Report Bundles
Report Bundles are used to automatically generate reports by the system to be listed under Utilities/File Archive/Payroll Archive or to set up single or multiple reports to be emailed to a user at any time.Â
Automatically Generated Report Bundles
The listed SSDT report bundles will automatically generate reports to the Utilities/File Archive/Payroll Archive when certain actions trigger the events. A list of Trigger Events can be found in File Archive#PayrollArchiveReportBundles
Viewing a Report Bundle
By viewing a report bundle, you can see the detail of what event triggers the reports and exactly what reports are created from this bundle and sent to the Payroll Archive. Click on  to view the specific Report Bundle:
Disable Report Bundles
Only Group Manager and Administrators are able to Enable and Disable Payroll Archive Bundles
A district has an option to disable report bundles so the reports will not be sent to File Archive. To disable a report bundle from going to File Archive, simply uncheck it:.
Report bundle is Enabled by having the box checked:
Report bundle is Disabled and will not create reports to go to the Payroll Archive by unchecking the box:
Payroll Archive
To view the reports, go to Utilities/File Archive/Payroll Archive. For more explanation, please go to File Archive#PayrollArchive
Job SchedulerÂ
A Report Bundle that was triggered, will then be listed under Utilities/Job Scheduler.Â
For more detail view of the report bundle, click anywhere on that line. It will show the information about the Job. The Job Result lists each report. The SSDT Report Bundles will be deleted out of the Job Scheduler the following morning:
Creating a Report Bundle
To Create a new Bundle of reports, click on  :
Field Definitions:
Enter a Report Bundle Name
A Description of the Report Bundles can be enteredÂ
Tags can be created by the user. Tags are user-defined words that mean something to the user to help categorize report definitions. For example, a tag could be 'YEAREND' or 'MONTHLY' reports. Then they can use these tags for several other reports , enabling them to search for them easily in the Grid.
To create a bundle of Reports, click on  under Select a Report to Add to the Bundle:
A list of Reports and Runnable Canned Reports
Report Name | Can be run interactively OR triggered by any Event OR by any Cron Expression | Can be run when triggered by this Event | This Event fires when the following actions are taken in the App |
SSDT Account History Report | |||
SSDT Account History Report v2 | |||
SSDT Adjustment Journal Mass Load Extract | |||
SSDT Attendance Journal Report | |||
SSDT Audit Report | |||
SSDT Audit Trail | |||
SSDT Auditable Events | |||
SSDT ACH Submission Report | AchSubmissionCreatedEvent | ACH or HSA ACH submission file is generated | |
SSDT AoS Employee Report | |||
SSDT AoS Payment Distribution Report | |||
SSDT AoS Payment History Report | |||
SSDT Authentication and Password Requirement Configuration Report | |||
SSDT Benefit Accrual Report | BenefitAccrualEvent | Benefit Accrual Actual Report is generated | |
SSDT Benefit Obligation Report by Account | YES# | ||
SSDT Benefit Obligation Report by Employee | YES# | ||
SSDT Birthday Report | |||
SSDT Budget Distribution Report | PayrollPostCompletedEvent | Payroll posting completes successfully. | |
SSDT Check Payment Detail | |||
SSDT Check STRS Advance Report | |||
SSDT Compensation Journal Adjustments Mass Load Extract | |||
SSDT Default Break-in Detection and Evasion Rule Report | |||
SSDT Downloaded File Backup | |||
SSDT Earnings Register | YES# | ||
SSDT Downloaded File Backup | |||
SSDT Employee Hired Report | |||
SSDT Employee Terminated Report | |||
SSDT Employee Master Report | YES# | ||
SSDT Employee Wages Report | |||
SSDT Employer Distributions Report | |||
SSDT Employer Retire Share Report | |||
SSDT Employer Retire Share Report | YES | EmployerRetireShareSubmissionEvent | Employer Retire Share is submitted to USAS |
SSDT Future Pay Amount Report | |||
SSDT INFOhio Patron Extract | |||
SSDT Leave Balance Report | YES# | ||
SSDT Leave Projection Report | YES | LeaveProjectionSubmissionEvent | Leave Projection is submitted to USAS |
SSDT New Contract Payroll Accounts | |||
SSDT New Contract Summary Report | |||
SSDT Non Contract Compensation Mass Load Extract | |||
SSDT ODJFS New Hire Report | YES* | OdjfsNewHireSubmissionCreatedEvent | ODJFS New Hire submission file is generated |
SSDT ODJFS Report | OdjfsSubmissionCreatedEvent | ODJFS submission file is generated | |
SSDT Outstanding Checks Report | |||
SSDT Part Time Sick Leave Accrual Report | PartTimeSickLeaveAccrualEvent | Part Time Sick Leave Accrual Actual Report is generated | |
SSDT Payables Detail Report SSDT Payables Payment Report SSDT Payables Summary Report SSDT Payables Payment Detail (Printed Checks) | PayablesPostedEvent | Outstanding Payables are Posted | |
SSDT Pay Amount Summary Report | PayrollPostCompletedEvent | Payroll posting completes successfully. | |
