USPS-R 6.42.1 Release Notes


Jun 23, 2021 


Getting issues...

Build Date

2021-06-23 11:47:34


This release of USPS-R contains bug fixes. See highlights below.

Important highlights from this release

  • Bug Fixes

    • Payroll Initialization fails when unexpected exception occurs

      • Exceptions will now be caught and reported on the error report

    • Employee Master report fails when no payroll accounts are found for a historical payroll

      • Update report to check for this condition and continue to process

    • STRS Advance

      • Add messages to the FY report and Position Report

        • INFO - No active position level or employee level STRS item found for position #: #

        • ERROR - Job Calendar is not assigned for compensation with code ######. Please assign a job calendar to get corrected values on the report.

All updates for this release

key summary type status resolution