

The conflicts option of SCR  will display all students submitted by your district that are involved in a conflict with another entity.   Any district linked to the conflict will also be able to see the student even if the district did not submit any data for the student.  The ability to view these students may be removed when the conflicts are resolved. 

When data is submitted to SCR and that data is loaded for viewing, rules will be run against the data checking for enrollment conflicts. If any conflicts are found, these are recorded and districts are notified on their Landing Page.  As new data is submitted, for conflicts identified and then resolved, the records may move to new columns on the landing page.


As data is imported into the application, a set of enrollment related rules are ran against the data.  These rules are defined by DEW.  Questions concerning these rules should be submitted to DEW through your ITC support staff.  These rules will generate the conflicts as seen in this application.

The possible conflict codes are

  • WTIC - Withdrawn to IRN conflict; District is reporting a withdrawn to IRN of a district that is not reporting a matching Admitted from IRN; informational, does not impact funding for a student

  • WTNY - Withdrawn to IRN conflict for next year; District is reporting a withdrawn to IRN of a district that is not reporting a matching Admitted from IRN in either the current year or next year; informational, does not impact funding for a student

  • EPCT - Exceeded percent of time for student; students total percent of time exceeds 100%; critical, does impact funding for a student

  • AFIC - Admitted from IRN conflict; District is reporting an Admitted from IRN of a district that is not reporting a matching Withdrawn to IRN; informational, does not impact funding

  • AFPY - Admitted from IRN conflict prior year; District is reporting an Admitted from IRN of a district that is not reporting a matching Withdrawn to IRN; informational, does not impact funding

  • STIC - Sent to IRN conflict; SSID is not found in submitted data from the sent to IRN, where the sending district is the received from IRN

  • RFIC - Received from IRN conflict; SSID is not found in submitted data from the received from IRN, where the receiving district is the sent to IRN


The WTIC, WTNY, AFIC and AFPY conflict codes are informational and indicates a data mismatch.  These conflict codes do not impact funding for a student. The district seeing the WTIC, WTNY, AFIC and AFPY conflict, can notify the other district involved as needed.   The other district will not see this as a WTIC, WTNY, AFIC and AFPY conflict.  Instead the other district will find the student in their data as a Mismatch/Not reported record using the FIND function.


Districts will have the ability to use the various Find options for the conflicts.   Selections by name, SSID, and Gender are at the student level.  The user may select a combination of options.  If the Clear is not used, when the user returns to the same screen, their last used selection options will be populated as the default.  The Clear option may be used to reset the selections back to the default values.  Exclude Inactive will be selected by default. 

When first accessing the SCR Conflicts page, there will be no students listed.  The user is required to enter any find options they desire and click on Find in order to populate the summary listing. 

Conflict Status options

  • Blank - All records

  • New With Issues - Records submitted since n days ago or since last login with enrollment conflicts

  • Open With Issues - Records with enrollment conflicts regardless of age

  • Issues with New Comments - Records with new comments posted since n days ago or since last login

  • Resolved - Records that once had a conflict, that no longer have a conflict

When selecting any of the Conflict Status options which contain New, an additional input field will appear allowing the user to specify the number of Days Since New. Enter a numeric value in this field that signifies the number of days to count backwards to, from the current date, for a staring point in the lookup.  For example, if the current date is March 15th and you wish to see all records which are new since March 1st, enter 15 in the Days Since New field.  If a value is not entered in the Days Since New field, the users last login date will be used to determine which records are new.

The find by Claim Date Between requires a range of claim dates be entered.   If the To date is left blank, 6/30 of the school year selected will be used. 

Conflict Code allows for selection of students that are affected by a specific conflict.

Records may also be filtered by Conflict Age.  Age is based upon the date the conflict was created, conflict start date.  Options available are

  • Blank - All records

  • 20 days or less

  • 21 to 40 days

  • Over 40 days

Conflict IRN will filter the data down to only those students for which the conflict is with the Agency/IRN selected.

Exclude Inactive check box allows a district to eliminate resolved/inactive conflicts from appearing in the Summary listing. This is selected by default.

Exclude Hidden check box prevents conflicts that were marked as hidden by the district from appearing in the Summary listing.

Claimed By My IRN check box allows a district to only display conflicts that were claimed by that district IRN.

Exclude Claimed and Not Reported check box allows the district to exclude conflicts for students that they have claimed thru SCM but have not yet reported thru SCR.  This would be those conflicts that show with the person icon  in the Claims column.

The query box is collapsible using the icon in the lower left corner of the query box.  The icon acts as a toggle allowing the box to be collapsed and expanded as desired.

Using the Clear link resets all of the query filters to their default values. 


