ITC Overview Training and Materials


March 5, 2024 - March 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:30am daily








The attached document includes the agenda for the ITC Overview (train-the-trainer) 3-day session.

USPS Overview Agenda


The attached powerpoint presentation includes the latest version of USPS.  You may save this presentation and customize it for training purposes and demonstrations.

USPS Overview Powerpoint

User Manual

The user manual provides the most up-to-date documentation on USPS.  An appendix is provided at the end of the manual containing various USPS-related checklists and useful procedures.

USPS User Manual

USPS Appendix

Recorded Training

SSDT Overview Training is provided in three (approx. 1.5 hour) sessions. The full video for each day can be accessed here. For links to specific topics in each session please see below.

USPS Day 1
USPS Day 2
USPS Day 3

Each day's recording is broken down into chapters that are listed in the first column below, allowing you to quickly navigate to a specific section of the video to review a particular process.

Day 1 - Preparing for Payroll

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Pre - Beginning the Payroll 

Areas to verify before beginning a payroll.

  • Account Syncing

  • Verifying the posting Period

Payroll Additions/Changes:

Process involved to process any additions, changes and/or exceptions before beginning a payroll.


Ways to balance the payroll before beginning a payroll.

Day 2 - Payroll Process

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Start Payroll Processing

Starts a payroll and allows for Additions to be added

Exceptions after initializing payroll

Displays all records included in the current payroll. Enter in Exceptions after Payroll has been Initialized.

Attendance/Absence Import

Allows data obtained from third party software to be imported into USPS-R

SSDT Attendance Journal Entry

Detail report of Attendance/Absence for Payroll 

Pre-Posting Payroll Reports

Posting the Payroll

Posting Payroll

Post Payroll Options

Includes ability to unpost the payroll, process payments and email notices to employees

Day 3 - After the Payroll Process

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording



Follow up Information from Day 2

Retirement Reporting

Review of retirement and new hire reporting to STRS and SERS.

ODJFS New Hire Reporting

Review of new hire reporting to ODJFS.


Review of AFFORD program.

Processing Employer Paid Benefits

Review of the process involved to process employer paid benefits.

ACH & HSA Processing

Process involved to create an ACH or HSA direct deposit file.

Processing Payables

Process involved to create payable reports and payments.

Processing Employee Benefits

Process to post employee benefits.


March 12, 2024 - March 14, 2024

9:00am daily








The attached document includes the agenda for the ITC Overview (train-the-trainer) 3-day session.

USAS Overview Agenda.docx


The attached powerpoint presentation includes the latest version of USAS.  You may save this presentation and customize it for training purposes and demonstrations.

USAS Overview Powerpoint

User Manual

The user manual provides the most up-to-date documentation on USAS.  An appendix is provided at the end of the manual containing various USAS-related checklists and useful procedures.

USAS User Manual

USAS Appendix

Recorded Training

SSDT Overview Training is provided in three (approx. 1.5 hour) sessions. The full video for each day can be accessed here. For links to specific topics in each session please see below.

USAS Day 1
USAS Day 2
USAS Day 3

Each day's recording is broken down into chapters that are listed in the first column below, allowing you to quickly navigate to a specific section of the video to review a particular process

Day 1 - Managing Accounts

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Account Codes & Structure

Review of Account Code dimensions and where they can be found. How different account levels work together. Creating and editing Accounts.

Account Summary/Reports

Review of what each total amount on the account view represents. Examples of Cash Summary, Appropriation Summary, Budget Summary, Revenue Summary reports.

Account Maintenance

Process of making modifications to account totals via Budget Adjustments, Transfers/Advances, and Distribution/Error Corrections.

Day 2 - Expenditure Process

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Expenditure Process

Brief explanation of the steps involved

Requisition processing, reports and related options

Review of the functions and options in USAS regarding the request to order goods and/or services with a Requisition.

Purchase Orders

Review of creating and maintaining purchase orders and their functions in USAS.  A  PO has the official signature authorizing that the goods/services have the funds encumbered for payment to be made later to the vendor.  

AP Invoice processing, reports and related options

Review entering and processing Invoices that are used to prepare payment on a purchase order.


Review of the Payable grid for invoices that have been created but not yet disbursed with a check.  

Disbursement processing, reports and related options

Review of creating disbursements, assigning check numbers and generating the disbursement print file. 

Day 3 - Receipt Process

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Review of receipt functions including the functions for Creating, Printing, Editing, Deleting, Viewing, Cloning, Reversing receipts & Reductions of Expenditures in USAS.

Import Spreadsheets

Review of importing Receipts and Reductions of Expenditures via spreadsheet.  


Review receipt and reduction of expenditure related reports


Review of the Refund and Refund with Checks processes

Accounts Receivable

Overview of the Accounts Receivable menu options and related reports


April 9, 2024 - April 11, 2024

9:00am - 10:30am daily








The attached document includes the agenda for the ITC Overview (train-the-trainer) 3-day session.

Inventory Agenda


The attached powerpoint presentation includes the latest version of Inventory.  You may save this presentation and customize it for training purposes and demonstrations.

Inventory Overview Powerpoint

User Manual

The user manual provides the most up-to-date documentation on Inventory.  An appendix is provided at the end of the manual containing various Inventory-related checklists and useful procedures.

Inventory User Manual

Inventory Appendix

Recorded Training

SSDT Overview Training is provided in three (approx. 1.5 hour) sessions. The full video for each day can be accessed here. For links to specific topics in each session please see below.

Inventory Day 1 Inventory Day 2
Inventory Day 3

Each day's recording is broken down into chapters that are listed in the first column below, allowing you to quickly navigate to a specific section of the video to review a particular process

Day 1 - Transaction Processing

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Core Menu

Process involved in creating and maintaining Core Codes, Configuration menu and Fiscal Years grid in Inventory. 

Transactions Menu

Process involved in creating new transactions as well as additional options involved in each transaction processing program.

Day 2 - Reports

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


GAAP Reports Overview

Review of the Inventory fields involved in GAAP reports, an explanation of the content in each report and well as how to balance GAAP reports to each other and some non-GAAP reports.

Non-GAAP Reports Overview

Overview of the non-GAAP reports including detailed explanation of the Audit and Book Value reports as well as the FYE Reports Bundle

Day 3 - Depreciation

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Depreciation Calculations 

Fields involved in calculating and tracking depreciation

Depreciation Methods

Review of the depreciation methods available in the software.

Depreciation Options

Review the options available to depreciate an item.  Includes the Items grid 'depreciate' option and creating a depreciation adjustment when editing an existing item. 

Non-Migrated District

Included are the steps for a district starting new in inventory