Submit a Requisition for Approval

Submit a Requisition for Approval

This page includes details for users that enter requisitions and submit them for approval. The following options will be available on the Requisition grid/records when the Workflows Module is enabled and Requisition Approval is enabled in the Workflow Configuration. For more information on the setup process see Setting up Requisition Approvals.

Create Requisition

Use the Transaction > Requisition page to create a requisition as you normally would. Steps to create a Requisition can be found here: Requisition and Purchase Order Processing

Submit for Approval

After the requisition has been created, it can be submitted for approval using the button. 

Once a requisition has been submitted for approval it cannot be edited or deleted. However, it can be recalled if it needs to be modified. See the Recall section below.

Submitting a Single Requisition

  1. Click the view icon to view a requisition
  2. Click Submit for Approval.
  3. Select a Group Chain. The Group Chains determine which approvers this transaction will be submitted to. These chains are configured by each district. Users may be granted access to submit to one or more Group Chains.
  4. Click Submit.

Submitting Multiple Requisitions

  1. Click the check box on rows for requisitions to be submitted. The grid can also be filtered to include a specific set of requisitions and then the checkbox at the top of the grid can be used to select all visible requisitions.

  2. Click Submit for Approval.
  3. Select a Group Chain. The Group Chains determine which approvers this transaction will be submitted to. These chains are configured by each district. Users may be granted access to submit to one or more Group Chains. All requisitions selected will be submitted to the selected Group Chain.
  4. Click Submit.

View Approval Status

Approval Audit Trail 

Once a requisition has been submitted for approval, the Approval Audit Trail can be accessed by viewing the Requisition. The Approval Audit Trail will show any actions that have been taken in the approval process.

  1. Click the view icon to view a requisition
  2. Click the tab at the top of the requisition window
  3. The Approval Audit Trail will show any actions that have already taken place in the approval process. This includes when the requisition was submitted for approval, the group chain it was submitted to, groups that have approved the requisition in the Group Chain, and if the requisition was recalled.

Workflow Approval Status

The Workflow Approval Status is a field that can be viewed on each requisition. This can be found in the middle section of the Requisition Header information.

The status allows users to view at a glance if the requisition is approved or still in progress. This field can also be added to the Requisition grid using the "More" option. 

Workflow Approval StatusDescription
PendingThe requisition has not yet been submitted for approval.
In ProgressThe requisition approval is in progress. This indicates the requisition has been submitted for approval to a group chain and is currently awaiting approval from one of the groups.


The requisition is approved. This indicates the final approver in the group chain has approved the requisition or a user with bypass access has approved the requisition.
RejectedThe requisition is rejected. 
CanceledThe requisition has been recalled from the approval process.

Converting Requisitions

For districts with Requisition Approval enabled, only Requisitions with an Approved Workflow Approval Status may be converted to Purchase Orders.


Recalling a requisition will remove it from the the current requisition approval process. This action can only be performed by the user that created the requisition. A requisition can be recalled at any point before it is converted to a Purchase Order.

  1. Click the view icon to view a requisition
  2. Click the recall button at the top of the requisition window

  3. The Workflow Approval Status will be changed to Canceled and a record will be added to the Approval Audit Trail showing that the requisition was Recalled.

  4. The requisition will be available to be edited, deleted, or resubmitted for approval.

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