The Attendance Information tab includes attendance information as it was reported to EMIS. The "term" used on this page is the most recent 9 week window of data based on the districts EMIS reporting, not the districts local terms such as quarters or semesters. If the districts EMIS attendance data is not reported regularly, the "term" may be longer than 9 weeks. At the end of the page, you can see a student's attendance within the district (and buildings, if applicable) as well as a statewide attendance rate if the student has been in more than one LEA the school year.
The "Display data as reported by" drop down may be used to select information from prior and concurrent districts and schools where the student was/is enrolled. When using this selection, only the information on the left side of the page will change based on the selection.
The student information displayed in the ‘Selected Student For Early Warning’ on the right will always remain the information as reported by your district. The district and year selected from the summary page will determine what data about a student is displayed in the Selected Student For Early Warning shaded box.