SSDT Payment Transaction Status Report | YES | ||
SSDT Payroll Account Report | |||
SSDT Payroll Account Distribution Detail Report | PayrollPostCompletedEvent | Payroll posting completes successfully. | |
SSDT Payroll Item Detail Report | PayrollPostCompletedEvent | Payroll posting completes successfully. | |
SSDT Payroll Item History Report | |||
SSDT Payroll Payment Detail (Printed Checks and Direct Deposit Notices) | YES++ | PayrollPaymentDetailEvent | Checks or Direct Deposit Notices are printed or XML generated, or Email Direct Deposit Notices are scheduled. |
SSDT Payroll Report | YES+ | PayrollPostCompletedEvent | Payroll posting completes successfully. |
SSDT Personal Leave to Pay Report | ConvertPersonalLeaveToPayEvent | Convert Personal Leave to Pay Actual Report is generated | |
SSDT Personal to Sick Leave Report | ConvertPersonalToSickLeaveEvent | Convert Personal to Sick Leave Actual Report is generated | |
SSDT Quarter Report | YES+ | QuarterCloseEvent | |
SSDT Reset Personal Leave Report | ResetPersonalLeaveEvent | Reset Personal Leave Actual Report is generated | |
SSDT SERS New Hire Report | YES* | SersNewHireSubmissionCreatedEvent | SERS New Hire submission file is generated |
SSDT SERS Surcharge Account Report | |||
SSDT SERS Monthly Report | |||
SSDT SERS Per Pay Report | SersPerPaySubmissionCreatedEvent | SERS Per Pay submission file is generated | |
SSDT STRS New Hire Report | YES* | StrsNewHireSubmissionCreatedEvent | STRS New Hire submission file is generated |
SSDT STRS Advance Fiscal Year to Date Report | |||
SSDT STRS Advance Positions Reports | StrsAdvanceSubmissionCreatedEvent | STRS Advance submission file is generated | |
SSDT STRS Employee Merge Report | |||
SSDT STRS Report | StrsSubmissionCreatedEvent | STRS Submission file is generated | |
SSDT STRS Monthly Report | |||
SSDT STRS Non-Advanced Positions Report | |||
SSDT User Listing AOS Extract | |||
SSDT User Listing Report | |||
SSDT W2 Report and Submission | YES+ | W2SubmissionCreatedEvent | W2 Submission file is generated |
SSDT Wage Report | |||
SSDT Wage Obligation Report by Account | YES | ||
SSDT Wage Obligation Report by Employee | YES |
Canned reports are reports that are normally run from the Reports menu and Template reports are reports created using Custom Report Creator.
- YES - All Canned reports are listed, but only the SSDT-supplied Template reports used for Payroll Archive are listed.
- YES* - No parameters are required, so it can be run at any time.
- YES+ - You can run these interactively, but there is no good way (yet) to specify all the parameters required.
- YES#Â - You can schedule these as long as you specify date shortcuts for the parameters
- YES++ - These are only available when printing Checks or Direct Deposit notices from the Payroll Detail view. The PDF versions are customizable via XDoc.
The reason why some reports cannot currently be run interactively is that most of them require specific information regarding something that has happened (an Event) in the system. For example, the SSDT Payroll Report does currently allow you to run it interactively, but it is only possible to run this report when we are dealing with a specific Historical Payroll. If someone were to schedule this job to run each week (for example), which Historical Payroll do we create the payroll for? However, when triggered by the PayrollPostCompletedEvent, there is a specific Historical Payroll that has just been created, and the Event supplies the information to the Report Bundle so it knows what to do.
Some of the reports that currently cannot be run interactively or triggered by an Event can be re-evaluated if there are requests to convert it and it is possible to do so.
 Select the report and then click the  next to the report in the 'Select Report run Parameters for selected Report':
Once selected, this report will then show under 'Report runs in Bundle':
If needing to add more reports to the bundle, select another report from the 'Select the Report to Add' option. Then click the  next to the report under 'Select Report run parameters for selected Report' box. This report will then show with the others in 'Report runs in Bundle' box:
**NOTE** Two new reports are available via the Report Bundle UI: SSDT Payroll Report and SSDT W2 Report. There is a new event that is capable of triggering an SSDT Payroll Report whenever a Payroll is posted. When any payroll posting is complete, the PayrollPostCompletedEvent will be fired, and if a report bundle is set to run on this event and there is a SSDT Payroll Report in the corresponding bundle, it will create the report and send the result as specified in the bundle (right now, the only meaningful choice is an email address, but it will be able to be saved to the File Archive for Payroll CD replacement purposed). Many more reports and events will be added to this capability. The W2 Report currently can only be ran during Report Bundles.
