USAS Error Messages

USAS Error Messages


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Below is a list of the more common error messages you may see in the USAS application. This is not an exhaustive list of all possible messages, but it does address the most common ones, gives an explanation of what they mean and gives the user additional context on how to determine if further action is required.   When you encounter any of these errors and need to submit a Help Desk ticket to SSDT, please click on  under the error message to display the details of the error (stack trace) to attach to the ticket.   

Stack Trace example:

The following lists is made up of common errors seen in USAS; this is not an exhaustive list of all possible errors.


Excessive query cost detected.  Please add additional filters to your query.  

This error happens when the grid is unable to handle filtering through a large amount of data. For transactions, the total amount fields are calculated by adding item totals so when you filter on the total amount, it has to sort through all item totals for every transaction. You can add additional filters to the query to narrow down the data that requires filtering. For example, you can narrow down the date range for the current month or fiscal year. If you are unable to add additional filters to the grid, try using a report to look up the information.   


This error generally means that there is information missing or the system cannot make a connection to certain info based on the information it has. 

Internal error:   Please notify the administrator.  Take note of any unsaved data, and click here or press ESC to continue.

If the user gets this error, they should make note of the time this occurred and contact their ITC.  Administrative users can go into System>Monitor and check the Events tab 'Recent Repository Events' for events related to this time frame.  The 'App Log' tab may also be used to locate error details if applicable.  

Error evaluating constraint 'account.isActiveOn($dist.date) == false' in []

This error occurs when the account is not able to be found on the object. Review account related fields to ensure they are populated. 


Error - XXX is not a valid fund code

This error occurs when the fund is not defined in the Auditor of State manual.  See the Uniform School Accounting System User Manual on www.OhioAuditor.gov for a current list of valid funds.   


Error - Duplicate key (number)=(REQ####) already exists.

This error happens when the Requisition number has already been assigned.  Enter a new Requisition number or let the Requisition number auto assign.  If you are using auto assign for your Requisition numbers, review the transaction configuration under System>Configuration.  

Error - Unable to create Requisition with date MM/DD/YYYY, (month fiscal year) posting period is closed.

This error occurs when creating a Requisition with a Requisition date in a closed posting period. Use a date in an open posting period or open the posting period to proceed.

Error - Unable to Update Requisition with date MM/DD/YYYY, (month fiscal year) posting period is closed.

This error occurs when editing a Requisition with a Requisition date in a closed posting period. Open the posting period to edit.

Error - Unable to Delete Requisition with date MM/DD/YYYY, (month fiscal year) posting period is closed.

This error occurs when editing a Requisition with a Requisition date in a closed posting period. Open the posting period to edit.  This error will not occur in requisitions that were imported but never converted.

Error - Unable to update Requisition date, the original posting period (month fiscal year) is closed.

This error occurs when editing a Requisition with an original Requisition date in a closed posting period. Even if the user changes the date to a date in an open posting period, they will still receive this error based on the original transaction date. Open the posting period to edit.

Severe - For input string: ""

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

This error occurs when the there is an issue with the Requisition Prefix. Sometimes this error contains a Requisition number in the "". Check the user's Requisition Prefix settings in System > Users. If the error indicates a different series, try adding an additional character to the Prefix. Example: If the current Prefix ABC is causing an error, try changing to ABC0. 

Purchase Orders

Error - Duplicate Key (number)=(PO#####) already exists. 

This error happens when the Purchase Order number has already been assigned.  By entering a new PO number, this error will be removed.  If you are using auto assign for your purchase orders and receive this message, review the transaction configuration under System>Configuration.  

It is possible to also receive this error under Pending Transactions when posting Employer Distributions or Employer Retirement Share transactions since a purchase order is being created when they are posted.  

Error - Unable to create Purchase Order with date MM/DD/YYYY, (month fiscal year) posting period is closed.

This error occurs when creating a Purchase Order with a Purchase Order date in a closed posting period. Use a date in an open posting period or open the posting period to proceed.

Error - Purchase Order is not modifiable from Rule 'cannot update purchase order if model indicates it is not modifiable'

This error occurs when the purchase order cannot be amended or modified.  The PO can become unmodifiable when items are cancelled, items are invoiced or if the period is closed.


