Error Adjustment
The error adjustments views will contain a grid of all error adjustments (paid and unpaid) for all employees. The grid will also show missed deductions due to insufficient gross and missed additional withholdings.
The Total and Applicable Gross *TD fields will not be updated on any effected Payroll Items. Use Core>Adjustments to update these fields. The error adjustment will only update the Amount Withheld *TD fields when processed through a pay or through Payroll Item Refund.
Search/View Payroll Item
The Payroll Item Error Adjustment Grid allows the user to search for existing Payroll Item Error Adjustments for an employee. You can either enter in the Number or a few characters in any of the grid headings and all occurrences of that search will show up and then you can choose the item(s) you are wanting to view or edit. Example - First Name is one of my grid options. If I type in %San (% is use as a wildcard) in the First name field, all occurrences of anyone with San in the first name will appear. You can then click on the next to the Payroll Item Error Adjustment record you are searching for to view the data associated with the payroll item or click on the to edit the record or to delete the record.
Advanced Query
The is a more elaborate search where the user selects the property field to search on, the operation to search by, and enters what they are searching for. For more detail information on Advanced Query option, please click on the Advanced Query documentation link to find the How to Steps Advance Query.
Mass Change
For more detail information on the Mass Change option, please click on the Mass Change documentation link to find the How to Steps: Mass Change
Highlight Viewer
To use the 'Highlight Viewer', select the row in the grid to view. The 'Highlight Viewer' on the right hand side will appear:
Include Archived Employees
To include archived employees in the grid, click on .
Audit Report option after creating/editing a Payroll Item Error Adjustment
After creating and saving a Payroll Item Error Adjustment record, or to see any changes that were made to a Payroll Item Error Adjustment record, there is an option to run an Audit Report directly
from the Payroll Item Error Adjustment record.
User must be in VIEW mode in order to see the Audit Report button. On the Payroll Item Error Adjustment record–Click on the button.
Click on the
Create a Payroll Item
Select Employee from the dropdown box
Select the Payroll Item from the dropdown box
Click on
Enter the Amount of the Error Adjustment for the employee. This field is used for corrections to the employee portion of the Payroll Item.
- A negative amount in this field will give money back to the employee the next time the employee is paid.
- A positive amount in this field will withhold the amount in addition to the regular Payroll Item amount the next time the employee is paid.
Enter a Date for the transaction to be included in the payroll.
- Date - (Optional) If the Date field is left blank then the Error Adjustment will be processed on the next processed payroll. If the Error Adjustment is to be processed on a specific payroll then the Date field must be a date within the payroll processing period (date range from Beginning Date of a payroll to Ending Date of a payroll) for the payroll you wish to have the Error Adjustment applied.
Enter a Description of the Error Adjustment
box will automatically be checked after the Error Adjustment was included in the PayrollThe Date Paid will be updated automatically when the Error adjustment is included in Payroll (non modifiable)
Click on to create the Payroll Item Error Adjustment record, click on cancel to not create the Payroll Item Error Adjustment and return to the Payroll Item Error Adjustment grid.
Click on X in the right hand corner to close
Edit Payroll Item Error Adjustments
Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed.
Search desired Employee on grid
Click on
to edit the Payroll Item Error AdjustmentsMake desired changes
Click on
to save desired changes to the Payroll Item Error Adjustments, click on to not posted changes and return to the Payroll Item Error Adjustment grid.Delete Payroll Item Error Adjustments
Payroll Item Error Adjustment cannot be deleted if it has been referenced through the system.
Search desired employee Payroll Item Error Adjustment to delete
Click on to delete the Payroll Item
Click on "delete" to confirm.
Report Creation
To create a report from the Grid, please click on the Report documentation link to find the How to Steps: Report
Mass Load
To mass load of Payroll Item Error Adjustments, select PayrollItemErrorAdjustment as the importable entity.
You will need the following headers in the load file:
Mass load will only allow for adding of error adjustments, not updating. Click here for more information on Mass Loading Payroll Item Error Adjustment