Payroll Item


Payroll Items

The Payroll Item module of The Core Menu is used to add, modify or delete Payroll Items for an employee. These may include tax Payroll Items, association dues, health insurance premiums, retirement Payroll Items as well as others.

Before Payroll Items can be added for an employee, the Payroll Item type must be setup first by going to the Core/Payroll Item Configuration program. Please refer to the Payroll Item Configuration chapter of this manual for details on setting up Payroll Items.

Search/View Payroll Item

The Payroll Item Grid allows the user to search for existing payroll items for an employee. You can either enter in the Number or a few characters in any of the grid headings and all occurrences of that search will show up and then you can choose the item(s) you are wanting to view or edit.  Example - First Name  is one of my grid options. If I type in %San (% is use as a wildcard) in the First name field, all occurrences of anyone with  San in the first name will appear. You can then click on the next to the Payroll Item record you are searching for to view the data associated with the payroll item or click on the to edit the record or to delete the record.

To filter payroll items, click on the drop down box and all the Payroll Items will appear.   Select the payroll item you are wanting to filter by:

The fields pertaining to the selected Payroll item will be displayed in the grid:

Advanced Query

The is a more elaborate search where the user selects the property field to search on, the operation to search by, and enters what they are searching for.  For more detail information on Advanced Query option, please click on the Advanced Query documentation link to find the How to Steps Advance Query .

Mass Change

For more detail information on the Mass Change option, please click on the Mass Change documentation link to find the How to Steps: Mass Change

There are two Mass Change procedures under Load Definition:

  • Change Rate (SSDT)
  • Clear Federal Tax COVID 19 Fields (SSDT)

Change Rate (SSDT)

The 'Change Rate (SSDT)' can be used to update rate changes, for example, City, OSDI or Annuity amounts, using the 'Payroll Item' selection.  First select which Payroll Item Code you want to change, then select Mass Change:

Clear Federal Tax COVID 19 Fields (SSDT)

The 'Clear Federal Tax COVID 19 Fields (SSDT), can be used to clear COVID 19 previous year amounts.  Use the 'Federal Tax Item'

Highlight Viewer

To use the 'Highlight Viewer', select the row in the grid to view.  The 'Highlight Viewer' on the right hand side will appear:

**NOTE** The historical totals now displayed on the Payroll Item highlight viewer and detail viewer may not be accurate for periods of time where Classic did not track the totals. For instance, the FYTD gross is generally not tracked in Classic for all deduction types. If it wasn't tracked in Classic, the import cannot know what these amounts are, so the totals will not be accurate until the time period in question does not include time periods in Classic that were not tracked**

Archive and Include Archived Payroll Items in grid

Payroll Items can no longer be deleted but just archived.  Payroll Items that have error adjustments added and current *TD amounts, can be archived with no warning given.

To archive Payroll Item's, click on edit, check and Save.  To Un-archive an employee's Payroll Item, click on edit, uncheck

To include archived employees in the grid, click on .

If a user unarchives an archive Payroll Item for an employee and the Payroll Item Configuration is Archived and clicks on SAVE, you will get a popup window with a Warning.  The Payroll Item for that employee is now unarchived:

This window should appear anytime you are making changes to an item that is NOT archived, but the Payroll Item Configuration IS archived.

You will never get this Warning message, when the Payroll Item configuration is NOT archived.

Unarchiving Payroll Items Configuration

If unarchiving a Payroll Item Configuration and it was a current Payroll Item being used, it must be unarchived for each employee in Payroll Items.  Unarchiving the Payroll Item Configuration DOES NOT unarchive the Payroll Item for each employee.  Use Mass Change in Payroll Items to unarchive the item.

Employee Error Adjustment and Employer Error Adjustment

Employee Error Adjustment

Employee Error Adjustments can be made by using the Error Adjustment option under Payroll Item or by using the Core >Payroll Item>Error Adjustment option.  Click here for more detail information regarding the Core>Payroll Item>Error Adjustment option

Employer Error Adjustments can be made by using the Employer Error Adjustment option under the Payroll Item or by using the Core>Payroll Item Employer Error Adjustment option.   Click here for more detail information regarding the Core >Payroll Item>Employer Error Adjustment option

Only unpaid error adjustments will show in the Error Adjustment grids that are on the Payroll Items screen

To add an Employee Error Adjustment click on

The Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid or a refund is processed. A positive amount in this field will withhold/refund the employee amount in addition to withholding the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid, unless the Rate field is 0.00. Then only the Error Adjustment will be processed.

On the Payroll Item record under Error Adjustment click on to add an Error Adjustment:

Enter in the following data:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Date - (Optional) If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • Description - Enter the description of the Error Adjustment
  • Click on

This entry will then be added under the Payroll Item Error Adjustment field on the Payroll Item screen as well as the Core>Payroll Item>Error Adjustment screen:

Payroll Item Screen

Core>Payroll Item>Error Adjustment Screen

The Paid box will only be checked after the error adjustment has processed through a payroll (not modifiable)

The Date Paid box will be populated when the error adjustment has been processed through a payroll (not modifiable)

Any Error Adjustments paid will be available for viewing under the Core>Payroll Item>Error Adjustment option.

The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The error adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

Employer Error Adjustment

To add an Employer Error Adjustment, click on

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employer the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold/refund the employer amount in addition to withholding the regular Employer Amount the next time the employee is paid, unless the Employer Rate field is 0.00. Then only the Employer Error Adjustment will be processed.

On the Payroll Item record under Employer Error Adjustment click onto add an Employer Error Adjustment:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the Employer Error Adjustment- Required field
  • Enter a Date (Optional) If the Date field is left blank then the Employer Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Employer Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Employer Error Adjustment applied.
  • Enter a Description of the Employer Error Adjustment
  • Click on 

This entry will then be added under the Payroll Item Employer Error Adjustment field on the Payroll Item screen as well as the Core>Payroll Item>Employer Error Adjustment screen:

Payroll Item Screen

Core>Payroll Item>Employer Adjustment Screen

The Paid box will only be checked after the error adjustment has processed through a payroll (not modifiable)

The Date Paid box will be populated when the error adjustment has been processed through a payroll (not modifiable)

Any Employer Error Adjustments paid will be available for viewing under the Core>Payroll Item>Employer Error Adjustment option.

The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The error adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

Audit Report option after creating/editing a Payroll Item

After creating and saving a Payroll Items record, or to see any changes that were made to a Payroll Items record, there is an option to run an Audit Report directly

from the Payroll Items record.

User must be in VIEW mode in order to see the Audit Report button. On the Payroll Items record–Click on the  button.

Click on the  button.

Enter a Start Date and Stop Date and click on button.

