Wage Obligation By Employee

Wage Obligation By Employee

For legacy roles, The Wage Obligation reports (employee and account) needs USPS_STANDARD_WAGEOBLIGATION_REPORT granted.

They, also, must have USPS_STANDARD_EMPLOYEE_VIEW in order to run these reports.

If an employee has a Compensation that was not and will not be paid out within the fiscal year (left, retired, contract calculations incorrect, etc) and there appears to be accrued wages or earnings due on the position. If the employee should not be on the Wage Obligation by Employee report on the Compensation record change the Pays to match the Pays Paid.

This program generates a report listing the district's current accrued wage obligations by employee.

This report is created automatically when the Fiscal Year End has been closed (June Posting Period is closed) and will be found in the File Archive/YYYY Fiscal Year Reports. If trying to process the report at a later time if any contracts were added whose date range overlaps the 'as of' date, the report would be different than what was processed at Fiscal Year End. It also checks the current position job status for 'Active', so if any Positions are no longer active, it would change the report results and also pay accounts that were changed would affect the report as well.

The 'as of' date is used primarily to get the state of the Compensations as they were at that date, but it does not guarantee an identical report.

Current accrued wage obligations are monies that employees have earned, but have not yet been paid up through the payables date entered in the program. For stretch pay jobs this is the accrued wage amount. For non- stretch pay jobs this would be the number of workdays times the daily rate up through the payables date entered.

The program generates a report called Wage Obligation Report by Employee.

The program has the ability to optionally create spreadsheets. These spreadsheets can be used by any district, but may be particularly helpful to those districts on GAAP.

Wage Obligation By Employee calculation explanation

Accrued Wages

Accrued wages on the wage obligation reports is calculated as follows:

If the compensation contract days worked is >= the compensation contract work days OR if the work days remaining for the compensation plus contract days worked is equal to the contract work days, then accrued wages is compensation contract obligation - amount paid - amount docked

If neither of the above are true, then we determine the daily rate from the compensation and accrued wages is calculated as (days remaining in contract * compensation daily rate) + (compensation amount earned - amount paid - amount docked)

Accrued wages that is shown on the compensation detail is just earnings - amount paid - amount docked.  

This report was written based upon the classic USPS report calculations.

Contract Remaining

The Contract Remaining = Contract Obligation - Amount Paid.

Criteria to be included

  1. Wage Obligation initial query includes a compensation based on the following
    1. Legacy or Contract
    2. Position Job Status Active
    3. Contract Amount greater than 0
    4. Date Range start date before report as of date OR null
    5. Date Range stop date after report as of date OR null
    6. If include Position of Archived Employees = false
      1. Position → Employee archived must be false
      2. Position archived must be false
    7. If filtering by Employee, then search for only compensations that match the employee(s)
    8. If filtering by Pay Group, then search for only position that match the pay group(s)
    9. Appointment Type Options filter checks Appointment Type on position matches
  2. Wage Obligation Filtering
    1. if  (Compensation → Compensation Amounts → Pays Paid >= Compensation→ Pays In Contract)
      1. return false and filter
      2. else return true and include
    2. if (Compensation → Contract Work Days = 0 OR Compensation → Contract Work Days IS NULL)
      1. return false and filter
      2. else return true and include

If an employee has a Compensation that was not and will not be paid out within the fiscal year (left, retired, contract calculations incorrect, etc) and there appears to be accrued wages or earnings due on the position. If the employee should not be on the Wage Obligation by Employee report on the Compensation record change the Pays to match the Pays Paid.

Employee Wage Obligation Report

Field Definitions

  • The Save and Recall option , allows the users to create and save certain reports  for different report runs for each report option.  The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user.  If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report.  The Default reports cannot be deleted.  

  • The Format options are:
    • PDF (download)
    • Common Separated Values
  • Enter a Report as of date.  The default date will be the current day 

  • Enter a Date to calculate payables through.  The default is June 30 of the current fiscal year.   (This field cannot be left blank)

  • Select a Sort By option from the drop down box:
    • Employee Number 
    • Employee Name

  • Select an Appointment Type Option
    • Certificated
    • Classified
    • All Appointment Types

  • Check to Include Positions of archived Employees 

  • Select Pay Groups  or leave blank to select all

  • Select Employees  or leave blank to select all

  • When all options have been entered, click on 

Example of Employee Wage Obligation Report

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