Post Import Procedures

Redesign Technical Setup and Migration Guide is available in an effort to consolidate the various pieces of our documentation relevant to setting up a new school on USXS-R.

Important Note

Please be aware, this is a living document that is updated as needed, so please review each step carefully as it's likely something has been added or modified since your last visit.

SSDT strongly recommends ITCs run test imports on their district's data two months before the dual-processing period. When running a test import, please review the Balancing Reports listed below to ensure account and transaction totals are correct.

Application Setup

There are a few processes that need to be setup and verified after the USAS data has been imported.

  • Review the Classic Import Log for errors. This log can be found in the application under System > Monitor > on the Admin Log tab. The summary at the bottom will show the number of records loaded and any errors encountered.  Those errors will be detailed below the summary.  In addition to the summary it is imperative that you scroll up and review the entire log for Exceptions.  If you encounter an exception you may need to contact SSDT to assist in troubleshooting. For more information on possible exceptions see the USAS-R Common Import Errors and Warnings page.
  • Review the Application Health. This can be found by opening the Messages by clicking (plus) on the Notification tab at the top right of the screen. For any import related job that does not have a status of "COMPLETED" the Application Health will be set to a warning and the following message will be visible: "There was a problem during the post import process; not all jobs completed successfully. Check the import log for errors." If you see this message, review the import log (from the server) for errors and check the System/Monitor Status tab to review jobs that FAILED.
    • If the Application Health is not OK, you'll want to take a look at the following jobs displayed on the Status tab of the System/Monitor menu option.  If any of these jobs have a failed status, you'll want to create a support ticket and reach out to SSDT for assistance.
      • Activity Ledger Jobs (3)
        Encumbrance Ledger Job
        Vendor Ledger Generated Job
        Import Post Process Job
        Expenditure Module Init Job
        GL Journal Entry Module Init Job
        Payable Module Init Job
        Revenue Module Init Job
  • Review the Activity Ledger grid.  If you see a warning that states the data may be incomplete, do not proceed to balancing step until this is resolved.
  • Go to System/Modules to install the following modules:
    • Classic Requisition Approval Module: must be installed if they use Onbase 
    • EIS Classic Integration Module: must be installed if they want to flag invoiced items for inventory extraction
    • Email Notification Services: must be installed if they want to send reports via email using the Job scheduler or Report Bundles.
    • File Transfer Notification Services: must be installed if they use RAM.
    • USPS Integration Module: must be installed in order to post USPS-R payroll, Board Retirement and Board Share of Distribution files into USAS-R
    • User-Based Balance Checking module: must be installed if district wants to control, per user, the ability to allow posting to negative balances on budget and appropriation accounts. For districts adding User Based Balance Checking that involves pre-encumbered (requisition) amounts, the Pre-Encumbrance module must also be installed.
    • Windows Active Directory Service Authentication: must be installed if they would like to use Active Directory
  • Go to System/Configuration
    • Classic Migration Configuration: Verify the 'Fiscal Year Closed' date and time from Classic's USASDAT/USACON.  This is the date and time Classic's ADJUST program was run when closing the fiscal year prior to extracting the district's data.  
    • EIS Classic Integration Configuration: If the district is currently using Classic's EIS (Equipment Inventory System), verify the 'Pending Threshold' amount from Classic and the 'Automatic' checkbox value.  The box should be checked to automatically update the pending file for 6xx object codes or left unchecked to prompt the user for both 5xx and 6xx object codes.  
    • EMIS SOAP Service Configuration: Enter the fiscal year the district will be reporting for the next Period H submission.  This is required before running the EMIS extract option under the Extracts menu.
    • Transaction Configuration: Specify the highest transaction number used instead of the system using the highest number retrieved from the database.  This will be helpful in eliminating gaps in transaction numbers.
  • Go to Core/Posting Periods:  Review the grid of posting periods.  Make sure there are no irregular future periods. (i.e. 2006 keyed in error as 2060)  If there are future periods that should not be there, you'll need to query the activity ledger for that time period and find the associated transaction(s).  You will want to clean up these dates to be accurate in Classic.  A posting period will get created for all transaction dates, so reviewing these is important.  Also make sure all archived posting periods are full, meaning all 12 months exist, and make sure all archived posting periods are closed post import.  If not, please reach out to SSDT via a support ticket and report your findings.
  • Go to Transaction/Payables:  Review the Payables grid to make sure there are no outstanding old/bogus payables.  These will need to be cleaned up in Classic prior to proceeding.
  • Go to Core/Delivery Addresses: By default, all delivery addresses imported from Classic are inactive.  Check mark the 'Active' box to activate a delivery address.
  • Go to Core/Organization: Review the Organization Detail information from Classic - district Name, address, ID numbers. Update as needed. The Central Office Square Footage should be added. ITC IRN is optional.
  • Go to Periodic/Spending Plan: If the district has entered SM1 Estimates into Classic, these figures are not contained in the SSWAT Extract and will need to be manually entered into the Redesign Spending Plan grid under the Periodic Menu.
  • Go to Transaction/Transfers/Advances: Link legacy repay transactions to the appropriate advance. Click here for details on this process.
  • Go to Utilities/File Import: The Classic MonthlyCD reports can be imported to the File Archive in USAS-R via the File Import option. Click here to navigate to the File Import documentation page.
  • Go to Utlitities/Account Filters: Review account filters to ensure they imported as expected. Review for invalid characters.