Create a Payroll Item

Info Message will appear if the Payroll Item is already created for this employee. Will take you to Edit mode:

  1. From the Core Menu select Payroll Items

  2. Click on Create

  3. Select Employee and the Payroll Item to add by clicking on the  arrow

    1. A label will appear stating Position selection is only required if setting up payroll item withholding by position
  4. The Position option is used for Payroll Items by Positions.  The user DOES NOT have to select a position if the payroll item is for all positions, but can select a Position to apply the Payroll Items if needed. *Note–If setting Position number for retirement "All" retirement Payroll Items related to Position must be setup with Position Number defined.  

 Example- Employee has a position 1 that has full retirement employer pickup on pickup. Employee also has 2 other positions that do not have employer pickup. The district will need to create a 400/450 payroll item specifying Position 1 and also create a 690/691 Position 1 Payroll Item record. They will then need to create a 400/450 no position defined as well as a 590/591 payroll item no position defined for retirement for all other positions.


Federal Income Tax

For the new Calculation of Federal Tax, please click Here for a printable document.

For a Tax-Exempt employee, make the Rate Type=Percent and the Rate=0.00.

Field Definitions

Type is Federal Tax. This field is non-modifiable.

 Rate Type:

  • Fixed (Amount)-Not a valid Option.
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for Federal.
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-When the Tax Tables option is chosen the Federal withholding will be based on the current Tax Table setup and the Rate field will be left blank.
  • Cumulative Wage The amount of Federal income tax to withhold from an employee's wages can be determined on the basis of cumulative wages. The purpose of this withholding method is to even out the tax burden on certain types of payments to employees.  This may be beneficial to regular employees who also receive periodic supplemental payments during the year, causing more federal tax than necessary to be withheld during the payrolls that include the supplemental payments

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay).

Additional federal tax withholding can be entered in the Additional With Holding field. The amount entered should be a dollar amount, not a percentage. (Federal Exemptions will be ignored if 'Supplemental Tax Options' are selected during FUTURE or CURRENT)

Federal Payroll Item's cannot be Archived, user will get an Error

What is the employee's Marital Status?

  • Single
  • Married

The Number Of Exemptions claimed for Federal Tax is entered in this field.  This field is only used for W4 prior to 2020This field should not need to be cleared if using the new W4

Should the Pension plan box on the W-2 be checked?

  • A - Automatically check the pension plan box per W2PROC calculations (This field is looking at payroll Item 400 or 450, if an employee has had retirement withheld within that year, it will automatically check the box on their W2 Retirement Plan.   It is not looking at the Position Retirement code)
  • Y - Yes, check the pension plan box
  • N - No, never check the pension plan box

New W-4 As Of 2020

If the employee is using an old W4 (prior to 2020), marital status and # of exemptions will be used to calculate the employee Federal withholding amount. They must also have the box unchecked for the value of the USE NEW W4.

The new W4 must be used when hiring a new employee with a start date of 1/1/2020 or later.

If the employee is using the new W4 as of 01/01/2020, the 'Use New W4' box MUST be Checked.

Filing Status is required only if the employee has a new W4 form as of 01/01/2020:

  • Single/Married filing Separately
  • Married Filing Jointly/Qualified Widow
  • Head of Household

2 Like Jobs - Check box if using new W-4 AND Step 2c has a check mark.  If not using new W-4 OR Step 2c on new W-4 is NOT checked, do not check this box. 

Annual Dependent Amount field should only contain an amount (W4 line 3 value) if the employee has a new W4 as of 01/01/2020.  This is an annual Dependent amount when claiming dependents.

Annual Other Income field should only contain an amount (W4 line 4a value) if the employee has a new W4 as of 01/01/2020.  This is an annual Other Income Amount when adding in any other income the employee wants to include. 

Annual Deduction Amount field should only contain an amount (W4 line 4b value) if the employee has a new W4 as of 01/01/2020.  This is the annual deduction amount an employee wants to reduce their Federal withholding amount. 

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

COVID-19 Amounts

Three kinds of COVID-19 leave types available:

  • Qualified Sick Leave Wages for employee (Self) up to $511 per day limit (Max $5,110.00)
  • Qualified Sick Leave Wages for Others up to $200 per day limit (Max $2,000.00)
  • Qualified Family Leave Wages for employee taking care of kids because school or daycare is closed or unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19. Up to 10 weeks paid leave, which is 2/3 of pay, (Max $10,000.00)

The COVID-19 amounts will show in Box 14.  If employee has Vehicle Lease entered, this amount will show plus any two Covid-19 amounts if entered.

  • Order of Box 14 Items:
    • Vehicle
    • COVID - SE
    • COVID - OT
    • COVID - EM
    • Fringe Benefits
    • Any Payroll Items selected
      • But ONLY TOP 3 will print on W2 From and W2 XML.  Submission file does NOT include Box 14 information

A Rule has been added to ensure that an amount over the max amount cannot be entered.  The Rule is set as Enabled.  If wanting to disable this rule and not get Errors when adding amounts in Federal COVID-19, go to System/Rules and click on 

Uncheck the  and click on  and Save. 

No Warnings messages will be created when adding amounts over the limits in Federal COVID-19 fields

If the rule is checked and district is adding amounts over the max amounts in Federal COVID-19 fields, once they try to Save the updates, Errors will appear:


If wanting to change the field names, this can be done using System/Custom Field Definitions

Mass Change to clear COVID-19 fields

If needing to clear the COVID-19 fields, a Mass Change procedure has been added in the Federal Load definitions:

Standard CF - User defined codes 

Audit Report option is available after creating/editing a Payroll Item Error Adjustment

Ohio State Income Tax

Setting Up State Tax Records for Non-Ohio Residents

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services requires reporting for employees even if they do not live in the state of Ohio.

Using the CORE/Payroll Items, add an Ohio State deduction record for all Non-Ohio residents.
In the Rate Type select Percent and 0 in the Rate field.
On the Employee screen, ODJFS Reportable needs to be checked.
In the Stop field, enter a date prior to when the deduction will start.
Set up a new Payroll Item in the Payroll Item Configuration program using a Deduction Type of State Tax.
Set up the applicable employees with the new Payroll Item code selected in the prior step using the CORE/Payroll Items option. You may need to obtain tax withholding tables from the appropriate state tax department in order to enter the correct tax percentage.

Field Definitions

Type is Ohio State Tax. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type:

  • Fixed (Amount)-Not a valid option
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for Ohio tax.
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-When the Tax Tables option is chosen the Ohio withholding will be based on the current Tax Table setup and the Rate field will be left blank. 

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay'.

Additional State Ohio tax withholding can be entered in the Additional Withholding field. The amount entered should be a dollar amount, not a percentage.

Click on to Archive an employee's Ohio State Income Tax Payroll Item.

The Number Of Exemptions claimed for State Ohio Tax is entered in this field.

Enter the OSDI District Code for the employee. This is an optional field.  For district use only.

