Employer Distributions

Employer Distributions

The Employer Distribution report needs to be installed under SYSTEM/MODULES/Employer Distributions Module. Once installed, the report will then show under REPORTS.

The Employer Distribution program generates a worksheet to provide you with dollar amounts for the distribution of board paid deductions to the proper USAS accounts. This option allows the user to run Employer Distribution as many times as desired. The Employer Distribution uses the payroll history files to create the worksheet as specified in the reporting options selected when the program is run.

As long as the payroll you wish to include on the worksheet has been posted through the payroll program, the Employer Distribution can be processed. It does not have to be run at any specific time in the payroll processing sequence since it draws its information from the payroll history files.

At this time, refund of payroll items that are voided and then reissued amounts are not being included.  Once the file is submitted to USAS and the pending transaction is posted, the PO can be edited and the amount added here. 

Since board shares are paid through USAS, the Employer Distribution needs to know what object code should be charged for a particular Payroll Item. This is done by taking the USAS account from which this employee is being paid and substituting the board object code provided in the CORE/PAYROLL ITEM CONFIGURATION option in place of the employee's object code when the Employer Distribution worksheet is created.


Employer Distribution looks for Active or Inactive Position.  If marked as Terminated, it will NOT be included in the report.

If the Object Code used to pay the employee cannot be matched, it will look at the employees 'live' Payroll accounts and find the first active account to charge. Example, employee paid using account 001-1100-115-0000-000000-000-00-000, Employer Distribution Report won't be able to use this account since it's an Object Code of 115 for a Certified employee. it will then look at the next Active Payroll Account for the employee, 467-1930-113-9120-000000-000-00-000 will be charged. 

**If an employee's account used during payroll was marked as 'No" for Employer Distribution and the Employer Distribution Report option "Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts' was marked as 'Yes', it will then look at the employee's Active payroll accounts for an account that is marked as "Employer Distribution" and use this account.

**If an employee's account, used during payroll, was marked as 'Yes' for Employer distribution and they run the report both ways, 'Yes' or 'No' to "Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts", this employee will be charged the same accounts on both reports.


    • If district needs only Medicare to be charged to this board paid account but no other board paid amounts:
      • 012 1490 111 0000 176000 012 00 000

The object code for Medicare and other board paid benefits would be different. This is defined on the Core>Payroll Item Configuration>Object Codes area:

    • The district could check the 'Employer Distribution' checkbox on the payroll account.
      • 012-1490-111-0000-176000-012-00-000   
    • Medicare would be charged to this account by default

      • 012-1490-213-0000-176000-012-00-000

    • Then they would use Account Mapping to map the other board benefits (Life and Medical for example) from these accounts below, back to the general fund account. They will need to enter more than one line of mapping to cover all of the other board paid benefits:

      602 012-1490-241-0000-176000-012-00-000
      607 012-1490-242-0000-176000-012-00-000

If the employee is paid from an object code between 100 and 139 (inclusive), the certified object code will be used to post the board share. The object codes must begin with the number 2xx since board share object codes fall in the 200 series. Typical examples of Payroll Items which will use these object codes are retirement (the board contributes 14%), and Medicare (the board matches the 1.45% paid by the employee).

Certificated object codes:

  • 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, and 139

If the employee is paid from an object code between 140 and 169 (inclusive), the classified object code will be used to create a worksheet for the board share amounts.

Non-Certificated object codes

  • 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 169, 170, 171, 172, 179, and 190

Other Object codes

  • If the employee is paid from the object code of 17x or 19x or 2xx, the "Other" object code as defined in CORE/PAYROLL ITEMS CONFIGURATION will be used to create the worksheet for the board share. This normally is used for student workers and board members but could affect anyone being paid from an object code outside the 110-169 range.

Once the object code is substituted, Employer Distribution uses the information on the System>Configuration>Account Mapping Configuration to determine what values of the account to carry forward.  Click here for more information regarding Account Mapping Configuration.  After the system has substituted the benefit object code and determined what account dimensions to carry forward, the system looks at the Utilities>Account Mapping.  Once an account matches an Original Account (left side) it is mapped to the Mapped Account (right side).  Click here for more information regarding Account Mapping Configuration. This becomes the final account the system charges.  

