Proposed Amounts

Proposed budget and anticipated revenue amounts appear on the grid based on the fiscal year selected.  The proposed amounts populate on the expenditure/revenue accounts during PROMOTE (which is when they are added to the proposed amount grid).  The proposed amount grid is the working area where they can add/remove/edit their proposed amounts.  

Create Proposed Amounts

To enter proposed amounts manually, use the  option.

  1. From the menu, select 'Budgeting' and click on 'Proposed Amounts'.
  2. Click on  
    1. Click on the down arrow to select a budget account or start entering the budget account.  You can filter the accounts by entering '-' between dimensions.  
    2. Select a Fiscal Year from the drop down. The current and next fiscal year will be available to select.
    3. Enter an Amount.
    4. To save the proposed amount, click on .  The account with its proposed amount will be added to the grid.

    5. Creating Adjustments

      When entering Adjustments the amount entered should be what the user would like the new Expendable amount to be on the account. The system will calculate the difference between the initial amount and the entered amount and then create an adjustment for the difference. For Example, if the Initial Budget was 500.00 but the new Expendable amount should be 0.00, then the Adjustment entered in the Proposed Amounts grid should be 0.00. When applied, the Adjustment on the account will be -500.00.

View a Proposed Amount

  1. From the grid, search the desired account and click on  to view the details of the proposed amount.

Edit a Proposed Amount

  1. From the grid, search the desired account and click on to edit the fiscal year or proposed amount.

Delete a Proposed Amount

If you wish to delete a proposed amount before applying it, there are two ways to delete amounts on the grid:

  1. Per account: From the grid, search the desired account and click on to delete the proposed amount for that account.  Click on 'delete' to confirm deletion.
  2. Mass Delete: From the grid, click on the checkbox for the proposed amounts you want to delete and click on the  button to mass delete all checked accounts.

Only accounts visible in the grid will be selected when using the Mass Delete so users may need to select and click to delete multiple times to clear the grid.

(tick) TIP: Once proposed amounts have been 'applied' to existing budgets or next year proposed amounts, the amounts on the grid can be deleted.  If the Proposed amounts being deleted from the grid (after being applied) include Next Year Proposed amounts, these amounts will be removed from the expenditure/revenue account until July is made the current period.  


Current period is May and an expenditure account has $1000 in the proposed amount grid for Next Year Proposed.  When viewing this account under the Core menu, the expenditure account will have $1000 in the NY Proposed amount and once the user APPLYs the amount(s) using temporary, this will set the $1000 as the initial budget for the next fiscal year when the posting period of July is made current.   If the account is deleted from the proposed amounts grid after Apply is used, the NY proposed amount will no longer show on the expenditure account but will populate this amount as the initial budget amount when July is made the current posting period.

Applying Proposed Amounts

Once all of the proposed amounts are set and ready to be applied as the initial budget and/or revenue figures for a particular fiscal year, click on the  option. 

You cannot choose specific accounts to apply amounts to. It will apply the amounts to all accounts on your proposed amounts grid for the specified Fiscal Year. If there are checkboxes selected in the grid, the Apply button will show as disabled.

When applying new Proposed Amounts for the next Fiscal Year, the new (July) posting period does not need to be created or opened.  The process will automatically create the Posting Period and give you a informational warning.   

  1. Select the Fiscal Year (from the grid) you want the figures applied to.
  2. Click on .  The following box will appear:

    1. Transaction Types include:
      1. If 'Temporary' is selected, 'full year' is checked by default. This indicates the temporary initial budgets hold true for the entire year.  The 'Update the GAAP Original Estimate amounts' is checked by default.  If you do not wish to set the GAAP Original Estimate amounts at the time you're applying your temporary figures, uncheck the box.
      2. If 'Temporary' is selected and 'full year' is unchecked, this indicates the temporary initial budgets could change during the fiscal year. 
      3. If 'Permanent' is selected, 'full year' is checkmarked automatically and cannot be unchecked.  This indicates these are permanent initial budgets.  The 'Update the GAAP Original Estimate amounts' will be set automatically at the time you're applying your permanent figures.  You do not have the option to uncheck this box.
      4. If 'Adjustment' is selected, it adjusts the existing budgets via additions/deductions.  The 'Update the GAAP Original Estimate' amounts box is not checked by default but is available to check if the adjustments should apply to the GAAP Original Estimate amount.
    2. Effective date
      1. When selecting Temporary or Permanent transaction types, the date automatically defaults to the first day of the fiscal year selected.
      2. When selecting Adjustment transaction types, the date must be manually entered. Adjustments will be included in the MTD Expendable or MTD Receivable amounts based on the entered date.
  3. Click on  to proceed with applying the proposed figures as the initial budget/revenue estimates for the fiscal year selected.