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

The Error Adjustment field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Select  to add an error adjustment:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  •  To delete or cancel, click on 

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

Standard CF - User defined codes 

City Tax Item

For Payroll Item by Job for City Tax, select a Position or leave blank for taxing of all Positions availableIf a Position number is entered in the Position field, only that jobs gross will be used when calculating the Payroll Item withholding amount. (for example, Section 125 Non-Wages) If the Position field is not assigned to a specific Payroll Item code the withholding amount will be based on the total gross paid on all jobs with a blank Position field. 

Select Employee

Select the Payroll Item (if applicable)

Select the Position for Payroll Item by job or leave blank for taxing of all jobs available

Click on Continue

Field Definitions

Type is City Tax. This field is non-modifiable. 

 Rate Type is a required field:

  • Fixed (Amount) -Not a valid option
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for the City.
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'.

Additional Municipality tax withholding can be entered in the Additional Withholding field. The amount entered should be a dollar amount, not a percentage.

Click on to Archive an employee's City Tax Payroll Item.

If this City tax is reported using an agency such as RITA or CCA, select the appropriate option in the Deduction Type dropdown option.   Is the city tax record required because of the employee's place of employment or residence?

**W2 process will look at this flag at the time W2 is ran.  Does not use Payroll History** Position 308

  • Residence - (R)
  • Employment - (C)
  • Not Applicable
  • or Leave blank

The amount of gross that is subject to the City tax can be entered in the Percent of Gross field. If 100% may be left blank.

Affecting payrolls starting in 2024, if there is a value entered in the Percent of Gross field on the Payroll Item municipality record, then the Taxable Gross Pay is calculated as ((CITY APPLICABLE GROSS + (If applicable 'Tax Employer Amounts', 690 or 691 Employer Amount and 692 or 693 Taxable Employer Pickup) - CITY HONORED ANNUITITIES TOTAL) * PERCENT OF GROSS) * CITY ITEM TAX RATE = TAX WITHHOLDING

Active Date Range 

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

The Error Adjustment field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Select  to add an error adjustment:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

Standard CF - User defined fields

Indiana County Tax - Setup for Indiana State Electronic filing  

**NOTE** Indiana requirements include: A Payroll Item Configuration City Tax record for the county tax record and a Payee address with IN as the state. A County Code needs to be entered in Code 1. The Payroll Item record for your employees for Indiana County tax will need to have a Deduction Type of “R” for Residence and the Indiana code in the Indiana W2 Instructions, Appendix A. The Indiana Code will need to be put in the Payroll Item Code 1 field.

The codes are currently 01 – 92. If using 1 – 9, it must be entered as 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09.  

           The website for the County Codes is below, Page 36: 


Other State Tax

Field Definitions

Type is State Tax. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type is a required field:

  • Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field. Not a Valid option
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for the Other State.
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item. Not a Valid option

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'.

Additional State tax withholding can be entered in the Additional Withholding field. The amount entered should be a dollar amount, not a percentage.

Click on to Archive an employee's Other State Payroll Item.

The Number Of Exemptions claimed for Other State Tax is entered in this field.

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

The Error Adjustment field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Select  to add an error adjustment:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll, then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

Standard CF User defined fields

Indiana County Tax - Setup for Indiana State Electronic filing 

For Indiana State Tax, an Indiana City Record must also be created in order for it to be included on the Indiana State Submission file.  The County Code must be entered under Code 1 on the employee's Indiana City Tax Payroll Item. 

Indiana County Tax - Setup for Indiana State Electronic filing
*NOTE* Indiana requirements include: A Payroll Item Configuration City Tax record for the county tax record and a Payee address with IN as the state. A County Code needs to be entered in Code 1. The Payroll Item record for your employees for Indiana County tax will need to have a Deduction Type of “R” for Residence and the Indiana code in the Indiana W2 Instructions, Appendix A. The Indiana Code will need to be put in the Payroll Item Code 1 field.

The codes are currently 01 – 92. If using 1 – 9, it must be entered as 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09.

The website for the County Codes is below, Page 36:

Example of Indiana City Tax Payroll Item record:

SERS Retirement

For Payroll Item by Job for SERS Retirement, select a Position or leave blank for all Positions available. If a Position number is entered in the Position field, only that jobs gross will be used when calculating the Payroll Item withholding amount. If withholding at position level is set for Board Amount (400) then retirement annuity (590) and employer pickup (690 if applicable) are also required to be set at the position level. If the Position field is not assigned to a specific Payroll Item code the withholding amount will be based on the total gross paid on all jobs with a blank Position field. 

Select Employee

Select the Payroll Item

Select the Position for Payroll Item by job  *Note–If setting Position number for retirement "All" retirement Payroll Items related to Position must be setup with Position Number defined or leave blank for all jobs available

Click on Continue

Field Definitions

Type is SERS. This field is non-modifiable.

 Rate Type:

  • Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field. If applicable the non-annuitized contribution portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employee is entered in the Rate field.
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for SERS.  If applicable the non-annuitized contribution portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employee is entered in the Rate field.
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'.

Click on to Archive an employee's Sers Payroll Item.

 Is this a New employee? Check if Yes.

After running an actual for SERSHIRE the New Employee flag on the 400 will be updated, removing the check mark .  A  means it is a new employee who has not been processed through SERSHIRE.  A  means it is a new employee who has been processed and a submission file was created for the employee through SERSHIRE.  An employee should be reported only once to SERS through the submission file.  After SERSREG has been run with the new employee listed, the new employee flag will be reset to .

If for some reason the new employee is reported on the website and not processed through SERSHIRE, then the user can manually update the new employee flag and remove the Check mark from the New Employee field on the 400 record.  This will allow the district to keep track of employees who are reported, either through the SERSHIRE or through the website.

Should this employee be exempt from retirement surcharge? Check if Yes. (Will this employee meet the threshold for the current year? If No, Leave the 'Surcharge Exempt' box, unchecked)

 Should this Payroll Item be picked up as a fringe benefit and/or extra compensation?  Check if Yes.

The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the board is entered in the Employer Rate field.

Is this employee retired from SERS?  It is important that the Rehired Retiree flag be correct as those already retired from SERS or STRS are reported differently.  Check if 'Yes'. Must have a Rehired Date entered or error will occur: Error - SersItem.rehireFlagValid: Rehired employees must have a rehire date (Value: 'false')

The Rehired Date field contains the date that the retired employee was rehired. If a date is entered, must have the 'Rehired Retiree' box checked or an Error will occur: Error - SersItem.rehireDateValid: Item has rehired date but is not marked as rehired retiree (Value: 'false')

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll, then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

If the Increased Compensation checkbox is marked, the Gross and Applicable Gross will reflect the inflated amount.  The amount withheld will also reflect the inflated amount.

FYTD Rehired Retiree Withholding

Standard CF - User defined fields

STRS Retirement 

For Payroll Item by Job for STRS Retirement, select a Position or leave blank for all Positions available. If a Position number is entered in the Position field, only that jobs gross will be used when calculating the Payroll Item withholding amount. If withholding at position level is set for Board Amount (450) then retirement annuity (591) and employer pickup (691 if applicable) are also required to be set at the position level. If the Position field is not assigned to a specific Payroll Item code the withholding amount will be based on the total gross paid on all jobs with a blank Position field. 

