure that the Employer Retirement Share for the entire month is processed. 
  • The STRS Amount to Distribute must be entered. (Zero values may be entered if only processing for one retirement system).
  • The SERS Amount to Distribute must be entered. (Zero values may be entered if only processing for one retirement system).
  • Click on  to preview file

Once Submission file has been reviewed and ready to submit to USAS:

  • Click on to post to USAS

How Employer Retirement Share is calculated?

Click here for a printable document. 

Corrections to Employer Share of Retirement File in USAS

Once submitted from USPS-R to USAS-R, the Employer Distributions Submission and Employer Retirement Share Submission can be found on the Transaction menu under Pending Transactions. When the pending transaction is posted, a purchase order is created. The accounts or amounts on the purchase order can be updated if needed. The transaction will then need to be invoiced and posted to create a disbursement. Any adjustments in what was expended to those accounts after the disbursement is created would be processed through the 'Distributions/Error Corrections' option under the 'Transaction' menu._
 * _[Pending Transactions#CorrectionstoEmployerDistributionsfile

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