CNDC Module

CNDC Module

The Child Nutrition Direct Certification (CNDC) module can be used by both public and non-public entities (includes all National School Lunch Program participants that do not report their student enrollment data into EMIS) to completed Direct Certifications for students receiving free or reduced meal benefits as eligible through the National School Lunch Program.  

Students receiving benefits from ODJFS or Medicaid are included in the matching certification process.  A student may also qualify for free or reduced benefits with reported values indicating foster placement, homeless or migrant status.

Users wishing to use the CNDC module, must be granted the proper OEDS roles. Information on the OEDS Roles may be found here.

Users may gain access to the CNDC module within ODDEX by using the CNDC link on the navigation bar or by clicking on one of the blue hyperlinks within the landing page.  See Landing Page for details on its use.


The options  available from the CNDC  drop down will vary depending on the user's OEDS roles.

Each of these CNDC menu options will be discussed in their own pages.

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