Quarter Report
If an employee makes over $200,000, the employee gets taxed more on the wages over $200,000.00, but the employer does not. Under 941 section, the QTD Employees' Medicare Contributions will be more than the QTD Employer's Medicare Contributions.
Quarter Report
The Quarter Report program generates a report of quarter-to-date figures for employees and provides information necessary to complete the IRS Form 941 Quarterly statement.
The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Medicare Pickup
Quarter Report per Employee
Quarter Report will now show the Employer Pickup or Employee Contribution for Medicare per employee:
Quarter Report Deduction Items Summary
The Deduction Items Summary will now show the breakdown of the 692 Employee Contribution and Employer Pickup for Medicare
Quarter Report Form 941
Form 941 totals will show QTD Employees' and QTD Employer's Medicare Contributions with the Pickup amount added in:
$145,901.19 + $1,284.22 (Picked up by board) = $147,185.41
Totals Summary - Difference in Adjusted Gross
The new info message 'Calculated Adjusted Gross Different than Total Adjusted Gross From Federal Records' was only added to QTD and YTD Total columns and not FTD column. This is due to newly imported districts, that this column would not show the correct calculation since Classic did not have FTD fields on some of the Deductions and Redesign now does. This will be implemented after all districts are on redesign for a year.
Calculated Adjusted Gross = Total Gross - Total Annuities + Non-Cash Earnings
Total Adjusted Gross is taken from the totals on employees' Federal tax records
A difference could be from Adjustment Journals and/or NC1 and NC3 added AFTER last payroll using Adjustments
Look for Payroll Items Start and Stop dates that have been changed to the New Year before completing Quarter report balancing. Changing dates too soon, the quarter report will then ignore those payroll items paid in the previous year.
The Difference in Adjusted Gross and CALCULATED ADJUSTED GROSS DIFFERENT THAN TOTAL ADJUSTED GROSS FROM FEDERAL RECORDS *** lines will not appear if there is no difference in Adjusted Gross.
Deceased Employees adjustments to Total Gross to 001 Federal:
Sample Quarter Report
Deductions Items Summary
Deduction Name uses the payroll Item configuration abbreviation. If the payroll item configuration is blank, it will use the W2 abbreviation.
DED column uses the Payroll Item Configuration code.
QTD Total used Payroll History and any Adjustments
YTD Total used Payroll History and any Adjustments
FTD Total used Payroll History and any Adjustments
QTD Taxable used Payroll History and any Adjustments
YTD Taxable used Payroll History and any Adjustments
Totals Summary Breakdown
QTD and YTD Total
Total Gross = Total gross of each Position paid (does not include NC payments, add in using the Non-Cash Earnings amount)
Total Annuities = Total Payroll Items and adjustments Journals
Non-Cash Earnings = Life Insurance (NC1)
Total Adjusted Gross = Sum of Adjusted Gross Totals of historical federal pay items
Adjusted Gross Total = Sum of Applicable Gross type Journals + Sum of Applicable Gross of historical pay items
Calculated Adjusted Gross = Total Gross - Total Annuities + Non-Cash Earnings
Total Employees - Total employees paid in the Fiscal Year
- Using the second quarter report would give districts the total employees paid in the fiscal year since it is the last quarter of the fiscal year.
Total Employee Count Per 941 Instructions - This total is the total employee count per 941 instructions. This count is determined by adding all the employees who have a pay from the last month of the quarter covering the 12th of the month. This count is what is needed to fill out line 1 on the 941 form. However, if there is a pay lag and it causes the pay that covers this period to not be paid until the next quarter, this count will be zero on QRTRPT.
If a payroll lag is causing the 941 counts on QRTRPT to be zero; one option is to pull the employee count from PAYRPT when the payroll covering the 12th of the last month is processed.
Total Employee Paid in Quarter - Is informational and contain the total number of employees paid in the quarter. It is not used for 941 reporting.
- The count includes any employee that has a:
- Core>Adjustment for an active pay item in that QTD range
- any employee paid in the QTD range
- one or more position QTD Gross is > 0
- The count includes any employee that has a:
Total Employee Reportable for ODJFS - to get this we first determine if the ODJFS reportable employee was paid in the quarter. This is done by searching the history to find the payrolls the employee was in that have pay dates in the quarter. We then use the period beginning and ending dates of the payrolls to determine if a payroll they were paid in included the 12th of the given month. If it did, then they are flagged as being paid in that month. Also, check Pay Group date ranges, these can be different for different Pay Groups. check Payroll Reports.
Balancing differences for Quarter Report
If Difference In Adjusted Gross, look for any NC1 adjustments entered AFTER last payroll of the year. Currently, refund of deductions or any voids from classic will not appear on the quarter report.
Deceased Employee
- The total gross on Quarter Report will be short compared to the total gross from the USAS checks processed for the payrolls, by the gross paid to the estate.
- Quarter Report will include this amount in the Total Gross but not in Applicable (Taxable) amount
- W2 Report will not include this amount since no Federal tax was withheld
- Earnings Register will include this in the employee's Total Gross
- Quarter Report and W2 report totals will not match
- Quarter Report pulls from Pay History and W2 pulls from Payroll items
If balancing YTD Totals using Earnings Register and Quarter report, any refund of deductions imported from Classic or any voids, these do not appear on the quarter report.
