Check STRS Advance
Check STRS Advance
Report showing employee STRS Advance payments.
Field Definitions
- The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
- Enter Start and End Dates
- Start Date that is inclusive of the pay periods payroll ending date (stop date) of the first July pay
- End Date that is inclusive of the pay periods payroll ending date (stop date) of the last advance pay (usually an August date)
- Sort By - From the drop-down option, choose the way you want the report to be sorted
- Employee Name (Default Option)
- Employee SSN
- Report Format
- PDF (download)
- Excel
Click on