Leave Request Approval

Leave Request Approval

Video Demonstration

Supervisors will be able to approve their staff’s leave requests via the Home Screen or the Leave Request Approval option on the menu (below). Once a leave request has been approved or rejected, it will be removed from the leave request grid (as well as the ‘leave request approval’ grid on the home screen). The grid includes the employee name, position, leave date(s), length of absence, category, reason and leave balance (current leave balance for that leave type, subtracting any approved leaves). Click on image-20241105-165941.png in order to view full details of each leave request and to approve or reject the leave. You may also mass approve or reject leave requests by selecting the leave requests you wish to mass approve/reject (or use the top box to select all).

Role: Users with Leave Request Approver role.


View a Leave Request

If you prefer to view the details of a leave request before approving it, click on image-20240509-210708.png . It will open a window containing their leave request details. You will not be able to edit their leave request. Options to Reject or Approve their leave request are displayed at the bottom of the screen.