01-29-2020 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article

      • Topics for today's meeting:

        • Suggestions for upcoming newsletter articles?  Any suggestions on what should be covered?  Volunteers to write articles?

        • Other suggestions?


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • Topics for today's meeting

      • USXS-R manuals




        • Created a FAQ section in each manual.. would like your input

        • Other Suggestions?


  • ITCs: Created a new Training Registration website for ITC Fiscal Support Staff

  • ITCs: Added additional Fridays with Fiscal sessions through end April 2020

  • ITCs:  Redesign In-Depth Basics training in March

  • OASBO Hot Topics Seminar February 5th.  SSDT doing 1 hour session on Reports 

  • OASBO session submitted and approved for Annual Conference.  Will be doing an hour session on 4/23.

  • Still a possibility we will be reaching out to ITCs regarding regional training this year.  Hoping to start late spring

Next SDT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 25th at 9:30.