Error - Please enter a valid Invoice Number!

This error occurs when the Invoice # is left blank. Enter an Invoice number to proceed.

Error - Unable to create Invoice with date MM/DD/YYYY, (month fiscal year) posting period is closed.

This error occurs when creating an Invoice with an Invoice date in a closed posting period. Use a date in an open posting period or open the posting period to proceed.

Error - Invoice# (INV####), item# # amount must equal remaining amount of $XXX.XX when status is Cancel Full

This error occurs when creating an invoice with a Cancel_Full status with an amount that does not equal the remaining encumbrance for the line item. Update the amount to match the remaining encumbrance for the line item or change the status to Cancel_Partial.

Error - Invoice and PO vendors do not match

This error occurs when the vendor is updated on the invoice for a purchase order that is not a multi-vendor. Vendors can only be selected/changed if the "Multi-vendor" flag is checked on the Purchase Order transaction. In order for the flag to be checked, the vendor must be left blank on the Purchase Order. If the Purchase Order has not yet been paid on and is in an open posting period, edit to remove the Vendor to make a Multi-vendor transaction. If the Purchase Order has been paid on, it must be invoiced to the same vendor or cancelled and a new Purchase Order created with the correct vendor.

ERROR: value too long for type character varying(15)

This error occurs when Importing AP Invoices using a CSV file with an invoice number longer than the limit of 15 characters.  An invoice number should be entered with a maximum of 15 alpha or numeric characters to be imported without the error.

Error creating bean with name 'invoiceView': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.util.NoSuchElementException: Cannot access first() element from an empty List

This occurs when attempting to invoice a PO that was amended to have no line items. In order to close the PO:

  • Amend the PO to add a line item back. The line item can be for $0.00 but it will need to have an account attached.
  • Invoice to cancel_full the line item - any invoices, including cancel invoices do need to have a vendor attached.

Error: Invoice and PO vendors do not match from Rule 'invoice vendor matches po when not multivendor in org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice

This error occurs when Importing AP Invoices using a CSV file with the AP Invoice vendor number different than the Purchase Order vendor number.  The Invoice vendor number should match the PO vendor number.  If invoicing a multi vendor PO, the vendor number must be a valid, active vendor number.

Unhandled Date Format for 'MDDYYYY' 

This error occurs when Importing AP invoices with an invoice date in an unacceptable format.  The date should utilize a format of mmddyyyy with slashes, hypens or numbers only or left blank to default to current date.

No enum constant org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.constants.InvoiceItemStatus.F

This error occurs when Importing AP Invoices using a CSV file containing an Invoice Item Status marked F (for Full status) instead of the correct format.  Enter the required format of Full for the file to import successfully.  Status' is not case sensitive. 

No enum constant org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.constants.InvoiceItemStatus.CANCEL

This error occurs when Importing AP Invoices using a CSV file containing an Invoice Item Status marked CANCEL instead of the correct format.  Enter the required format of either Cancel_Full or Cancel_partial for the file to import successfully.  Status' is not case sensitive. 

No enum constant org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.constants.InvoiceItemStatus.CANCEL FULL 

This error occurs when Importing AP Invoices using a CSV file containing an Invoice Item Status marked CANCEL FULL instead of the correct format.  Enter the required format of Cancel_Full for the file to import successfully.  Status' is not case sensitive. 


Error: Payable not found!   

This error occurs when converting Payables over the maximum line items a disbursement is configured often occurring on payroll disbursements.  Under System>Configuration>Disbursement, the check box "Use Overflow Stubs" should be checked at the bottom of the configuration pop up box to allow the disbursement to process all line items.   

Error -  Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1

This error occurs when the associated record cannot be found or accessed. This could happen if the Invoice is being edited in another window of the software. Alternatively, this may happen if the Invoice was added/edited by a third party application within a short time frame of when attempting to post the Payable in USAS. If this is the case, it may be a timing issue and the user should allow additional time before attempting to post again.


Error - Not all check numbers in that range are available.  Please check numbers on file and select a new starting number.  

This error occurs when one or more check numbers in the range have already been used.  Users are not be able to issue disbursements with a duplicate check number. A different starting check number should be selected or a small range can be printed.   