Data Cleanup

Once your data has been imported successfully into the Redesign, the following balancing reports need to be run in both Classic and Redesign and compared for accuracy. 

Carry Over Encumbrances

Don't be surprised if you notice a few differences, especially with the Carryover Encumbrances. 

See the Differences in Carry Over Encumbrances page for more information on locating possible differences.

Start by running the SSDT Classic Carry Over Reconciliation Report for a summary of the differences between Classic and Redesign. This difference will impact the Account Summary reports (Cash, Budget, Appropriation Summary) report totals for Prior Year Encumbrance and FYTD Expendable. When reviewing the differences on this report consider whether they are positive or negative amounts to narrow down which of the possible situations may be causing the difference (see grid at the top of the Differences in Carry Over Encumbrances wiki page). The SSDT Post Import Closed Purchase Orders with Remaining Balance can be run to compare to the SSDT Classic Carry Over Reconciliation Report in order to locate possible differences due to Partial Invoices dated after Full Invoices. 

SSDT Classic Carry Over Reconciliation ReportThis report summarizes the differences between Classic's imported carryover encumbrances and the Redesign's calculated amount. The adjustments are derived by taking the carryover encumbrance imported from Classic, calculating the carryover encumbrance according to the Redesign's more correct calculations, and finding the difference between the two amounts.
SSDT Post Import Closed Purchase Orders with Remaining Balance

This report shows POs with a remaining balance that are marked as NOT Invoiceable. This can happen if the Purchase Order is associated with a Partial invoice dated after a Full Invoice. If the PO/Invoices are dated in a prior year then this can cause a difference with the Carry Over Encumbrances. This report is sorted by Cash Account then Full Account code so that it can easily be compared to the Classic Carry Over Reconciliation Report. See the Differences in Carry Over Encumbrances documentation page for how to correct POs in this situation.

This could also indicate that the Purchase Orders have been Invoiced but not yet posted to disbursements (review Payables grid). If this is the case, an adjustment is not necessary. The remaining encumbrance amount on the Purchase Order will be cleared when the Payable is posted. To assist with balancing, a report from the Payables grid can be run to balance the filled total.

SSDT Impact on Encumbrance ReportIf you run the report for a particular PO, you will see all associated transactions that had an impact on the original encumbrance for that PO. Please keep in mind, this will NOT list every transaction associated with the PO, only those that had an impact on encumbrance. For example, creating an invoice that partially fills a charge for less than the total amount does NOT impact encumbrance. However, partially filling an item for more than the original charge amount DOES impact encumbrance, increasing it by the difference of the original charge and the invoiced amount.

Invoiceable Purchase Orders

Check for Invoiceable Purchase Orders with a $0.00 Remaining Encumbrance. In some situations, third party software applications have been able to update the Classic Purchase Order status to "Completely Paid" even though all associated invoices are "Partial" status. Redesign requires a "Full" transaction in order to consider the Purchase Order to be no longer Invoiceable so the Purchase Order status in Redesign will show a Invoiceable causing it to be inconsistent with Classic reports. There are a couple different ways to locate these transactions. Once located, these transactions should be closed to match the Classic status.

To locate these transactions on the Purchase Order grid:

  • Navigate to Transaction > Purchase Order
  • Using the "More" option add columns for Invoiceable and Total Remaining Encumbrance (under Amounts) to the grid
  • Filter Invoiceable "true"
  • Filter Total Remaining Encumbrance "=0"

For a Report of Invoiceable Purchase Orders with a $0.00 Remaining Encumbrance.

SSDT Post Import Outstanding Purchase Orders with Zero BalanceThis report shows PO line items with a no remaining balance that are marked as Invoiceable. 


