USPS-R 6.15.0 Release Notes


Jun 5, 2020 


Getting issues...

Build Date

2020-06-04 01:49:37


This release of USPS-R contains bug fixes, improvements, performance enhancements and new features. See highlights below.

Important highlights from this release

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug in payroll post that was not stamping the pay date on Attendances correctly in all cases

    • Fixed a bug in the SSDT Account History v2 template report that was preventing specific pay accounts from displaying

    • Fixed a bug that preventing outstanding payables from posting if a column filter was used and payables were paid by payee

    • Fixed a bug in the classic import that was incorrectly archiving employees with invalid emails

  • Improvements

    • Added Electronic Payment flag to Outstanding Payable grids

    • Allow Payroll Item Configurations to be reportable from the grid

    • Add multiple enhancements to the Job Calendar Report

      • Page Break Options

      • Exclude archived options

      • Include calendars with no days

      • Include all days of the entered date range, even if no day codes exist

    • Changed leave balance report column lengths

    • Suppressed Compensation warnings from firing during payroll post

    • Added patch to correct wrong imported pay date for a specific district

    • Added patch to set all null electronic payment flags on Payee to false

    • Fixed slow query during payroll modify / update

  • Performance Enhancements

    • Improve the performance of STRS Advance Fiscal Year to Date Report

      • 55% improvement

    • Improve the performance of STRS Advance Positions Report

      • 38% improvement

    • Improve the performance of STRS Non-Advance Positions Report

      • 58% improvement

    • Improve the performance of STRS Report and Submission

      • 59% improvement

    • Improve the performance of Payroll Post via database indexes

      • Two indexes were added to two slow queries

      • 80% improvement to payroll post run times

  • New Features

    • Added new HSA ACH Report

    • Added ability to 'lock in' pay per period when activating new contracts

    • Added STRS Advance Configuration Values to Organization view

  • Internal

    • Archived old patches to prevent runs on demo instances

All updates for this release

key summary type status resolution