Error - Voiding Disbursement ##### failed.  Errors:  Void Date is prior to Check ###### transaction date.

This error occurs when the void date is prior to the original Check date that the user is voiding.  Updating the Void date to be after the original check date will remove this error. 


Error - Invalid Account Type for Item Type: rx

This error occurs when the transaction on CSV file was coded for a RX/Reduction of Expenditure but has an invalid account code for an expenditure account.


Severe cannot get property 'defaultCheckLocation' on null object.

This error occurs when the user checks the "Create New" feature when posting a refund with a check.  Currently after creating a refund with a check, the old check info is not being cleared out which causes the error.  SSDT is working to correct this.  For now, users should avoid using the create new option for refund checks and utilize the "clone" option where possible.


Error - Required target account XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX-XXX does not exist

Error - Required source account XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXX-XXX-XX-XXX does not exist

This error occurs when the accounts for a Repay of Advance do not exist. Add the accounts shown in the error to Core > Accounts.

NOTE: The accounts used for the repay are automatically selected based on the original accounts used for the advance. Discrepancies my occur if different OPUs are used for the debit and credit accounts so it is recommended to use the same OPU in both account codes.


Error - User attempted to upload a report definition for the wrong application

This error occurs when attempting to import a USPS report definition into USAS. Only report definitions for USAS can be imported to the Report Manager.

Job Scheduler 

org.quartz.JobExecutionException: org.ssdt_ohio.model.exception.UnexpectedException: 

This error occurs when there is an exception processing the job.    Go to System > Configuration > Email configuration to make sure the SMTP host, port, and email address are accurate. 


Table$CacheUpdateException: Error during Table cache update.

This error occurs when there is invalid information entered for a vendor. Look through full stack trace to see if it indicates "input string" later in the error message. This may indicate what specific vendor information is causing the error. It is common to see this error when updating vendors that have the phone number entered with periods instead of hyphens (ex. 800.555.1234 instead of 800-555-1234). If this is the case, update the phone number to remove the periods.

javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException: Validation failed for classes

ConstraintViolationImpl{interpolatedMessage='invalid postal code'

This error occurs if the zip code entered into the vendor address is not in the appropriate format. Zip codes can either have 5 characters or 9 characters (ex. XXXXX or XXXXX-XXXX) per the standard US Postal Service format.

Error - Unable to merge Vendor #### into Vendor ####.  Vendor #### has merged vendors.

This error occurs when attempting to merge a Vendor into the Primary Vendor that already has merged vendors attached to the (primary) vendor record.

Error - Unable to merge Vendor ####.  Tax Id Type SSN does not match primary Vendor Tax Id Type null.  TIN ######### does not match primary Vendor TIN.

This error occurs when the vendor being merged has a Tax ID Type marked SSN with a Tax ID# entered, but the primary vendor record has no Tax Id Type or Tax ID# filled in.  The Tax Id Type and Id# must match in order to merge vendors.

Error - Unable to merge Vendor ####.  Vendor has outstanding transactions.

This error occurs when attempting to merge a Vendor with open transactions.  All transactions must be completed prior to the merge in order for the merge to complete successfully.  This includes any purchase orders partially paid or open.


Error - Account X or its parent account is not active. Check the active flags and start/stop dates on related accounts.

This error can occur on transactions related to each type of account (Distribution, Receipt, Invoice, Refund, Inter Fund Cash Transaction). Review active flags and start/stop dates on Core > Accounts page.

Severe - Error creating bean with name 'homeView' defined in URL

This error occurs when a USPS-R report definition is uploaded into USAS.  To correct this, a user with Administrator access will need to delete the erroneous report definition.  


This error occurs when USPS integration is unable to connect as expected.  Review USPS integration>Security Configuration to confirm the Remote Application ID and Remote API Key are populated with the appropriate information from USPS-R.

Error - Expenditure xxx-2214-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxx-xx-xxx not created: 2214 is not a valid function code.

This error message occurs when an account is not added using the Mass Add option available from the Cash Account.  The message will provide the user the accounts that could not be created and the reason why.  

Severe - Cannot access last() element from an empty list

This error message occurs when creating a report from a grid with the username in the first column.  Moving the username column will correct this error until the Jira issue is fixed.

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