Workflows Admin

Workflows Admin

This page is available to Admin users and those with the USAS_WORKFLOWS_ADMIN permission. The Workflows Admin grid contains all records in the workflow process.

  • Process Name - Workflow Type. Currently, Requisition Approval is the only type available so this will be the same for all records.

  • Task Name - Shows tasks for either Requisition Approval or Approval Bypass.

  • Assignee - For Requisition Approval tasks this column shows the current Approver assigned the task.

  • Due Date - The due date is determined by the Requisition Approval Configuration and utilized to highlight requisition approvals when they are nearing the date. 

Due Date Filter

This Due Date is utilized by the Workflows so it does not abide by normal date short cut rules when filtering the column. To filter for a specific date, the full format MM/DD/YYYY must be entered. To pull up all requisitions with a due date in the same month, the two digit  month code can be entered. This must include leading zeros.

  • Description - Includes the requisition number.

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