2024-05-21 Timesheets Focus Group


May 21, 2024


  • @Marc Davis

  • @Justin Kleinknecht

  • @Andrea Boehm

  • @Lori Nye

  • @Michelle Drewes

  • Darrin Hammock

  • @Vickie Browning Prowitt

  • @Tonya Chase

  • @Brian Stidham

  • @Greg Buddelmeyer

Goals and Completed Work

  • Timesheet Grid includes a grid total for hours worked and break time

  • Timesheet positions must have a supervisor

  • Timesheet Configuration added to determine if timesheets will be single or muti position

  • In Progress - Period and Timesheet automatic generation

  • In Progress - Timesheet Workflow

Discussion items

  • Who receives timesheet reminders?

  • For Start / Last Month

    • If Aug - Jun is the start / end month

      • What happens when we reach June 30?

      • Does it skip July and start marking new periods again in Aug?

  • Is it a requirement to support multiple periods?

  • Are timesheets ever automatically submitted to the approval workflow? Such as at the end of a period?

  • How does kiosk handle overtime for timesheets?

    • Is there a configuration for overtime?

  • What is a timesheet activity and is it a requirement?

    • Can we get by with just Regular and Exception?

  • What is a worksite in Kiosk timesheets and why is it important?

    • Is it just a build code?

    • Is it required?

  • Items from the floor?

  • Schedule next meeting.

Action items

 Schedule the next meeting for June 4th @ 10:30am