USPS Overview Training and Materials

USPS Overview Training and Materials

Most Recent Overview Training: March 5, 2024 - March 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:30am daily








USPS Overview Agenda

The attached document includes the agenda for the ITC Overview (train-the-trainer) 3-day session.


USPS Overview Powerpoint

The attached powerpoint presentation includes the latest version of USPS.  You may save this presentation and customize it for training purposes and demonstrations.

User Manual

USPS User Manual

USPS Appendix

The user manual provides the most up-to-date documentation on USPS.  An appendix is provided at the end of the manual containing various USPS-related checklists and useful procedures.

Recorded Training

USPS Day 1
USPS Day 2
USPS Day 3

SSDT Overview Training is provided in three (approx. 1.5 hour) sessions. The full video for each day can be accessed here. For links to specific topics in each session please see below.

 The complete recording of each day is listed above. For ease of navigation, we have also divided each day’s recording into chapters below, allowing you to quickly access specific sections and review particular processes.

Day 1 - Preparing for Payroll

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Pre - Beginning the Payroll 

Areas to verify before beginning a payroll.

  • Account Syncing

  • Verifying the posting Period

Payroll Additions/Changes:

Process involved to process any additions, changes and/or exceptions before beginning a payroll.


Ways to balance the payroll before beginning a payroll.


Day 2 - Payroll Process

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording


Start Payroll Processing

Starts a payroll and allows for Additions to be added

Exceptions after initializing payroll

Displays all records included in the current payroll. Enter in Exceptions after Payroll has been Initialized.

Attendance/Absence Import

Allows data obtained from third party software to be imported into USPS-R

SSDT Attendance Journal Entry

Detail report of Attendance/Absence for Payroll 

Pre-Posting Payroll Reports

Posting the Payroll

Posting Payroll

Post Payroll Options

Includes ability to unpost the payroll, process payments and email notices to employees


Day 3 - After the Payroll Process

Topic/Link to Recording


Topic/Link to Recording



Follow up Information from Day 2

Retirement Reporting

Review of retirement and new hire reporting to STRS and SERS.

ODJFS New Hire Reporting

Review of new hire reporting to ODJFS.


Review of AFFORD program.

Processing Employer Paid Benefits

Review of the process involved to process employer paid benefits.

ACH & HSA Processing

Process involved to create an ACH or HSA direct deposit file.

Processing Payables

Process involved to create payable reports and payments.

Processing Employee Benefits

Process to post employee benefits.

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