Click on  to save the Report Bundle:
To Exit out of the report bundles selecting option, click on the x in the right had corner:
This will then take you back to your Report Bundle Manager Grid:
Editing the Report Bundles
The Report Run information can be changed. To change, click on the edit button next to the report name:
Select the report to edit and click  next to it:
You can change anything on this page. Just remember, it only affects this report when it is run from this report bundle. For example, in the Name field, enter a report Name of choice:
Then click on  or  to Exit editing and click on Save:
Click on the X in the right hand corner to close:
Enable/Disable Report Bundles
To disable a Report Bundle, uncheck the box next to the bundle. This will disable the report bundle from running in the Job Scheduler. Put a  next to the report bundle to re enable it to run in Job Scheduler:
Search/View Report Bundle
The Report Bundle grid allows the user to search for existing report bundles. You can either enter in the Number or a few characters in any of the grid headings and all occurrences of that search will show up and then you can choose the item(s) you are wanting to view or edit. Example - Report Bundle Name is one of my grid options. If I type in %Rep (% is use as a wildcard) in the Report Bundle Name field, all occurrences of any reports with Rep in the Report Bundle Name will appear. You can then click on the  next to the report you are searching for to view the data associated with the Report Bundle or click on the  to edit the record or  to delete the record.
You have the option to View the report. Click on  next to the report bundle. From here you can also Edit the reports or add more to your report bundle by click on :
Click on  in the grid beside the desired Report Bundle. A confirmation box will appear asking to confirm that the Report Bundle can be deleted. Â
Schedule a report bundle
Schedule an AOS Report Bundle
To schedule and process a Report bundle for the AOS Reports, the user must have the USPS_STANDARD_AOS (controls the ability to run the AOS reports) and MODULE_FILE_AUDITREPORT (to save to the file archive) permissions. Then go to Reports/Report Bundle and click on :
There are 3 Job Types:Â The parameter fields below will change based on which Job Type Option is selected. See sub sections below for additional information on each Job Type
- Cron - Schedule based on a date/time and if it is re-occurring
- Event - Schedule based on when an event runs
- Immediate - Schedule to run now
Cron Job Type
Select Cron as the Job Type
To create a Cron Expression, click on orÂ
Select the periods of when to run the reports and Start time:
- Minutes
- Hourly
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
Make sure to Generate Cron Expression.
Highlight the Cron Format and paste it into the Report Bundle Cron Expression fieldÂ
Enter in the Send output to email address or can be sent to a directory: The reports can be sent to a directory if you so chose. You would just type in the Send Output to field: example if I was sending it to my NWOCA4 directory:
- - sends as binary format
- ftpa:// - sends as ASCII format
- s - send as a secure file
Select the Archive Type from the drop down box:
- Send a single notification with multiple attachments - (One email with multiple attachments)
- Send a multiple notifications with a single attachment - (Multiple emails with a single attachment in each)
Once all fields are entered, click onÂ
Job Scheduler
The scheduled job will then be listed under Utilities/Job Scheduler. This job will run every morning at 6:00 a.m.:
Event Job Type
Select Event as the Job Type
Select an Event for when to run your Report Bundles. For Example, I selected "". The report bundles will be emailed every time the payroll post process needs to begin.
- The PayrollPostCompletedEvent is published in the system once the payroll post process has been completed
- The PayrollPostEvent is published to tell the system that the payroll post process needs to begin
Enter in the Send output to email address. The reports can be sent to a directory if you so chose. You would just type in the Send Output to field: example if I was sending it to my NWOCA4 directory:
- - sends as binary format
- ftpa:// - sends as ASCII format
- s - send as a secure file
Select the Archive Type from the drop down box:
- Send a single notification with multiple attachments - (One email with multiple attachments)
- Send a multiple notifications with a single attachment -Â (Multiple emails with a single attachment in each)
Once all fields are entered, click onÂ
Immediate Job TypeÂ
Select Immediate as the Job Type - This will send the reports immediately to the output specified.
Enter in the Send output to email address.  The reports can be sent to a directory if you so chose. You would just type in the Send Output to field: example if I was sending it to my NWOCA4 directory:
- - sends as binary format
- ftpa:// - sends as ASCII format
- s - send as a secure file
Select the Archive Type from the drop down box:
- Send a single notification with multiple attachments - (One email with multiple attachments)
- Send a multiple notifications with a single attachment -Â (Multiple emails with a single attachment in each)
Once all fields are entered, click onÂ