Select Employee

Select the Payroll Item

Select the Position for Payroll Item by job *Note–If setting Position number for retirement "All" retirement Payroll Items related to Position must be setup with Position Number defined or leave blank for all jobs available

Click on Continue

Field Definitions:

Type is STRS. This field is non-modifiable.

 Rate Type:

  • Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field. If applicable the non-annuitized contribution portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employee is entered in the Rate field. 
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for STRS. If applicable the non-annuitized contribution portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employee is entered in the Rate field. 
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'.

Click on to Archive an employee's Strs Payroll Item.

 Is this a New employee? Check if Yes.

After running an actual for STRSHIRE, the New Employee flag on the 450 will be updated, removing the check mark .  A  means it is a new employee who has not been processed through STRSHIRE.  A  means it is a new employee who has been processed and a submission file was created for the employee through STRSHIRE.  An employee should be reported only once to STRS through the submission file.  After STRSMONTH has been run with the new employee listed, the new employee flag will be reset to .

If for some reason the new employee is reported on the website and not processed through STRSHIRE, then the user can manually update the new employee flag and remove the Check mark from the New Employee field on the 450 record.  This will allow the district to keep track of employees who are reported, either through the STRSHIRE or through the website.

Is this employee Full or Part time?- This field is used during the STRS advance to assist in determining service days.

Should this employee be exempt from retirement surcharge? Check if Yes. (This field is not use for STRS, can be ignored)

 Should this Payroll Item be picked up as a fringe benefit and/or extra compensation?  Check if Yes. If checked, the *TD Total Gross and Applicable Gross will be increased by the extra compensation amounts, as well as the Earnings on the STRS Per Pay Report.  The 691 Gross and applicable are the normal wages.

The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the board is entered in the Employer Rate field.

Is this employee retired from STRS?  It is important that the Rehired Retiree flag be correct as those already retired from SERS or STRS are reported differently.  Check if 'Yes'. Must have a Rehired Date entered or error will occur: Error - StrsItem.rehireFlagValid: Rehired employees must have a rehire date (Value: 'false')

The Rehired Date field contains the date that the retired employee was rehired.  If a date is entered, must have the 'Rehired Retiree' box checked or an Error will occur: Error - StrsItem.rehireDateValid: Item has rehired date but is not marked as rehired retiree (Value: 'false')

The Advance Error Adjustment field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls, if the Employee Rate is used.  This field is only used for Employee Advance Error Adj ONLY.  Use the Employer Error Adjustments for corrections during Advance for the Board portion if missed.

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" .
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Total and Applicable gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The error adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

If the Increased Compensation checkbox is marked, the Gross and Applicable Gross will reflect the inflated amount.  The amount withheld will also reflect the inflated amount.

FYTD Rehired Retiree Totals

Retire Rehired Reporting 

These optional fields are collected on the STRS Membership Form and can be entered in the system for reference purposes.  Rehired retirees information is entered via the STRS website and not collected on the system's STRS New Hire Report or STRS New Hire submission file.

Standard CF - User Defined fields

Annuity Item

Field Definitions

Type is Annuity. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type is a required field:

  • Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field.
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for the Annuity.
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

Annuities can be deducted on specific pay of the months by entering the appropriate code in the Pay Cycle field.  The Pay Cycle is a required field:

  • First pay of the month
  • Second pay of the month
  • Split between first and second pay of the month
  • Every pay of the month (even third pay)
  • Split between first and last pay of the month

Example 1: If the Payroll Item is a fixed amount and option 3 or 5 is
selected, the Payroll Item will be split between the first and second (or
last) pay of the month.

Example 2: If the Payroll Item amount is a
percentage and option 3 or 5 is selected, the Payroll Item will be
deducted both the first and second (or last) pay of the month.

Example 3: If the employee is paid monthly, the value of this field
will automatically be set to 1. Any other value entered for a monthly
paid employee will be changed automatically.

Click on to Archive an employee's Annuity Payroll Item.

The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the board is entered in the Employer Rate field.

The employee's account number for the annuity can be entered in the Account Number field.

The Last Modified Date field is used to enter the date the Payroll Item was last changed.

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" .
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Employee Withholding Max 

The Deduct Max Type determines when the Annuity should start. Max amount will start over with the period selected. For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set. 

    • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employee Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
    • Fiscal
    • Specific Date

This applies to the EMPLOYEE share only The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount has been reached,  the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.

The Specific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start. 

  • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
  • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it wont.
  • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.

The Remaining Employee Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero.  This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Employer Withholding Max

The Deduct Max Type determines when the Annuity should start. Max amount will start over with the period selected.  For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set. 

    • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
    • Fiscal - When using 'Fiscal' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is in that Fiscal Year.  Will start over in July of the New Fiscal Year.
    • Specific Date

This applies to the EMPLOYER share only.  The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount has been reached, the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.

The Specific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start. 

  • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
  • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it won't.
  • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.

The Remaining Employer Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero.  This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Error Adjustments 
field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

If the Payroll Item>Pay Cycle is set to 'Split between first and second pay of the month' and the Rate and/or Employer Rate is an odd amount, then the rounding is as follows:

  • First pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded down and the employer amount is rounded up.

  • Any other pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded up and the employer amount is rounded down.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

Standard CF - User Defined fields

Health Savings Account

HSA totals will show in 2 spots on the employee's W2 report, under Section 125 and HSA

HSA Total for the Year will show in Box 12 as Code W on the employee's W2 Form

Type is Health Savings Account. This field is non-modifiable.

 Rate Type is a required field:

  • Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field.
  • Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for the Health Savings Account.
  • Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.
  • Cumulative Wage - Option is not applicable for this Payroll Item

Health Savings Accounts can be deducted on specific pay of the months by entering the appropriate code in the Pay Cycle field.  The Pay Cycle is a required field:

  • First pay of the month
  • Second pay of the month
  • Split between first and second pay of the month
  • Every pay of the month (even third pay)
  • Split between first and last pay of the month

Example 1: If the Payroll Item is a fixed amount and option 3 or 5 is
selected, the Payroll Item will be split between the first and second (or
last) pay of the month.

Example 2: If the Payroll Item amount is a
percentage and option 3 or 5 is selected, the Payroll Item will be
deducted both the first and second (or last) pay of the month.

Example 3: If the employee is paid monthly, the value of this field
will automatically be set to 1. Any other value entered for a monthly
paid employee will be changed automatically.

Click on to Archive an employee's Health Savings Account Payroll Item.

The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the board is entered in the Employer Rate field.

The employee's account number for the annuity can be entered in the annuity Account Number field. This is an Optional field. User define.  The HSA Submission file use's the Ach Account Number under Ach Configuration:

The Last Modified Date field is used to enter the date the Payroll Item was last changed.