If comparing Classic Quarter Report to Redesign Quarter Report and are off, look for negatives in Classic Accumulators, these DO NOT import over from Classic.
If a check from Classic is Voided, Adjustments need to be made for every Applicable and Total Gross, Amounts withheld in order for Quarter Report to balance.
If a redesign check was created in one quarter and voided in another, the void will still process in the quarter that it was created. A 941X for the quarter the check was originally included in, should be filed.
Form 941 Breakdown
Line2) From Totals Summary, take the Calculated Adjusted Gross + Medicare Pickup by board in the Form 941 section = QTD Taxable Wages.
Lince 5C) From Totals Summary, take QTD Total Gross minus Section 125's and HSA's + Medicare Pick Up + Non-Cash Earnings = QTD Medicare Taxable Wages
Line 1) Total Employee Count Per 941 Instructions-This total is the total employee count per 941 instructions. This count is determined by adding all the employees who have a pay from the last month of the quarter covering the 12th of the month. This count is what is needed to fill out line 1 on the 941 form. However, if there is a pay lag and it causes the pay that covers this period to not be paid until the next quarter, this count will be zero on QRTRPT.
If a payroll lag is causing the 941 counts on QRTRPT to be zero; one option is to pull the employee count from PAYRPT when the payroll covering the 12th of the last month is processed.
Total Employees Paid in Quarter-Is informational and contain the total number of employees paid in the quarter. It is not used for 941 reporting.
- The count includes any employee that has a:
- Core>Adjustment for an active pay item in that QTD range
- any employee paid in the QTD range
- one or more position QTD Gross is > 0
- The count includes any employee that has a:
Line 2) QTD Taxable Wages = From Totals Summary, take the Calculated Adjusted Gross + Medicare Pickup by board in the Form 941 section
Line 3) QTD Federal Withholding:
Line 2) QTD Taxable Wages = Calculated Applicable Gross + Medicare Pick up add or subtract any adjustments to Applicable Gross
- By using Custom Report Creator, create a CSV using HistoricalPayrollItems and sort by 001 and the quarter payroll dates and total Applicable gross column. Add or subtract in any Applicable gross Adjustments made in the quarter for 001 Federal
- For example:
- Custom Report Creator CSV totals and Adjustments added (Classic checks Voided in Redesign will not show on Quarter report, Adjustments have to be created for each Payroll Item gross and amounts withheld):
- Adjustments:
- By using Custom Report Creator, create a CSV using HistoricalPayrollItems and sort by 001 and the quarter payroll dates and total Applicable gross column. Add or subtract in any Applicable gross Adjustments made in the quarter for 001 Federal
Line 3) QTD Federal Withholding:
- Custom Report Creator CSV Amount Withheld and Additional Withholding:
- Adjustments:
- Add or subtract any 001 Amount withhold Adjustments made if any
- Custom Report Creator CSV Amount Withheld and Additional Withholding:
Line 5C) QTD Medicare Taxable Wages = From Totals Summary, take QTD Total Gross minus Section 125's and HSA's + Medicare Pick Up + Non-Cash Earnings
- Adjustment Journals of Type Applicable Gross for Medicare Tax Items
Historical Payroll Item Applicable Gross for Medicare Tax Items (History)
Adjustment Journals of Type Life Insurance - If Medicare Taxable wages are off, double check each employee's Rate and Employer Rate to make sure they are correct:
- Regular Medicare employees
- 1.45% Employee Rate
- 1.45% Employer Rate
- Full Pickup Medicare employees
- 2.9% Employer Rate
- Regular Medicare employees
All totaled together = Line 5C) QTD Medicare Taxable Wages
- Custom Report Creator CSV Medicare Applicable Gross and add or subtract Adjustments made and Life Insurance added in Adjustments:
- Adjustments
- Custom Report Creator CSV Medicare Applicable Gross and add or subtract Adjustments made and Life Insurance added in Adjustments:
Line 5C) QTD Employees' Medicare Contributions:
- Total Withheld from Custom Report Creator add or subtract adjustments to withholding equals Line 5C) QTD Employees' Medicare Contributions minus picked up amount:
- Total Withheld from Custom Report Creator add or subtract adjustments to withholding equals Line 5C) QTD Employees' Medicare Contributions minus picked up amount:
Line 5C) Employer's Medicare Contributions:
- Total Employer withheld from Custom Report Creator add or subtract Adjustments equals Line 5C) Employer's Medicare Contributions:
- Adjustments entered for Amount Withheld and Board's Amount of Payroll item or Board's Pickup of Payroll Item for 692:
- Total Employer withheld from Custom Report Creator add or subtract Adjustments equals Line 5C) Employer's Medicare Contributions:
Line 5D) QTD Medicare Taxable Wages Subject To Additional Withholding
Line 13) Federal Withholding Deposits = Line 3) QTD Federal Withholding + Line 5A) QTD FICA Employees' + QTD Employer's FICA Contributions + Line 5C) QTD Employees' Medicare Contributions + Line 5C) QTD Employer's Medicare Contributions:
Users with Admin level privs can go to Utilities / Custom Grid Creator and select Historical Payroll Item. This will provide a grid of the history and they can filter, add columns, sort, etc