


Optional Step

A requisition is a formal document requesting goods or services that may be converted to a purchase order once it has been approved by the appropriate parties.  

Create Requisitions

  1. From the Transaction menu select 'Requisitions'
  2. Click 
  3. Enter desired information into the Requisition Header

    1. Requisition numbers, including the prefix assigned on any user, must be between 1 and 8 characters in length.  (i.e. TMZ00001).

    2. Date of requisition must be in an Open posting period.   A future date may be used if the posting period is open.  
    3. Requisitions by default do not require a vendor number. No vendor means the user hasn't assigned one yet or that it will be used as a non-vendor specific Requisition or it will be used as a 'Multivendor' purchase order. If the vendor field is left blank the checkbox for 'Multivendor" will automatically be checked when the Requisition is saved.

    4. When a Requisition is converted the 'Converted' checkbox will automatically be checked.
    5. Template type requisitions can be created by checking the 'Template' box in the header section of the requisition. This signifies that the requisition is a template and is intended to remain on the system for future use. This field can be used to filter Requisitions that are flagged as templates out of the grid or reports. Any dollar amounts associated with template requisitions will not be included in the requisitioned amounts if the pre-encumbrance module is enabled. Template requisitions cannot be converted to Purchase Orders.
    6. Type is an optional text field. This may be utilized by districts that use third party approval systems.
  4. Enter desired information into the Requisition Items
    1. click on  or  to move item up or down in listing of line items.
    2. click on the  to add line items.
    3. click on the  to copy line items.

    4. Charges
      1. The  icon allows the user to split items by quantity and the icon allows the user to split by price.
        1. Split by Quantity
          1. Use the (plus) to add additional charges
          2. Modify the Quantity to split the price of the line item between the accounts entered
          3. Click Accept to save
          4. Click Close to return to the Requisition

        2. Split by Price - is only available for items that have a quantity of 1.00
          1. Use the (plus) to add additional charges
          2. Modify the Unit Price to split the price of the line item between the accounts entered
          3. Click Accept to save
          4. Click Close to return to the Requisition

      2. To enter an account code for the charge:
        1. Use the drop down to select an account
        2. Begin typing the account code to narrow down the selections 
          1. Note: When typing the account code it is necessary to include the hyphens 
        3. Use the  icon to open a pop up window for the account search
          1. The account search option includes the remaining balance and percent expended amounts

    1. Click on to post the Requisition to the system, click on Cancel to not post the Requisition and return to the Requisition grid.

Search/View Requisitions

Requisition Grid allows the user to search for Requisitions that have been posted on the system.  Click on  to view a particular Requisition. You may also hover over the line item's description in order to display the entire description.

Convert Requisitions

Users have the ability to mass convert requisitions to purchase orders through the Requisition interface. Requisitions must first be queried/filtered on the requisition grid and then selected.  The order of the selection of requisitions will be the order of conversion to the PO numbers (see INFO note below).  Once all desired requisitions are selected, the user will click on the 'Convert' button. The user will then be prompted for a PO Date and Starting PO Number as detailed below.   

  1.  Filter and Select Requisitions

The user can filter the requisition grid or use the Advanced Query on the grid to find and select the desired requisitions to convert to purchase orders.  The user can either click on the individual check boxes next to the individual requisition or can select the check box on the top of the grid to select all requisitions displayed on the grid. Once the requisitions are selected the user will click on .


The requisitions will be converted in the order they are selected. If you have individually selected requisitions, this may not be the same order you are seeing them in the grid. For example. your grid shows 10 requisitions that can be converted and you select the 2nd, 7th and 3rd requisitions in that order. The requisitions will be converted to purchase orders, the 2nd one first, then the 7th, then the 3rd. This is very important as your purchase orders may not be numbered as you expect. However, you can modify the purchase order to change the number if this happens.