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Employee Withholding Max 

  • The Deduct Max Type determines when the Annuity should start. (Max amount will start over with the period selected). For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set. 
    • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employee Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
    • Fiscal - When using 'Fiscal' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is in that Fiscal Year.  Will start over in July of the New Fiscal Year.
    • Specific Date
  • This applies to the EMPLOYEE share only.  The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount has been reached, the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.
  • The Specific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start.  
    • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
    • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it won't.
    • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.
  • The Remaining Employee Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero. This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored, and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Employer Withholding Max

  • The Deduct Max Type determines when the Annuity should start. (Max amount will start over with the period selected). For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set. 
    • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
    • Fiscal - When using 'Fiscal' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is in that Fiscal Year.  Will start over in July of the New Fiscal Year.
    • Specific Date
  • This applies to the EMPLOYER share only.  The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount has been reached, the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.
  • ThSpecific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start. 
    • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
    • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it won't.
    • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.
  • The Remaining Employer Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero. This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will NOT be withheld. 
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored, and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

If the Payroll Item>Pay Cycle is set to 'Split between first and second pay of the month' and the Rate and/or Employer Rate is an odd amount, then the rounding is as follows:

  • First pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded down and the employer amount is rounded up.

  • Any other pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded up and the employer amount is rounded down.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

ACH Configuration

The ACH Direct Deposit Type field contains the ACH deposit type:

Automated Deposit (22 -Demand Credit Records)                      

        Automated Deposit (32 - Savings Account Credit Records)               

               *** ACH deposit type for HSA's must be ***Automated Deposit***  

The Ach Account Number field contains the account number to which the amount deducted on this record should be posted. This is a required field.  This Account Number is used on the HSA Submission file.

The Ach Destination field is the financial institution own routing number. This number needs to be entered first in the Core/Ach Destination option. Use the drop down option or can be searched by entering a few numbers of the routing number.  This is an required field. 

Example of a HSA Submission File with a Savings Account (32):

Standard CF - User Defined Fields

SERS & STRS Annuities

Select Employee

Select the Payroll Item

Select the Position for Payroll Item by job *Note–If setting Position number for retirement "All" retirement Payroll Items related to Position must be setup with Position Number defined or leave blank for all jobs available

Click on Continue

Field Definitions

is SERS Annuity/STR
S Annuity This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type is a required field:

Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field.

Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for the SERS/STRS annuity.

Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'.

The Advance Error Adjustment (STRS Only) field is used to make corrections for over and under withholding of the STRS Advance amount.

Click on to Archive an employee's Sers/Strs Annuity Payroll Item.

Active Date Range

  • The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
  • The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Total and Applicable gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The error adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

FYTD Rehired Retiree Withholding

Standard CF - User Defined fields

Regular Payroll Items

Type is Regular. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type - a required field

Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field.

Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for the Regular Payroll Item.

Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax Table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

Regular Items can be deducted on specific pay of the months by entering the appropriate code in the Pay Cycle field.  Pay Cycle is a required field.

First pay of the month

Second pay of the month

Split between first and second pay of the month

Every pay of the month (even third pay)

Split between first and last pay of the month

Example 1: If the Payroll Item is a fixed amount and option 3 or 5 is
selected, the Payroll Item will be split between the first and second (or
last) pay of the month.

Example 2: If the Payroll Item amount is a
percentage and option 3 or 5 is selected, the Payroll Item will be
deducted both the first and second (or last) pay of the month.

Example 3: If the employee is paid monthly, the value of this field
will automatically be set to 1. Any other value entered for a monthly
paid employee will be changed automatically.

The employee's account number for the Payroll Item can be entered in the Account Number field.

Click on to Archive an employee's Regular Payroll Item.

The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the board is entered in the Employer Rate field.

Active Date Range

The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates".
The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates".

Employee Withholding Max

The Deduct Max Type determines when the Payroll Item should start. Max amount will start over with the period selected. For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set. 

  • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employee Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
  • Fiscal - When using 'Fiscal' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is in that Fiscal Year.  Will start over in July of the New Fiscal Year.
  • Specific Date

This applies to the EMPLOYEE share only.  The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount reaches zero, the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.

The Specific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start. 

  • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
  • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it won't.
  • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.

The Remaining Employee Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero. This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will NOT be withheld.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored, and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Employer Withholding Max

 The Deduct Max Type determines when the Payroll Item should start. Max amount will start over with the period selected. For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set.

  • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
  • Fiscal - When using 'Fiscal' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is in that Fiscal Year.  Will start over in July of the New Fiscal Year.
  • Specific Date

This applies to the EMPLOYER share only.  The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount reaches zero, the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.

The Specific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start. 

  • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
  • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it won't.
  • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.

The Remaining Employer Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero. This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will NOT be withheld.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

If the Payroll Item>Pay Cycle is set to 'Split between first and second pay of the month' and the Rate and/or Employer Rate is an odd amount, then the rounding is as follows:

  • First pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded down and the employer amount is rounded up.

  • Any other pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded up and the employer amount is rounded down.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

Standard CF - User Defined fields

Child Support

Field Definitions

Type is Child Support.  This field is non-modifiable.

 Rate Types is a required field:

Fixed- If choosing fixed a dollar amount will be entered in the Rate field.

Percentage-If percentage is chosen a percentage will be entered in the Rate field.

Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax Table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

Child Support can be deducted on specific pay of the months by entering the appropriate code in the Pay Cycle field.  The Pay Cycle is a required field:

First pay of the month

Second pay of the month

Split between first and second pay of the month

Every pay of the month (even third pay)

Split between first and last pay of the month

Example 1: If the Payroll Item is a fixed amount and option 3 or 5 is
selected, the Payroll Item will be split between the first and second (or
last) pay of the month.

Example 2: If the Payroll Item amount is a
percentage and option 3 or 5 is selected, the Payroll Item will be
deducted both the first and second (or last) pay of the month.

Example 3: If the employee is paid monthly, the value of this field
will automatically be set to 1. Any other value entered for a monthly
paid employee will be changed automatically.

Click on to Archive an employee's Child Support Payroll Item.

The Federal Information Process Standard code can be entered in the FIPS field. This code identifies the county responsible for the employees support case. The code will be 5 characters when indicating state and county codes. It is 7 characters when indicating state, county and local codes.

The Insurance Available flag indicates whether the employee has family medical insurance available through the employer  Check if 'Yes'

The Old Case Number field is used to identify the old, local county system. A limited number of counties have not yet completed their conversion to SETS. For those affected counties, an Old case number should be entered.

The court order number can be entered in the Order Number field. This number is assigned by the judge or CSEA that enforces the obligation.

 The first 2 characters (1-2) of the code represent the state the support order came from. The next 3 characters (3-5) represent the county. The remaining 2 characters (6-7) may be used for a local code.

