Pending Transactions

Pending Transactions

A pending transaction is a transaction that is currently sitting out there from a different system/software waiting to be posted to USAS.  When USAS is integrated with USPS, the following submissions performed in USPS can then be posted to USAS via the pending transaction module.

  • payroll submission (classic's AUTOPOST/PAYROLL file)
    • when posted in USAS, it will create a disbursement.  A check number can then be assigned to the disbursement.
  • employer distribution submission (classic's AUTOPOST/BRDDIS file)
    • when posted in USAS, it will create a purchase order.  At that point, you can modify the PO to make any necessary changes and then continue on with the next step of the expenditure process.
  • employer retirement share submission from USPS (classic's BRDRET file)
    • when posted in USAS, it will create a purchase order.  At that point, you can modify the PO to make any necessary changes, and then continue on with the next step of the expenditure process.
  • leave projection submission (classic's AUTOPOST/LEAVE file)
    • when posted in USAS, it will create a receipt.  The receipt will contain reduction of expenditure amounts on the salary accounts and then charge the amount to the benefit account as a negative reduction of expenditure.  The transaction total should always net $0.00
  • payroll payment void (classic's AUTOPOST/VOID file)
    • when posted in USAS, it will create a receipt with a description of 'Payroll Payment XXX voided by'.  The receipt will contain a reduction of expenditure for the account on the voided payroll payment.
  • payroll payment un-void (classic's AUTOPOST/UNVOID file)
    • when posted in USAS, it will create a disbursement with a type of Payroll indicating the amount and account of the un-voided payroll payment. 

Pending Transactions Grid

The pending transactions grid displays pending transactions  To search for a pending transaction, click in the filter row in the grid columns and entering in the desired information. Click on any row of the search results to see a summary view of the record.  The Advanced Search can be utilized by clicking on the in the upper right side of the grid.

Post Pending Transactions

  1. From the Transaction menu select "Pending Transactions"
  2. Click on  to edit a pending transaction.

3. Review the details of the pending transaction.

4. Click on 'Validate' to validate the data for fatal errors or warning messages.

5. Click on  'Post' to post the pending transaction to USAS. 

    • Payroll Transactions: By default, the transaction will post an electronic disbursement, expending the amounts to the accounts on the pending transaction. 

      • You can enter a transaction date or let it default to the Pending Transaction date.  You can also select a bank account or let it default to the default bank account.  Click on Transactions/Disbursements to view the payroll disbursement.  

        If you require a physical payroll check for the bank, you will uncheck the 'electronic' box. Then in the Disbursements grid, select the payroll disbursement and click on 'generate print file' to assign a check number and generate a printable check file.

      • When Payroll Transactions are posted, only a disbursement is created. There will be no associated Purchase Order or Invoice. 

        Since USAS does not use Purchase Orders for Payroll posting transactions, any Classic Purchase Orders with the status of "Payroll" are not imported to Redesign.

    • Distribution or Retirement Transactions:  By default, the transaction will post a purchase order.  The PO will sort line items by Object then Full Account Code.
      • Transaction Date: You can enter a transaction date or let it default to today's date. This will be used for the PO Date and determine which month the encumbrances are accounted for.
      • Payee Vendor: Select a Vendor to be used on the Purchase Order. If the Payee Vendor is left blank, a vendor will need to be selected when Invoicing the PO.
      • Apply Payee name and address to Vendor: Checkmark the box to apply the payee name and payee address to the selected vendor's default PO vendor location. If this box is selected, the Payee information from USPS (can be seen on the Pending Transaction) will be applied to the USAS Vendor. Once the PO is created, the Vendor Name and Address will be used from the USAS vendor record. If the district primarily maintains this information in USPS, this allows them to update it there and then apply it to the USAS side to keep the USPS Payee and USAS Vendor information consistent.
      • Purchase Order Number:  Enter a purchase order number or leave blank for system to auto assign.

    • Leave Projections: By default, the transaction will post a receipt. The receipt will contain reduction of expenditure amounts on the salary accounts and then charge the amount to the benefit account(s) as a negative reduction of expenditure.  The transaction total should always net $0.00 .  You will be prompted to enter a transaction date when you click 'Post'.  The receipt will be located in the receipt grid.
    • Void Payroll Payment:  By default, the transaction will post as a receipt.  The receipt will contain a reduction of expenditure reducing the amount expended and increasing the Remaining Balance of the account listed on the voided payroll payment.   Click on Edit to Post, Reject or Validate.
    • Un-void Payroll Payment:  By default, the transaction will post as a disbursement.  The disbursement will increase the actual amount expended and decrease the remaining balance of the payroll account that is un-voided.  Click on Edit to Post, Reject or Validate.

6. If the Validation produces errors or warnings that warrant you to reject the file, click on 'Reject'.  A Pop Up box will be displayed allowing you to enter a reason for your rejection.  Click on 'Reject'.   The amounts will not be posted to the accounts and the status of the payroll submission in USPS (under USAS Integration's Payroll Submission)  will be updated to Rejected.

Import Pending Transactions

The user has the ability to post files (sequential file format only) from outside software systems as well.   Currently, only receipts or reduction of expenditures can be imported.  

