AP Invoices

AP Invoices

An invoice prepares the PO items for payment.  An invoice is created after a billing/invoice statement is received from a vendor. AP Invoice allows a user to partially fill, completely fill or cancel any invoiceable  (open) line items on a purchase order. Once the invoice has been posted, the purchase order is no longer considered "new" and has an updated status. As invoice items are filled, they will appear in the Payables grid.

Create an AP Invoice

There are three different ways to create an invoice.

From the Purchase Order Grid

  1. From the Transaction menu, select 'Purchase Orders'.  Query for the PO.
  2. Click the Invoice icon  or view the PO and then click on Invoice

From the AP Invoices Grid

  1. From the Transaction menu select 'AP Invoices'.
  2. Click Create 
  3. Enter the PO number and click Create.

From the View page of an existing Invoice

  1. From The Transaction menu select 'AP Invoices'
  2. Click the View  icon to open an existing invoice
  3. Enter the PO number and click Create.

    This option will also be available when saving an invoice which will allow users to enter multiple invoices in a row. If the PO associated with the previously saved invoice is still Invoiceable status, then the PO number will populate in the "Enter PO" field. If the PO associated with the previously saved invoice is no longer Invoiceable, the field will not automatically populate a PO number.

    1. Invoice #: Required field that must be manually entered. This field will allow for a maximum 15 alpha and numeric characters.  
    2. PO #: Will automatically populate with the Purchase Order number. Cannot be modified.
    3. Date: The invoice date will default to the current date. This date will be used as the transaction date when calculating totals. If you want to enter the date from the physical invoice, you can enter it in the 'date' as long as the corresponding period is an open period.  (For example, if February is open and current and you have an invoice from January, January must be an open period).  If previous periods aren't open and you don't wish to re-open them, you can use the 'vendor's invoice date' to enter the date from the physical invoice.  NOTE: If the invoice date and/or the vendor's invoice date is before the PO date, the user will receive a warning stating the dates on the invoice comes before the date of the PO.
    4. Vendor: Will automatically populate with the vendor from the Purchase Order unless a Multivendor PO is being invoiced. A vendor can not be changed when invoicing unless it is a non-specific vendor purchase order and in that case a vendor must be specified before posting.
    5. Vendor Invoice Date: Additional field for date tracking. If entering the date from the physical invoice, it can be entered in this field if the date is associated with a previous period that is no longer open. NOTE: If the invoice date and/or the vendor's invoice date is before the PO date, the user will receive a warning stating the dates on the invoice comes before the date of the PO. 
    6. Payment Due: Additional field for date tracking. Stores the desired payment due date.
    7. Created Date: Will automatically populate the current date. Cannot be modified.
    8. Amounts: When an amount is entered for an item, the Invoice Total field will update when the user tabs to the next field. If the Item Status field is changed to Cancel_Full or Cancel_Partial the amount will then show in the Cancelled Total field instead. These fields update real time as items are entered to allow verification of totals prior to clicking 'Save.'
    9. Items:
      1. Items check marked can be automatically filled or cancelled for the remaining encumbered amount.  Items may also be filled manually by tabbing between the amount and status fields.
      2. All Items from the Purchase Order will show prior to saving an Invoice. Items that have already been filled will not be available to edit.
      3. Each Item shows the following:
        1. Line Number: The Line number from the Purchase Order
        2. Quantity: Quantity entered on the Purchase Order
        3. Original: The original Purchase Order line item amount
        4. Remaining: The remaining Invoiceable line item amount
        5. Payable: The amount filled (invoiced) already on the line item
        6. Description: Description entered on the Purchase Order.
        7. Amount: Field to enter the amount being invoiced.
        8. Item Status: Indicates the status of that line item. Full, Partial, Cancel_Full, Cancel_Partial
        9. Check Number: Not used when creating an invoice. This field will automatically populate with the check number after the payable is posted and a disbursement is created.
        10. Received: The received date on the line item of the invoice will default to the invoice date if left blank.  A received date can be manually entered if desired.
        11. Account: The account selected on the Purchase Order
        12. Inventory Item: Used to indicate if the line item is an Inventory Item. See the More Information section below for additional details

Click on Save  to post the invoice to the system.  Click on Cancel to cancel out of the invoice without posting.

Search/View AP Invoices

The AP Invoices grid allows you to search for existing invoices by clicking in the filter row in the grid columns and entering in the desired information. By default, the AP Invoices grid sorts by Purchase Order Number then Date (even if those columns do not appear on the grid). Click on  to generate a quick report based on what you filtered.  Click on any row of the search results to see a highlight view of the record.