The report file created is called Employer Distributions Report.  If the district is in the STRS advance mode, the report will include an additional column which will display advance amounts for 691 deduction records. Grand totals for gross and board amounts are automatically included on the report.

The only errors that will be generated will show up on the screen when attempting to submit to USAS, but none will show up on the report and there is no error report.  The one exception is that accounts need to be "synced" with USAS (so that USAS can match up USPS accounts with the corresponding USAS account) before posting.  These are the warnings that show up on the screen, but not when generating the report.  

Field Definitions

  • The default report file name is Employer Distributions Report.  The text file name cannot be changed.
  • Select the Report Format
    • PDF (download)
    • Comma Separated Values (CSV)
    • Excel
  • Enter Start Date is First Pay Date and End Date is the Last Pay Date. This field is mandatory.
  • The Pay Cycle field offers the following choices: 
    • None
    • P - Every payroll
    • M - Monthly
    • Q - Quarterly
    • A - Annually
    • 1 - 9 - User defined cycles
  • Sort Options:
    • Payroll Item Code - by selecting this sort option, Payroll Item Code Totals will show at the bottom of the report:
    • Account Code
  • Subtotal Options:
    • Payroll Item Code
    • Account Code
    • Fund
    • Function
  • Do you want to use only those pay accounts flagged in CORE/PAY ACCOUNTS as being an Employer Distribution Accounts?
    • Check  to only include Employer Distribution accounts. It will show only Payroll Accounts that are marked as 'Employer Distribution' with the total Gross amount of the employee's pay.
    • If box is unchecked , then ALL Accounts will be included. It will separate the Payroll Accounts that are marked as Yes and No to 'Employer Distribution'.
  • Do you want to 'Summarize individual amount detail?' in the report?
    • Check  to Summarize individual amounts for employees.

Note: Employer Distributions Report uses the account history files to determine which pay accounts to use in the charging process. Changing the board distribution flag in CORE/PAYROLL ACCOUNTS will not an effect when processing Employer Distribution.

  • From the drop-down boxes, select the Available Payroll Items and move them to the Selected Payroll Items box .  If no Payroll Items are selected, then all available items will pull into the report:

Click on  to create the report:

Employer Distributions Report - Summarize By Account Code


Report Sorted By: Account Code

Subtotal By: Account Code

Employer Distributions Report - Not Summarized by Account Code

Report Sorted By: Account Code

Subtotal By: Account Code

Employer Distributions Report - Summarized Detail by Payroll Item Code

Report Subtotal By: Payroll Item Code

Subtotal By: Payroll Item Code

Employer Distributions Report - Not Summarized by Payroll Item Code

Employer Distributions using Excel 

Employer Distributions using CSV

Post to USAS

To post to USAS, go to USAS Integration/Employer Distributions Submission

Field Options:

  • Enter the Start and End PayDate Ranges.  This field is mandatory.
  • If you want to include deductions based on Payment Cycle, select from the following:
    • Leave Blank if selecting Payroll Items to pay
    • None
    • Every payroll
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Annually
    • 1-9 user defined cycles
  • Select the Specific Appointment Type:
    • Certified employees only
    • Classified employees only
    • Leave blank for Both Certified and Classified Employees
  • Check if wanting to 'Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts' marked in CORE/PAYROLL ACCOUNTS as being an 'Employer Distribution' account?
  • Once Payroll Items have been selected, click on .  The Payroll Items you have selected will show in the box below:
  • Click on the Payee Name to show in the 'Submission Preview Payee' details box.  The detail grid will show each expenditure account code and amount for the Payee line:

  • Once your payroll items have been selected, click on 

How Employer Distribution is calculated?

Click here for a printable document.

Corrections to Employer Distributions file in USAS

Once submitted from USPS-R to USAS-R, the Employer Distributions Submission and Employer Retirement Share Submission can be found on the Transaction menu under Pending Transactions. When the pending transaction is posted, a purchase order is created. The accounts or amounts on the purchase order can be updated if needed. The transaction will then need to be invoiced and posted to create a disbursement. Any adjustments in what was expended to those accounts after the disbursement is created would be processed through the 'Distributions/Error Corrections' option under the 'Transaction' menu._
 * _[Pending Transactions#CorrectionstoEmployerDistributionsfile

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