  1. From the Transaction menu select "Pending Transactions"
  2. To import, click on 
  3. Click on "Choose File", browse for the file (.txt) and click "Open" or select the file by double-clicking on the file name.
  4. Make sure the system brought in the proper file(s), Click on "Upload" 

  5. The file(s) will be listed to be posted

  6. Click on beside the transaction the user would like to post
  7. A pop up will be displayed with the details of the pending transaction and will allow the user to post, reject or validate
  8. Click on , any errors or warnings will be displayed in the window
  9. Click on
  10. A pop up will be displayed with the user's posting options

    Uncheck 'electronic' if the user would like a physical check printed

  11. Enter desired information
  12. Click on
  13. The transaction will be posted in Receipts under the Transaction menu

Reject pending Transaction

  1. From the Transaction menu select 'Pending Transaction'
  2. Click on beside the transaction the user would like to post
  3. A pop up will be displayed with the details of the pending transaction and will allow the user to post, reject or validate
  4. Click on 
  5. A pop up will be displayed asking for a rejection reason

  6. Click on .  This will return the Pending Transaction file to USPS to be edited and resubmitted if necessary.  

More Information

Balance checks

By default, the validate option will produce warnings when the remaining balance on the account will become negative if the pending transaction is posted.  However, this rule may be disabled or customized to suit the district's needs; see the rule named org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.pendingTransaction.PendingTransactionBalanceCheck.

Electronic Payroll Checks

When a payroll pending transactions is posted with the 'electronic' box checked, it's recognized as an electronic disbursement.  Then in Disbursements, they can optionally assign a check number to an electronic disbursement.  Please note that the 'printed' status will be 'false'.   This is because the check type is electronic so the check cannot be physically printed. 

Employer Retirement Share Submissions (Redesign vs Classic)

Question: Why is there a difference between what is posted by BRDRET in classic and what the Employer Retirement Share Submission is posting in Redesign?

Answer: The employer retirement share no longer looks at USAS MTD figures as Classic did.  In Redesign, this functionality was moved from USAS to USPSR, so we are now able to calculate these amounts based off of the actual withholding amounts, so the result should be more accurate.  
In Redesign, Employer Retire Share can be run anytime for any date range, but presumably they would still run it on a per-month basis.  It does not look at MTD amounts, but it finds the history for payrolls posted within the date range the user selects and looks at all of the amounts posted for each the accounts, which could be for a single day, a month, 6 months, whatever. It depends solely on the Pay Date of the payrolls in question falling withing the range the user enters.  The accounts it looks at are affected by several factors.  First of all, there is a list of object codes that it looks for are, for certificated positions: "110", "111", "112", "113", "114", "119", "120", "121", "122", "123", "124", "125","126","127","129","130","131","139"and for classified positions:

It also takes into consideration the 'appliesForRetirement' flag on Pay Amounts if a specific pay account is used.  It takes into consideration any Adjustment Journals entered for the date range entered.  It translates account codes using the USPS Account Filters.  It also checks the 'Employer Distribution' flag that can be set on normal payroll accounts and specific pay accounts. 
It then does the calculations the same way as BRDRET in terms of non-001 accounts being charged the exact total and all 001 accounts pro-rated over the remaining amount up to the amount the user entered. It will also look at mapping to determine the final account being charged.

For details on how this is calculated in USPS, please refer to USPS Reports/Employer Retirement Share

Corrections to Employer Distributions file

Once submitted from USPS to USAS, the Employer Distributions Submission and Employer Retirement Share Submission can be found on the Transaction menu under Pending Transactions. When the pending transaction is posted, a purchase order is created. The accounts or amounts on the purchase order can be updated if needed. The transaction will then need to be invoiced and posted to create a disbursement. Any adjustments in what was expended to those accounts after the disbursement is created would be processed through the 'Distributions/Error Corrections' option under the 'Transaction' menu.

Sequential File Format for Importing Pending Transactions

Receipt Record

Contains information for receipt transactions to be posted.




Record Number


Sequential number of record in file.

Record Status


A = Active, D = Deleted, P = Posted

Record Type


Identifies type of record. Will always equal "RC" for Receipt records.

Reference Number


Reference number of transaction. All items for this transaction must have the same reference number.

Receipt Number


Enter a receipt number to have this number used for the USAS receipt number or leave blank to have the posting program assign the receipt number.

Transaction Date


Enter a transaction date to use or leave blank to have the posting program assign the transaction date. Format=YYYYMMDD.



Amount for this item.



Description for this item.

Account Code


Revenue Account Code to credit. Transaction Indicator must be 03 (Operational) or 04 (Non-operational). Must either already exist on the account master file, or it must be a valid account according to Revision 12 standards and the 'Create Account Code' flag must be set to 'Y'.

Create Account?


Enter Y to have the posting program create the account code if it does not exist.


Not used.

Reduction of Expenditure Record

Contains information for Reduction of Expenditure Transactions to be posted.




Record Number


Sequential number of record in file.

Record Status


A = Active, D = Deleted, P = Posted

Record Type


Identifies type of record. Will always equal "RX" for Reduction of Expenditure records.

Reference Number


Reference number of transaction. All items for this transaction must have the same reference number.

Transaction Number


Enter a transaction number to have this number used for the USAS transaction number or leave blank to have the posting program assign the transaction number.

Transaction Date


Enter a transaction date to use or leave blank to have the posting program assign the transaction date. Format=YYYYMMDD.



Amount for this item.



Description for this item.

Account Code


Account Code to charge. Transaction Indicator must be 05 (Operational) or 06 (Non-operational). Must either already exist on the account master file, or it must be a valid account according to Revision 12 standards and the 'Create Account Code' flag must be set to 'Y'.

Create Account?


Enter Y to have the posting program create the account code if it does not exist.


Not used.

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