2024-04-16 Timesheets Focus Group


Apr 16, 2024


  • @Marc Davis

  • @Justin Kleinknecht

  • @Andy Hoiles

  • @Matt Calmes

  • @Pat Zelei

  • @Mary Adams

  • @Andrea Boehm

  • @Lori Nye

  • @Michelle Drewes

  • Darrin Hammock

  • @Tonya Chase

  • @Brian Stidham

  • @Greg Buddelmeyer

  • @Vickie Browning Prowitt


  • Demo Timesheet Line Item Grid changes

  • Discuss timesheet improvements and new features

Discussion items

  • Should timesheets be multi-position, single position, or configurable per district?

  • Timesheet Positions / Shifts

    • How do you want to assign shifts for positions?

    • Should a shift be required to enter a timesheet?

    • How do we know which positions get a timesheet?

      • Can we base this on who is assigned to a shift?

      • All active positions?

      • A new property in USPS on the Position?

        • Timesheet Position checkbox? This value could flow into ESS

    • Should the system provide a default ‘Flex Shift’?

  • Period and Timesheet Generation

    • Brainstorm ideas on auto-generation of timesheets

    • How often does this job run?

    • How far in advance should timesheets be generated?

    • Do we need the ability for a timesheet manager to create individual timesheets by period for a given employee?

    • Will an employee ever create a timesheet?

  • Should the Timesheet Extract / USPS Posting include the rate of pay? (unit amount from the position / compensation in USPS)

  • Items from the floor?

  • Schedule next meeting.

Action items

 Schedule the next meeting for April 30 @ 10:30am