Review the list of Purchase Orders from the grid/report that are Invoiceable with no remaining encumbrance amount. Look up the Purchase Order in Classic USAS or USASweb and compare the status. If the purchase order is still open in Classic then no action is needed. If the Purchase Order status is "Completely Paid" in Classic then proceed with the fix below.

If the most recent Partial Invoice is in a posting period that is not archived, the period can be opened and then the status can be changed from "Partial" to "Full" when viewing the invoice. 

If the most recent Invoice is in an archived posting period, create a Cancel_Full invoice for $0.00 to make the purchase order not invoiceable.


At minimum, the following reports in both Classic and the Redesign should be run to check totals and ensure all of your amounts balance.  




APPSUMSSDT Appropriation SummaryWhen your run these reports, if your Carryover Encumbrances do not match you will want to run a Budget Summary report to narrow it down to the Budget that was impacted. You'll also want to run the SSDT Carry Over Reconciliation Report, see explanation below.
ARRPT ReportsAccounts Receivable ReportsIf the entity actively used ARF and their Classic ARF data was imported, please click here for a listing of the balancing reports in both Classic and Redesign that should be run to check AR totals and ensure all amounts and transactions balance.
BUDSUMSSDT Budget SummaryCompare the totals on the Budget Summary Report report to Classic's BUDSUM figures.
BUDLEDSSDT Budget Account Activity ReportCompare the totals on the Budget Account Activity report to the totals on Classic's BUDLED. You can run it for the current month and/or the current year on both systems to make sure everything is in balance.
FINDETSSDT Financial Detail ReportCompare the expended and received totals on the Financial Detail to the totals on Classic's FINDET report. You can run it for the current month and/or the current year on both systems to make sure everything is in balance.  If you also compare encumbered amounts, you'll want to take into consideration Classic's FINDET includes all prior year plus current year outstanding encumbrances.  Redesign's Financial Detail report, when  entering a date range for the FY, only includes the outstanding encumbrances for the current FY.  
FINSUMMSSDT Cash Summary ReportCompare the totals on the Cash Summary report to the totals on Classic's FINSUMM.
REVSUMSSDT Revenue SummaryCompare the totals on the Revenue Summary report to Classic's REVSUM.
REVLEDSSDT Revenue Account Activity ReportCompare the totals on the Revenue Account Activity report to the totals on Classic's REVLED. You can run it for the current month and/or the current year on both systems to make sure everything is in balance.
PODETLSSDT Purchase Order Detail Report

If you run this report for outstanding purchase orders, you'll want to take into consideration that the Redesign does not consider purchase order amounts that have been invoiced to be outstanding. You will need to compare an outstanding Classic report to an outstanding Purchase Order Detail Report and includes invoices from the Payables UI. You can run a report from the Payables grid to get a total of filled invoices and add it to your Purchase Order Detail Report in the redesign to equal the amount you see on Classic's PODETL.

The PO Total on the report is the original PO amount. 'Adjusted' in classic is taking into consideration any cancelled amounts. Currently, PO cancelled amount is not included in the Redesign so when comparing against the PO adjusted in classic, you have to take the PO original amount minus cancelled PO amounts.

INVLST (outstanding)SSDT Outstanding Invoices by Vendor NameCompare the totals on the Outstanding Invoices Report to an Outstanding INVLST in Classic to ensure any outstanding payables are valid and in balance.
CHEKPYSSDT Disbursement SummaryYou can run reports for all checks and/or outstanding checks. If you want to run a report for outstanding checks, select 'outstanding' on the Disbursement Summary report and compare the figures to Classic's outstanding CHEKPY. Classic includes transfer checks.. redesign doesn't. Reconcile memo checks.
REQSUMSSDT Requisition Summary ReportYou can run both reports for outstanding requisition amounts. If the amounts do not balance (and Redesign amount is higher), there may be requisitions appearing in the Redesign as outstanding when they are considered closed in Classic. This is caused by closed (converted) requisitions in Classic where the associated PO is no longer on file in Classic (i.e. PO was deleted). In this case, the requisition will be imported with 'converted' equals false (outstanding requisition) and if the requisitions amount are being tracked, the amounts will be included on the accounts. If these requisitions should not be included in the import, please delete the requisitions in Classic before doing a live import of the district's data.
SM2SM2 Spending Plan SummaryIf the districts runs the SM2 on a monthly basis, compare the SM2 Spending Plan Summary to Classic's SM2M from the SM12 program to compare totals. NOTE: Classic's SM2M will not calculate encumbrances totals if run for more than one month.
VENLSTSSDT Vendor ListingCompare YTD totals on the Vendor Listing to Classic's VENLST YTD totals.