Cick the view icon  to view a particular Invoice.

Once the Invoice has been posted and the disbursement has been assigned a check number, the Check Number field on the AP Invoice transaction will populate with that check number.

Edit AP Invoices

Invoices that are currently at a status of 'filled' or 'canceled' and are in an open posting period may be edited. 

  1. Search for desired Invoice
  2. Click on the edit icon  for the invoice
  3. Make desired changes
  4. Click on Save to post the invoice to the system, click on Cancel to not post the modified invoice and return to the AP Invoice grid.

There are some restrictions on modifying invoices.

FieldCannot be changed if... 

Invoice number

  • any items on the invoice have been posted to disbursements
  • any items on the invoice are cancelled items related to a voided check.
  • any items on the invoice have been posted to disbursements
  • all items on the invoice are cancelled
Payment Due Date
  • any items on the invoice have been posted to disbursements
  • all items on the invoice are cancelled
Item Description
  • the item has been posted to disbursements
  • it is a cancelled item related to a voided check

Delete AP Invoices

The Delete function may be used to delete an invoice in an open posting period that does not have any payments made against it.

  1. Search for desired invoice
  2. Click on the Delete icon 
  3. Confirm you want to delete Yes or No

Re-open a completely-paid/completely-invoiced Purchase Order Item

You are able to restore the invoiceable status of POs in case a correction or additional invoicing needs to be made to a completely paid or completely fillled PO item.  

  1. Search for the desired invoice
  2. Click the view icon 
  3. An 'Action' column is  displayed next to each PO item.  

4. Click on  to change the status of a completely paid item to partially paid or to change the status of a completely filled item to partially filled.

This option is only available for Full status items. The action will not be available for items with a status of Cancel Full.

Close a partially paid/partially-invoiced Purchase Order Item

You are able to cancel outstanding purchase order charges in cases where you have no further invoices against the PO charges or they were originally marked as partial but were really full. 

  1. Search for the desired invoice
  2. Click the view icon 
  3. An 'Action' column is  displayed next to each PO item.  

4. Click on  to change the status of a partially paid item to completely paid or to change the status from a partially filled item to completely filled. 

This option is only available for Partial status items. The action will not be available for items with a status of Cancel Partial.

Import AP Invoices

The Import AP Invoices option may be used to import AP invoices from a spreadsheet (CSV format).   Please refer to the AP Invoice Import Criteria for further details on the CSV file format.  We've also provided a template spreadsheet for districts to use.  Any rules pertaining to invoices will also be applied when importing invoices.  The USAS_Standard role will be able to utilize the Import function.

  1. From the Transaction menu select "AP Invoices."
  2. To import a CSV file, click on .
  3. Click on "Choose File", browse for the file (.CSV) and click "Open" or select the file by double-clicking on the file name.
  4. The selected filename will be visible to verify the system is ready to Load the proper file.


5. Click on "Load" to process the chosen file and post the transactions.     


6. A message box will appear showing the number of Records Loaded and the Number of Errors.  

7. An output file named “USASLOADERR.CSV” will be created containing the number of records loaded or records with errors.  Possible import errors can be found in the Appendix under USAS Error Messages

a. If there are records that did not load, the file will contain only those records that did not load successfully and will provide error messages explaining why.  

b. If there were no errors, the file will say "No errors. Records loaded: #" where # is the number of records successfully loaded.

8. If an error occurs, open the output CSV file, make the necessary corrections, and re-import the corrected output file. 

AP Invoice Import Criteria

For your convenience, please use the template spreadsheet containing the correct headings.   The field names are not case sensitive and do not need to be in a specific order.  Please note, the fields specified below as "Required field" are the only fields that must appear in the spreadsheet.  All other fields are optional. 

Since CSV files use the comma character to separate columns, data fields that contain commas will be wrapped with double quotation marks when imported into the Redesign. For example, if Helmets, Jr High was entered on the CSV file for the AP Invoice Item Description, it will import as “Helmets, Jr High" 





Invoice Number

Maximum of 15 alpha or numeric characters.

Required field.  Enter an invoice # or if left blank, the system will auto assign. Hyphens/special characters are acceptable.


Acceptable formats as used in UI can utilize '/' slashes or '-' hyphens or numbers only (no delimiter).  


Enter invoice date or if left blank, the system will default to current date.

PO Number

An integer with a maximum of 8 digits

Required field.  This is the number of the PO being invoiced.  Must be an existing Purchase Order in system.

Item Number

PO item number  

Required field.  Enter the PO line item number to be invoiced.  Must match the charge number being invoiced.