The Support Enforcement Tracking System can be entered in the SETS Case Number field. This ten digit number will always begin with a 7 and was assigned to the employee's support case during the conversion from local, independent county systems to SETS.

Is this a Terminated Employment?  Check if 'Yes' if employment relationship with the district has ended.

Active Date Range

The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates".
The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates".

Employee Withholding Max

The Deduct Max Type determines when the Payroll Item should start. Max amount will start over with the period selected. For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set. If no type is included, we cannot determine how to withhold based on the max amounts

  • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employee Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
  • Fiscal - When using 'Fiscal' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is in that Fiscal Year.  Will start over in July of the New Fiscal Year.
  • Specific Date

This applies to the EMPLOYEE share only.  The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount has been reached, the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.

The Specific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start. 

  • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
  • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it wont.
  • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.

The Remaining Employee Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero. This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will NOT be withheld.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Employer Withholding Max

The Deduct Max Type determines when the Payroll Item should start. Max amount will start over with the period selected. For the max amounts to be checked when running payroll, a type must be set. If no type is included we cannot determine how to withhold based on the max amounts.

  • Annual - When using 'Annual' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is the Current Year.  Will start over at the first of the year.
  • Fiscal - When using 'Fiscal' the Remaining Employer Max Amount looks at the Posting Period that is in that Fiscal Year.  Will start over in July of the New Fiscal Year.
  • Specific Date

This applies to the EMPLOYER share only.  The Payroll Item will be taken out until the maximum has been reached. Once the maximum amount has been reached, the Payroll Item becomes inactive and will not be withheld. When there is a maximum deduct in effect, an amount must be entered in the Max Amount field.

The Specific Date is used in conjunction with the 'Deduct Max Type'. Enter in the Pay date when the Max Amount should start. 

  • If a payroll item has the max amount type of Specific Date and a max amount value, it will do a search in the history for Historical Pay Items and add them together to get the historical amount.
  • If the date is blank, the query that is performed looks at every historical payroll item and adds it together. So this is why sometimes it will still withhold and sometimes it wont.
  • The date needs to be defined so we can narrow down the historical query we perform.

The Remaining Employer Max Amount will show the Max Amount entered.  When a payroll is ran, the amount withheld for this payroll item will be subtracted off and then show the remaining balance left until zero. This is a non-modifiable field.

In order for the Max calculation to be in effect, there must be a Deduct Max Type and Max Amount greater than 0.00.

  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is blank, then the payroll item will NOT be withheld.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount is 0.00, then nothing will be withheld because the Max 0.00 has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is set and the Max Amount has an amount greater than 0.00, then the payroll item will be withheld until the max amount has been met.
  • If the Deduct Max Type is blank, the Max Amount is ignored and the payroll item will be withheld. The Max is not in effect.

Error Adjustments 
field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

If the Payroll Item>Pay Cycle is set to 'Split between first and second pay of the month' and the Rate and/or Employer Rate is an odd amount, then the rounding is as follows:

  • First pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded down and the employer amount is rounded up.

  • Any other pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded up and the employer amount is rounded down.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

Standard CF - User Defined fields

SERS & STRS Board Paid Pickup

Employer SERS Item

For Payroll Item by Job for SERS Retirement, select a Position or leave blank for all Positions available. If a Position number is entered in the Position field, only that jobs gross will be used when calculating the Payroll Item withholding amount. If withholding at position level is set for Board Amount (400) then retirement annuity (590 if applicable) and employer pickup 690 are also required to be set at the position level. If the Position field is not assigned to a specific Payroll Item code the withholding amount will be based on the total gross paid on all jobs with a blank Position field. 

Select Employee

Select the Payroll Item

Select the Position for Payroll Item by job *Note–If setting Position number for retirement "All" retirement Payroll Items related to Position must be setup with Position Number defined or leave blank for all jobs available

Click on Continue

Employer STRS Item

For Payroll Item by Job for STRS Retirement, select a Position or leave blank for all Positions available. If a Position number is entered in the Position field, only that jobs gross will be used when calculating the Payroll Item withholding amount. If withholding at position level is set for Board Amount (450) then retirement annuity (591 if applicable) and employer pickup 691 are also required to be set at the position level. If the Position field is not assigned to a specific Payroll Item code the withholding amount will be based on the total gross paid on all jobs with a blank Position field. 

Select Employee

Select the Payroll Item

Select the Position for Payroll Item by job *Note–If setting Position number for retirement "All" retirement Payroll Items related to Position must be setup with Position Number defined or leave blank for all jobs available

Click on Continue

Field Definitions

Type is Employer SERS Pickup or STRS Pickup. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type:

Fixed (Amount)-The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employer is entered in the Rate field. When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field.

Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employer is entered in the Rate field. When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for SERS/STRS Pick Up..

Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'

The Advance Error Adjustment field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls.

Click on to Archive an employee's Employer SERS/STRS Payroll Item.

Active Date Range

The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll, then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

If the Increased Compensation checkbox is marked on the 450 or 400 Payroll Item, the Gross and Applicable Gross will not reflect the inflated amount.  The amounts withheld will reflect the inflated withholding.

FYTD Rehired Retiree Totals

Standard CF - User defined fields

Medicare/FICA and Medicare/FICA Board Share

For Payroll Item by Job for Medicare Retirement, select a Position or leave blank for all Positions available. If a Position number is entered in the Position field, only that jobs gross will be used when calculating the Payroll Item withholding amount. If the Position field is not assigned to a specific Payroll Item code the withholding amount will be based on the total gross paid on all jobs with a blank Position field. 

**NOTE** Any employee that was hired in 1985 or before, would be Grandfathered in and will not have to pay into Medicare

Select Employee

Select the Payroll Item

Select the Position for Payroll Item by job or leave blank for all jobs available.

Click on Continue

Medicare Tax Item and Board Share

Field Definitions

Type is Medicare Tax. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate is the portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employee.  The system doesn't use the value in the 'Rate' field to calculate the Medicare withholding. Instead it is withheld according to the system's tables and also the 'Employer Rate' (to determine the amount of pickup).    

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'.

Additional With Holding amount can be entered in the Additional Withholding field. The amount entered should be a dollar amount, not a percentage.

Click on to Archive an employee's Medicare Payroll Item.

The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the board is entered in the Employer Rate field.

Active Date Range

The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll, then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • Pickup Check box if error adjustment is for an employer pickup amount
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

Standard CF - User defined fields

Full Medicare Pickup on Pickup

For full Medicare Pickup on pickup, enter 2.9% in the Employer Rate field and leave the Employee Rate field blank.

The Medicare pickup calculation is determined if the Employer portion > 1.45% (current standard employer amount in our tax tables) If above 1.45 the system would do the necessary inflation accordingly.

The code is setup to also check for Medicare partial pickup.

Employer Pays Entire Employee Portion of Medicare Calculations

An example of the Employer's intent to pay the entire employee portion of Medicare.