2. Convert - Assign PO # and date  

  • The Starting PO Number, if left blank, will default to the highest purchase order number listed in the Transaction Configuration for the district.
  • The PO Date field may be left blank to utilize the Requisition's date OR the PO Date field may be filled in with a particular date to be used on the selected requisitions no matter what date the requisition has.   The PO date must be in an Open posting period
  • Click on Post to convert or click on Back to return to the requisition grid.  

3. Conversion Summary 

  • A conversion Summary will appear that shows the requisitions that were converted to which purchase order, any warnings/errors that occurred during the run and display a total count of how many converted and/or failed to convert to purchase orders.

Warnings will not stop a requisition from being converted.  Any Requisitions with a fatal error will be prevented from being converted into a purchase order.

Edit Requisitions

Requisitions that have not been converted to a purchase order may be modified. 

In order to modify the Requisition Number, Requisition Date, Vendor, or Item specific fields, the requisition must be new and in an open posting period. Other fields on the Header record of the Requisition can be modified without reopening previous periods.

  1. Search desired Requisition on grid
    1. Click on to edit the Requisition
      1. Make desired changes
    2. Click on  to save desired changes to the Requisition, click on Cancel to not post the changes and return to the Requisition grid.

Print Requisitions

Click on  to submit a copy of a posted Requisition in a desired output format.  Users have the ability to print a single Requisition or a batch of Requisitions at one time. 

Clone Requisitions

  1. Select desired Requisition on grid
    1. Click on  to view the Requisition information

    2. Click on to clone the Requisition information into a new Requisition.
    3. Make any desired changes and click on to post the Requisition to the system, or click on Cancel to not post the Requisition and return to the Requisition grid.

Delete Requisitions

The delete function may be used to remove requisition transactions. 

  1. Search desired Requisition on grid
    1. Click on  to delete the Requisition.
    2. Click on "Delete" to confirm the deletion.

Requisitions that qualify for deletion will depend on the Rules setup. By default, only requisitions in open posting periods may be deleted.

In order to delete requisitions in closed posting periods, the following must be true:

  • Rule "RequisitionClosedPeriod" must be disabled.  This rule is enabled by default which prevents deleting requisitions if the posting period is not open.
  • The Pre-encumbrance module must not be installed. If the pre-encumbrance module is installed, the requisition amounts are being tracked on the accounts. This requires reopening the associated Posting Period to ensure accurate reports. Deleting a requisition from a prior posting period will decrease pre-encumbrance amounts for that period to current. 
  • If Requisition Workflow is enabled, requisitions currently in the approval process may not be deleted.  The requisition can be recalled by the original requisitioner, approved or rejected by the user with the Bypass Permission in order to remove the transaction from the workflow process. Requisitions with the status of Canceled, Rejected, Approved, or Pending qualify for deletion as long as they have not been converted.

NOTE:  Imported Requisitions can be deleted regardless of posting period so these qualifications do not apply.


Attachments can be added to Requisitions when Creating or Editing a transaction.

  1. Click  will open a pop up window
  2. Drag and Drop files to attach or click  
    1. Multiple files can be attached
    2. After attaching files, close the Add Files window
  3. Attachments will appear in the grid on the Requisition
  4. Click 
  5. To remove an attachment click 
  6. To download an attachment click 

To view Requisitions with attachments from the Requisition grid, use the Advance Query option.  Select the Property Filename under Attachments, set the Operation to Not Null and the Filter Value to True.  Once you click , the grid will return requisitions that have attachments.  Remember, you can click on to name and use the same query in the future just by clicking on and selecting your saved query.      

More Information

Money is NOT encumbered with the creation of a requisition but the pre-encumbrance module can be enabled to keep track of requisitioned amounts on the corresponding accounts. Enabling the pre-encumbrance module will display 'Requisitioned Amount' and 'Future Year Requisitioned Amount' on the accounts, which will  track the dollar amounts that are currently on file for open requisitions and will be used in calculating the current remaining balance.