Vendor Number

An integer with a maximum of 8 digits

Required field.   Must match PO vendor.  However, if you're invoicing a multi vendor PO, the vendor number must be a valid, active vendor number.  


Must be a number. Cannot use symbols ($) or commas (,) 

Required field  If a whole number is used, a decimal is not needed to be entered.  i.e. 16 can be entered for 16.00






Required field.  Indicates the status of the line number.  Not case sensitive.

Vendor Invoice Date

Acceptable formats as used in UI can utilize '/' slashes or '-' hyphens or numbers only (no delimiter).  


Optional: Additional field for date tracking.  If the optional rules are turned on, this field will populate automatically when the invoice is posted.

Payment Due

Acceptable formats as used in UI can utilize '/' slashes or '-' hyphens or numbers only (no delimiter).  


Additional field for date tracking.  Stores the desired payment due date.


Maximum length 3000

If left blank, it will populate with the original PO item description.  Enter a value if you wish to replace the description associated with the PO item.


Acceptable formats as used in UI can utilize '/' slashes or '-' hyphens or numbers only (no delimiter).  

The received date on the line item of the invoice will default to the invoice date if left blank.  A received date can be manually entered if desired.  If the optional rules are turned on, this field will populate automatically when the invoice is posted.
Reference NumberMust be a number.Required field if Invoicing a PO Split Item. Detailed number for each item being charged an account number.  This will always match the Item Number unless it is a split item. Need to add Field to CSV import file.
Full Account CodeMust be formatted with the hyphen as the delimiter as in the UI.  (i.e. 001-2421-512-0000-000000-000-00-000)Required field if Invoicing a PO Split Item.  The Account used must be an expenditure account.  Need to add Field to CSV import file.
Unit PriceMust be a number. Cannot use $.  Required field if Invoicing a PO Split Item. Dollar amount per unit for the items being ordered.  Enter dollars, decimal point and cents only.  Need to add Field to CSV import file.
QuantityNumber up to Max = 99999.999Required field if Invoicing a PO Split Item.  Number of items to be ordered.  Need to add Field to CSV import file.
Charge QuantityNumber up to Max = 99999.999Required field if Invoicing a PO Split Item.  Quantity for item being charged. Need to add Field to CSV import file.
Charge Unit PriceNumber up to Max = 999999999999999.9999 Required field if Invoicing a PO Split Item.  Unit Price of item being charged. Need to add Field to CSV import file.

More Information

Individual user AP Invoice processing is controlled by a variety of variables, such as User account where the Account Filter and Role are defined for each user, Rules, etc.  By default, the vendor used on the invoice must be active, and a warning will be generated if the vendor does not have a default check address.  These rules may be disabled or customized to meet the district's needs; see rules org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceVendorActive and org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceVendorDefaultCheckAddress.

EIS Classic Integration

When the EIS Classic Integration module is installed and the 'Automatic' check box is checked in the EIS Configuration, invoice items with a 6xx level object code will automatically be flagged as an 'inventory item' during invoice processing. Depending on the size of the browser window, users may need to scroll to the right to see this field.

When the EIS Classic Integration module is installed but the 'Automatic' check box is not checked in the EIS Configuration, the EIS box will not be checked automatically.  If automatically filling an item, the EIS flag will be checked.  Otherwise, the user must check it manually. 

Ways to determine if invoiced items are marked for inventory

  • If you want to generate a spreadsheet of invoiced items that have been marked for inventory, the SSDT Inventory Pending Items report definition may be downloaded and then imported into the USAS Report Manager. When generating, you have the option of entering a starting invoice or received date.  It will generate an Excel formatted spreadsheet containing invoiced items inclusive of the starting date that are currently marked for inventory, along with their current inventory status.  Please refer to the 'Communication between USAS and Inventory' in Inventory's Pending Items chapter for more details on what causes the Inventory Status to change.  

  • The Advanced Query in AP Invoice is another option.  Please refer to the image below on how to perform an advanced query to determine if there are invoiced items currently marked for inventory in USAS.  If it doesn't return any results, please ensure the EIS Classic Integration module has been installed and the EIS Classic Integration Configuration has been set up for the pending threshold (these processes are part of the USAS Post Import steps).  Any invoiced items that did not get marked for inventory will need to be added manually as an item via Transactions>Items or mass-added via System>Import. 

Third Party Software

The EIS Classic Integration Configuration setup is specific to flagging items when invoiced via USAS. Districts invoicing through a third party application should check with their third party to see if there is additional setup needed to flag invoice items for inventory.