Inventory 1.11.0 Release Notes

Inventory 1.11.0 Release Notes


Mar 10, 2022 


Getting issues...


This release of the SSDT Inventory application contains the following bug fixes as detailed below.

Bug Fixes

  • The Item grid export will properly calculate the original life to date depreciation for an item and export it.  Previously the original life to date depreciation was not properly calculating for items that had been deleted and re-added.

  • The Disposition and Acquisition importers have been updated to no longer require the following fields:

    • Acquisition:  error_adjustment

    • Disposition:  authorized_by, amount_received, and error_adjustment 

  • The Brief Asset Listing was corrected to allow including disposition start and/or stop dates when generating.

  • The Item UI will now display both the category and number portions (in that order) of the location code. 

  • The Location Worksheet can now be run by a location number or category.

All updates for this release

key summary type status resolution