Salary = $10,000.00
Employee's Portion of Medicare Paid by the Employer = 1.45%

Payroll ItemField NamePercent
692Employer Rate2.9%

The inflated gross wages are shown in the 692 Payroll Item Record.

The formula for calculating medicare wages with Employer pick-up is:

W = S <div symbol> (100% - R)

  • W = The employee's total Medicare wages after the increase reflecting the pick-up effect.
  • S = Stated pay before pick-up of Medicare.
  • R = Percentage of employee Medicare being picked-up by the Employer
Medicare Wages

$10,000.00<div symbol>(100%-1.45%)98.55%
$10,000.00<div symbol>98.55%$10,147.13 Medicare Wages
Contributions to MedicareMedicare Gross

Employee Portion Paid by Employer$10,147.13*1.45%=

$147.1334 or $147.14 (rounded amount)

Employer Portion$10,147.13*1.45%=

$147.1334 or$147.14 (rounded amount)

Total Contributions

=$294.2693 or $294.28 (sum of rounded amounts)

Employer Pays Part of Employee Portion of Medicare Calculations

An example of Employer's  intent to pay part of employee portion of medicare.

Salary = $10,000.00
Employee's Portion of Medicare Paid by the Employer = 2.45%

Employer Partial Medicare Pickup

Employee's Salary

Employee's Medicare Portion paid by the Employer=1.00%
Employee's Medicare Portion paid by the Employee=  .45%
Employer's Medicare Portion=1.45%

These figures can be substituted into the above formula as follows:

Payroll Item CodeField NamePercentage
692Rate  .45%
692Employer Rate2.45%

The inflated gross wages are shown in the 692 Payroll Item Record.

The formula for calculating medicare wages with Employer pick-up is:

W = S <div symbol> (100% - R)

  • W = The employee's total Medicare wages after the increase reflecting the pick-up effect.
  • S = Stated pay before pick-up of Medicare.
  • R = Rate of employee Medicare being picked up by the Employer.
Medicare Wages


<div symbol>



<div symbol>


$10,101.01 Medicare Wages

Contributions to MedicareMedicare Inflated Gross

Employee Portion Paid by Employer

Employee Portion Paid by Employee$10,101.01* .45%=$45.454545 or $45.46 (rounded amount)
Employer Portion$10,101.01*1.45%=$146.464645 or $146.47 (rounded amount)
Total Contributions

=$292.9292 or $292.94 (sum of rounded amounts)

Example of 692 record set up for Full Board Pickup:

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date -  If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • Pickup -  Check box if error adjustment is for an employer pickup amount **See example below**
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

The Total and Applicable gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The error adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

**** Medicare Full Pickup example **This calculation is the same for Full FICA Pick up****

Pay Report

Medicare Applicable Gross (with full pickup) is $3368.11 x 1.45% x 2 = $97.68

Payments/Payroll/Highlighter view:

Employer Amount = Applicable Gross $3368.11 x 1.45% x 2 = $97.68

Employer Error Adjustment is the total error adjustment amt =$50.00

Total taxable employer pickup = Employer pickup amt: $97.68 / 2 = $48.84 + $25.00 = $73.84

Employer Pickup Error Adjustment Total = $25.00

Total Employer Amount =$73.84 + $73.84 = $147.68

Social Security Tax Item

If an employee is paying into social security, a Medicare payroll item record with employee and board percentages of 1.45 and a Social Security payroll item record with employee and board percentages of 6.2 need to be setup.

Field Definitions

Type is Social Security Tax. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type is a required field:

Fixed (Amount)-The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employee is entered in the Rate field. When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field.

Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the employee is entered in the Rate field. When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for Social Security.

Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay)'.

Additional With Holding amount can be entered in the Additional Withholding field. The amount entered should be a dollar amount, not a percentage.

Click on to Archive an employee's Social Security Tax Payroll Item.

The portion of the Payroll Item paid by the board is entered in the Employer Rate 

Active Date Range

The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

The Employer Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the board portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the board the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will cause the board to pay more in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.  Click on:

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • Pickup -  Check box if error adjustment is for an employer pickup amount
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

Standard CF - User defined fields

Savings Bonds Item

Field Definitions

Type is Savings Bond. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type is a required field:

Fixed (Amount)-When the Fixed option is chosen a fixed dollar amount must be entered in the Rate field

Percent-(Tax percentage to be withheld)-Not applicable for this payroll item.

Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item

The Rate field is the fixed amount to be withheld for the purchase of a savings bond. 

Savings Bonds can be deducted on specific pay of the months by entering the appropriate code in the Pay Cycle field.  The Pay Cycle is a required field:

First pay of the month

Second pay of the month

Split between first and second pay of the month

Every pay of the month (even third pay)

Split between first and last pay of the month

Example 1: If the Payroll Item is a fixed amount and option 3 or 5 is
selected, the Payroll Item will be split between the first and second (or
last) pay of the month.

Example 2: If the Payroll Item amount is a
percentage and option 3 or 5 is selected, the Payroll Item will be
deducted both the first and second (or last) pay of the month.

Example 3: If the employee is paid monthly, the value of this field
will automatically be set to 1. Any other value entered for a monthly
paid employee will be changed automatically.

Click on to Archive an employee's Savings Bond Payroll Item.

The total cost of the savings bond is entered in the Cost of bond field.
The denomination of the bond to be purchased is entered in the Size of bond field.

Active Date Range

The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates".
The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates".

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

If the Payroll Item>Pay Cycle is set to 'Split between first and second pay of the month' and the Rate and/or Employer Rate is an odd amount, then the rounding is as follows:

  • First pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded down and the employer amount is rounded up.

  • Any other pay of the month: Employee amount is rounded up and the employer amount is rounded down.

The Total and Applicable gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The error adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

The Co-owner of bond is the ID and name of the co-owner of the bond.

Standard CF - User defined fields

OSDI Tax - Ohio School District Income Tax

To locate your OSDI District Income Tax, please click

Field Definitions

Type is OSDI Tax. This field is non-modifiable.

Rate Type is a required field:

Fixed (Amount)-Not a valid option

Percent (Tax percentage to be withheld)-When the Percent option is chosen the Rate field must contain the percentage to be withheld for OSDI.

Tax Tables (Calculated by IRS tax tables)-Tax table Option not applicable for this Payroll Item.

The Pay Cycle will always be 'Every pay of the month (even third pay'.

Additional state tax withholding can be entered in the Additional With Holding field. The amount entered should be a dollar amount, not a percentage.

Click on to Archive an employee's OSDI Payroll Item.

Enter the Number Of Exemptions.  For those districts withholding using the traditional tax base, the number of exemptions should match that entered in the 'Number of Exemptions' field on the Ohio State Tax Payroll Item.  For those districts withholding based on the earned income tax base, the the number of exemptions should be zero. Questions regarding a specific school district income tax and details of how the withholding should happen should be directed to County Auditor or County Board of Elections.  