Requisitions by default do not require a Vendor or account code be entered on each line item.

The audit trail from requisition to purchase order is now maintained correctly by the system.  Once a requisition has been converted to a purchase order it may not be changed or deleted.  The same requisition may also not be converted to multiple purchase orders, thus allowing each requisition to accurately track to the purchase order it is related to.  Also, when a requisition is updated, it continues to keep track of the original "posted by" user rather than updating the posted by user to the person updating the requisition as it does in Classic USAS.

Individual user requisition processing is controlled by a variety of variables, such as User account where the Account Filter and Role (and the Permissions assigned to those Roles) are defined for each user, User Preferences,  Rules, etc. By default the system will give a warning if the budget's remaining balance will go negative. Remaining balance is either unencumbered balance or unencumbered balance - outstanding requisitions depending on whether the pre-encumbrance module is installed and the specific rule(s) the district has enabled.

Pre-Encumbrance Module and Balance Checking:

If the pre-encumbrance module is not installed, then the balance checking done will check the current requisition amount ONLY against the unencumbered balance on the budget and appropriation account. Other requisitions already posted against the same account will NOT be taken into consideration when the balance check is done. Therefore, in this scenario it is possible for multiple requisitions to be posted to an account if each requisition individually does not exceed the unencumbered balance, even though the total of all of the requisitions DOES exceed the unencumbered balance. This may be desirable in the case where you want users to be able to post the requisitions, and then someone else will be responsible for determining whether budget adjustments can be made or which of the purchases will be made or rejected. When the pre-encumbrance module is not installed, total outstanding requisitioned amounts by account are not kept track of at all.

If the pre-encumbrance module is installed, then total outstanding requisitioned amounts by account are tracked, and by default the dollar amounts associated with all open requisitions previously posted against the same account will be taken into consideration when doing the balance checking. This is desirable if you want a "first come, first served" scenario where users may not post any more requisitions once the balance is depleted. By default, the balance checks are warnings, but rules may be customized to change this to a fatal error, preventing the requisitions from being posted at all.

If the user would like to track the requisitioned amounts, but NOT take them into consideration when doing the balance checking, this is possible by installing the pre-encumbrance module and then adjusting the rules which are enabled in the ADMIN/Rules option. In this case you would want to disable the rule "DefaultBalanceCheckWarning" and enable the rule "ReqBalanceCheckWarningExcludesPreencumbrances".

Requisition Approval

The following options will be available on the Requisition grid/records when the Workflows Module is enabled and Requisition Approval is enabled in the Workflow Configuration. For more information on adding Requisition Approvals see Setting Up Requisition Approvals.

Submit for Approval

For Requisitions that have not been converted, users will have an option to Submit for Approval. This option can be utilized by selecting Requisitions from the grid or by viewing individual Requisition records.

  • Grid View:
  • Requisition View:

When requisitions are submitted for approval, users will receive a pop up to allow selection of a Group Chain to submit to. This will determine the chain of approvers for the requisition. Group Chains available for selection are determine by the User's setup.

  • Select Group Chain:

Approval Audit Trail

Once a requisition has been submitted for approval, the Approval Audit Trail can be accessed by viewing the Requisition. The Approval Audit Trail will show any actions that have been taken in the approval process.

Workflow Approval Status

The Workflow Approval Status is a field that can be viewed on each requisition.

Workflow Approval StatusDescription
PendingThe requisition has not yet been submitted for approval.
In ProgressThe requisition approval is in progress. This indicates the requisition has been submitted for approval to a group chain and is currently awaiting approval from one of the groups.


The requisition is approved. This indicates the final approver in the group chain has approved the requisition or a user with bypass access has approved the requisition.
RejectedThe requisition is rejected. 
CanceledThe requisition has been recalled from the approval process.

Converting Requisitions

For districts with Requisition Approval enabled, only Requisitions with an Approved Workflow Approval Status may be converted to Purchase Orders.

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