Positive Pay

Positive Pay

This is a file of the checks processed that the district sends to the bank. Banks use the positive pay file to match the checks the district issues with those presented for payment to help with fraud detection. 

The following options can be configured to control the formatting of the extract file. The user will select one of the Bank Acounts defined under Core>Bank Accounts to configure the file with the required formatting determined by the bank's requirements. 

  1. Select Format Type

    1. CSV: Comma Separated Values

    2. Fixed: Fixed width file that will download as a TXT. This can also be changed to (saved as) a SEQ file once downloaded.

  2. Select bank format extract fields.

    1. Click the image-20240827-162829.png at the bottom of the grid to add fields

    2. Once added, use the drop down under the Name column to select the data that should appear in that field.

    3. The Length column determines how many characters make up that field.

    4. The Format specifier default for each field added. These correspond to standard format specifiers. For more information see the Format Specifiers section below.

Once the format is configured, follow the below steps to generate the extract file.

  1. Select which checks to include by entering a Starting Date. Checks with a transaction date on or after the date entered will be included in the extract file.

  2. Select a Bank Account number to be used for the "Bank Account Number field on the extract file. These options correspond to the records entered on the Core > Bank Accounts page.

  3. Click on Generate to create the extract file.

Extract Fields

Field Name


Field Name


Bank Account Number

Bank Account # for the Bank Account chosen when the Disbursement was Posted

Check Number

Check Number assigned to Disbursement

Payee Name

Payee Name on the Disbursement. Comes from Vendor information at the time the Disbursement was created

Payee Name 2

Payee Name on the Disbursement. Comes from Vendor information at the time the Disbursement was created

Check Date

Date on the Disbursement. Formatted MM/DD/YYYY

Check Date Month

Month only from Date on Disbursement

Check Date Day

Day only from Date on Disbursement

Check Date Year

Year only from Date on Disbursement

Check Amount

Amount of check with no decimal point included

Check Amount (Decimal)

Amount of check with decimal point included before last 2 digits

Void Check Flag

Code 'V' will show for Void Checks


Will leave a blank field

Format Specifiers

Format specifiers are used in programs to define the type of data to be printed on standard output. It is a way to define what type of data is expected to be in a field. The table below lists all specifiers, but the following are the most commonly used when configuring the Positive Pay extract.

  • %s - Can be a string of any type of value - alpha or numeric

  • %d - has to be in integer/numerical value (used with date fields/check number)

A number after % specifies the minimum field length. If there are less characters than specified then the remaining spaces are left blank. If the data for that field is longer than specified then it will show as it is without truncation.

Here is a quick reference to all the conversion specifiers supported.

Date and Time Formatting

Note:  Using the formatting characters with "%T" instead of "%t" in the table below makes the output uppercase.


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