Active Date Range

The Start Date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should start being deducted. More information on start dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 
The Stop Date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Payroll Item should stop being deducted. More information on stop dates can be found in the "Start and Stop Dates" 

Error Adjustments field is used to make corrections for over or under withholding of the Payroll Item in previous payrolls. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item. A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid. A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid. Click on :

  • Amount - enter in the amount of the error adjustment- Required field
  • Description - Enter the description of the error adjustment
  • Date - If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
  • To Delete or cancel, click on

Error Adjustments - The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The Error Adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.

MTD Historical Totals 

QTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate) 

FYTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)  

YTD Historical Totals (imported totals may not be accurate)

Standard CF - User defined fields

Miscellaneous Notes

Usage of Start and Stop Dates in Payroll Items

The majority of Payroll Item records contain fields labeled "Start" and "Stop".  These are the Payroll Item start and stop dates and can be used to start or stop when a Payroll Item will be withheld by making comparisons to the payroll pay date entered during the payroll Initialization. Please note that the payroll beginning and ending dates are not used in comparisons to determine if the Payroll Item should be withheld or not.  If the Start date is equal to or prior to the payroll pay date, then the payroll item will be included.  If the Stop date is equal to or after the payroll pay date, then the payroll item will be included.

Usage of the start and stop dates are optional. If there are no dates specified, the payroll item will be withheld. There can be other fields that would keep the payroll item from being withheld (such as the pay cycle or the maximum payroll item amount being reached).

The recommended method of using Payroll Item start and stop dates is as follows:

Set the start date equal to the first pay date of the payroll in which the Payroll Item should be active or leave all zeros.
Set the stop date equal to the last pay date of the payroll in which the Payroll Item should be active or leave all zeros.

The following are the comparisons that are made on the Payroll Item records to determine if the Payroll Item will be withheld or not.

If the Payroll Item start and stop dates are blank, the Payroll Item WILL be withheld.

Payroll Item Start and Stop Dates are Blank
ExamplePayroll Item start dateBlank

Payroll Item stop dateBlank
ResultPayroll Item WILL be withheld

If the payroll pay date is equal to or after the Payroll Item start date, the payroll item WILL be withheld.

Payroll Pay Date is Equal to or After the Payroll Item Start Date
ExamplePayroll Pay date09/07/2018

Payroll Item start date09/01/2018
ResultsPayroll Item WILL be withheld

If the payroll pay date is prior to the Payroll Item start date, the payroll item will NOT be withheld.

Payroll Pay Date Prior to Payroll Item Start Date
ExamplePayroll pay date09/07/2018

Payroll Item start date09/08/2018
ResultsPayroll Item will NOT be withheld

If the payroll pay date is equal to or prior to the Payroll Item stop date, the payroll item WILL be withheld.

Payroll Pay Date Equal to or Prior to the Payroll Item Stop Date
ExamplePayroll pay date09/07/2018

Payroll Item stop date09/12/2018
ResultPayroll Item WILL be withheld

If the payroll pay date is after the Payroll Item stop date, the payroll item will NOT be withheld.

Payroll Pay Date After Payroll Item Stop Date
ExamplePayroll pay date09/07/2018

Payroll Item stop date08/02/2018
ResultsPayroll Item will NOT be withheld

Order in Which Payroll Items are Processed

Payroll Items will be withheld based on Payroll Item Configuration>Type in the order provided below. For Payroll Items that have the same Type, the system will sort based on Code and then withhold in Code order.   For example, if a garnishment is in place this would be created with the Regular Type.  To guarantee the garnishment is withheld, the Code (usually in the 600 Code range) would need to be near 600. 

If the entire amount to be withheld can not be withheld an Error Adjustment will be created for the entire withholding amount.

  • SERS Annuity
  • STRS Annuity
  • SERS Buy Back Annuity
  • STRS Buy Back Annuity
  • SERS
  • STRS
  • Employer SERS
  • Employer STRS
  • Annuity Type with Annuity Type set to Section125NonWages
  • Health Savings Account
  • Medicare Tax
  • Social Security Tax (which is FICA)
  • Annuity (if not already processed)
  • Adoption Assistance
  • Dependent Care
  • Medical Savings
  • Federal Tax
  • Ohio State Tax
  • State Tax (for states other than Ohio)
  • City Tax
  • OSDI Tax
  • Child Support
  • Regular
  • Savings Bond

For SERS and STRS withholdings, if the employee withholding for all SERS and STRS Type's is zero and results in an Error Adjustment, then an Error Adjustment will also be created for the entire employer share.

Creating a Payroll Item Template Record

A Payroll Item template record can be created by clicking on the  key. You will then populate any recurring field that may be needed on the record. You can setup multiple template records for different types of payroll items.  Once these fields have been populated you can then click on the  key. You will then receive a prompt to . You will type in the name of your template and then click .

Utilization of a Payroll Item Template Record   

To create a new Payroll Item record using the Payroll Item Templates click Select the employee and the Payroll Item you are creating this record for. You can then click on  which will allow you to select from the template(s) you created. The data that was previously stored when you created this template will populate on the Payroll Item record you are creating. You can then add the remaining Payroll Item data needed and click to complete the creation of this record. If you do not want this record saved you can click the  key.

Editing Payroll Item Templates

If a template needs to be updated, changing the existing template and saving the template with the same name will 'override' the existing template and the template be replaced with the changes.

First, go Core>Payroll Items and click Create.  Enter the employee name, payroll item needing to be added, and click Continue.  In the upper right hand corner, in the Choose Template dropdown select the appropriate template.  Make any changes to the existing payroll item template and click Save As Template.  In the Save Template As pop-up box, enter the name used on the prior template and click Save.  The next time the payroll item template is accessed and selected from the drop down, the updated information will populate.

For Example:

The existing Payroll Item template called Sample 301 Template is currently saved with a Rate of 2.000.  The Rate needs to be changed to 3.0000.

  • Go to Core>Payroll Items and click Create.  Enter an employee name (that currently does not have this payroll item), the payroll item code, and click Continue.
  • In the upper right hand corner, select the template called Sample 301 Template.  The rate on this template is currently 2.0000.

  • Update the Rate to 3.0000 and click Save As Template. In the Save Template As pop-up box, enter Sample 301 Template (the same name as used prior).  Click Save. Be sure to name the updated templated using the exact same name as the existing name.  Click 'Save As Template.'  Then enter the name and click Save.
  • The next time the payroll item is added and the Sample 301 Template is selected, the rate of 3.0000 will be populated.

Deleting Payroll Item Templates

If a template needs to be deleted, select the appropriate template from the drop down list and click the X.

Edit Payroll Items

Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed.

Search desired Employee on grid

Click on  to edit the Payroll Items

Make desired changes.

Click on to save desired changes to the Payroll Items, click on to not posted changes and return to the Payroll Items grid.

Report Creation

To create a report from the Grid, please click on the Report documentation link to find the How to Steps: Report