Using the Export button, the user has the ability to export all data for the students included in the current Find selections. The data fields included in the export include all elements for a student including the conflict or mismatch detail. From the File Output Format drop down, select TAB delimited or comma separated (CSV) format.  The resulting output file may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet.  When importing a TAB delimited or CSV file into a spreadsheet, be certain to select the appropriate delimiter.

SCR Conflict Summary

This screen illustrates how an enrollment conflict might appear.   In this example, the  represents a missing enrollment.  Your district has reported a student pointing to another district and the other district has yet to report the student.  Depending on the situation, the student name may not be included in the summary listing.  If the student name is available to view, it will display in the side-by-side conflict detail grid. 

By clicking on the conflict icon or the conflict code link, you will be taken to another page with the details about the data being reported listed in a grid format. 

Columns in the grid whose headings are blue and contain  are sortable.  The column heading acts as a toggle allowing the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking on the column heading.  

Detail of Conflict

To view the detail of the conflict, click on the conflict icon or conflict code link from the summary listing.

The conflict itself is listed at the top, with its code.  The Conflict Effective Dates indicate when the conflict was first identified.  When the conflict is closed by a new data submission, an end date will be added.  The details included will change depending on the conflict situation that is identified.  Users and select the printer icon  in the upper left corner if printing is desired.  The Return to Summary button will take the user back to the conflict summary listing. 



Each conflict can have comments posted on it.  A conflict must be present in order for a comment to be posted.  The comments are linked to the conflict.   These comments are viewable from all entities involved in the conflict, ITC and DEW personnel. 


When clicking on the Add Comment button a pop-up box will appear.

Adding comments will cause the student to move to a new column on the landing page.

Once saved, comments entered are immediately visible at the top of the conflict display screen. Comments can not be changed or deleted once they have been saved.

All comments are marked shared by default. Shared comments can be seen by anyone with access to the students data through SCR. By unchecking the shared box, the comment can be seen only by users within the commenter's agency.

The individual's name who posted the comment is a hyperlink to display contact information for the LEA/individual. Clicking on the hyperlink will result in a popup window containing contact information similar to the following

Hidden/Not Hidden Conflicts

When reviewing conflicts, districts have the ability to Hide them.   This functionality may be useful if the conflict in question has been evaluated and can be ignored.   Within the conflict detail screen, clicking on the Hide button will set this conflict to a hidden status.  The hide button is located in the upper portion of the conflict pop-up screen, above the Comments area.  When a conflict is hidden, it is hidden for all users within that LEA, not just for the user who elected to click on the Hide button.  Anyone with comment access or higher to SCR has the ability to Hide/Unhide conflicts.

There is no mass application of the Hidden status, each conflict must be evaluated and marked.

A conflict may be unhidden after it has been marked hidden.  When a record is hidden, there will be an Unhide button in the Conflict details page.

With the status set to Hidden, the district may then exclude these in the query options by marking the Exclude Hidden selection box. 

When using the All count hyperlink from the Landing Page, the Exclude Hidden check box is unmarked allowing all conflicts, regardless if they are hidden or not, to be included in the Summary listing.  When using the Not Hidden count hyperlink from the Landing page, the Exclude Hidden check box is marked preventing any conflicts that have been marked as hidden from being included in the Summary listing. 

If new data is submitted for an SCR record that is marked as Hidden, the record is changed to Not Hidden automatically and will require a re-evaluation of any remaining conflict if the district wishes to Hide it again.

Resolved Conflicts

As conflicts for a student are resolved with a new data submission, the conflict icon will change to green, strike through text formatting will be added and the student will move to the Resolved column on the landing page.

If desired, the district can click on the  to view details on the student as last reported by both entities.  The cause of the conflict will not be visible on this grid.  The source of the conflict is stored within the applications as part of the audit update records.  The audit records can be reviewed if desired. Using the Exclude Inactive checkbox of the query filters, the user may prevent the resolved conflicts from being included in the Summary listing.

Student Detail

By clicking on the SSID link from the summary listing, a popup view of the reported student information will appear.

Audit Entries

When new data is submitted to Student Cross Reference, if a change to an element is detected, the records will display with a blue triangle icon in the conflict grid next to the Reporting Agency name.  By clicking on this icon, users open up the the details on the old and new values for elements reported for this student. 

Claimed By My IRN Student

If a conflict has the person icon  in the 'Claims' column, this indicates that the student has been claimed by the selected district. 

If the person icon is clicked, the user will be directed to a claim detail page such as this.

Claimed by Other IRN Student

If a conflict has the unreported student icon  in the Claims column, this indicates that the student has been claimed by another entity but that entity has not yet reported the student through SCR.

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