


The Receipt module allows the user to process receipts or reduction of expenditures.

A receipt is the process of posting monies received by the district.  A reduction of expenditure is the process of reducing an already posted expenditure.  Receipts and reduction of expenditures may be processed on the same receipt transaction by specifying the type in each line item. The posted receipt will show RC for receipt and RX for a reduction of expenditure. A receipt will use a revenue account whereas a reduction of expenditure uses a budget account.

Individual user receipt processing is controlled by a variety of variables such as User account where the Account Filter and Role are defined for each user, Rules, etc.  The Receipt number can be set to auto increment based on the Transaction Configuration settings under System/Configuration.

Create Receipts

  1. From the Transaction menu, select "Receipts".
  2. Click on
  3. Enter in desired information into the receipt
    1. Click on the to add items
    2. The description entered in Items will show on reports up to 3000 characters.
    3. Under Type, select RC for receipt or RX for reduction of expenditure.

    4. To enter an account code:

      1. Use the drop down to select an account
      2. Begin typing the account code to narrow down the selections 
        1. Note: When typing the account code it is necessary to include the hyphens 
      3. Use the  icon to open a pop up window for the account search
        1. The account search option includes the FYTD Received and FYTD Percent Received amounts
    1. Click on to post the receipt to the system, click on Cancel to not post the receipt and return to the Purchase Order grid.

Search/View Receipts

Receipt Grid allows the user to search for receipts/reduction of expenditures that have been posted on the system.  Click on to view a particular receipt/reduction of expenditure.

Edit Receipts

Existing receipts from an open posting period may be modified.  Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed.

  1. Search desired transaction  on grid
  2. Click on to edit the transaction
    1. Make desired changes
  3. Click on  to save desired changes, click on Cancel to not post the changes and return to the grid.

By default, the receipt number is allowed to be changed. This can be prevented if desired by enabling the rule org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptNumberChanged.

Print Receipts

Click on  to submit a copy of a posted Receipt in a desired output format.  Users have the ability to print a single Receipt or a batch of Receipts at one time.

Clone Receipts

The clone function may be used to copy all of the information from an existing receipt/red. of exp. into a new one while allowing changes to be made.

  1. Select desired transaction on grid
  2. Click on  to view the transaction information
  3. Click on to clone the receipt or reduction of expenditure information into a receipt or reduction of expenditure.
  4. Make any desired changes and click on to post the transaction to the system, or click on Cancel to not post the transaction and return to the Receipt grid.

Reverse a Receipt

The reverse option may be used to reverse all or specific items from a posted receipt and/or reduction of expenditure.  A new transaction will be created negating all positive receipt and/or reduction of expenditure items from the original transaction.  The date on the reversal receipt will default to the current date, but the user may choose to enter another date in an open posting period to post the transaction.  User may edit the reversal transaction created to update fields or delete Items they do not want reversed.  

  1. Select desired transaction on grid
  2. Click on to view the transaction information
  3. Click on  to reverse the transaction.
  4. Current date will be default on the Reverse Receipt Date.  Click on to post the transaction to the system, or click on to not post the transaction and return to the Receipt view.  

Delete Receipts

The delete function may be used to delete an entire receipt or reduction of expenditure as long as the posting period of the original receipt or RX is open. 

  1. Search desired transaction on grid
  2. Click on  to delete the transaction
  3. Click on "Delete" to confirm the deletion.

Import Receipts 

The import receipt option may be used to import receipt and reduction of expenditure transactions from a spreadsheet (CSV format).   Please refer to the Receipt Import Criteria for further details on the CSV file format.  We've also provided a template spreadsheet for districts to use.  Any rules pertaining to receipts will also be applied when importing receipts.  The USAS_Standard role will be able to utilize the Import function.  

  1. From the Transaction menu select "Receipts."
  2. To import a CSV file, click on .
  3. Click on "Choose File", browse for the file (.CSV) and click "Open" or select the file by double-clicking on the file name.
  4. Make sure the system brought in the proper file.   
  5. Click on "Load." 
  6. The selected filename will be visible.
  7. A message box will appear showing the number of Records Loaded and the Number of Errors.   

8.  An output (CSV) file will be created containing the number of records loaded or records with errors.  Possible import errors can be found in the Appendix under USAS Error Messages.

9.  If an error occurs, open the output CSV file, make the necessary corrections, and re-import the corrected output file. 

Receipt Import Criteria

Please use the template spreadsheet containing the fields in the proper format (listed in the table below).  If you are not using the template spreadsheet and are creating a spreadsheet of your own, the field names on the spreadsheet must exactly match the Field names listed below.  The field names are not case sensitive, but must be entered exactly as shown below making sure to include the spaces between words.  (i.e Line Number and LINE NUMBER are both acceptable, but LineNumber or LINENUMBER will cause an error.)  Please note, the fields specified below as "Required field" are the only fields that must appear in the spreadsheet.  All other fields are optional.

Since CSV files use the comma character to separate columns, data fields that contain commas will be wrapped with double quotation marks when imported into the Redesign. For  example, if Student Fees: Doe, John was entered on the CSV file for the Receipt Item Description, it will import as “Student Fees: Doe, John"  

Field   FormatDefinition
Receipt #An integer with a maximum of 8 digits. Enter a receipt # or if left blank, the system will auto assign.

Acceptable formats as used in UI can utilize '/' slashes or '-' hyphens or numbers only (no delimiter).  

Enter date or if left blank, the system will default to current date.
Line NumberMust be a number.Required field  Must be an integer.  The first item for each receipt must start with the number 1 or the transaction will not be imported.  If you are entering multiple items for the same receipt number, please increment the line number accordingly.
TypeRC and RX

Required field  Identifies the transaction as a Receipt (RC) or Reduction of Expenditure (RX).  Not case sensitive.

Item Description

Item Description with a maximum length of 3000Description of the item.
AmountMust be a number. Cannot use $.  Required field  If a whole number is used, a decimal is not needed to be entered.  i.e. 16 can be entered for 16.00
Full Account CodeMust be formatted with the hyphen as the delimiter as in the UI.  (i.e. 001-1740-0000-000000-101)Required field (only if an Xref Code is not included)  The type of Account used must match the Item Type.  i.e. Receipt (RC) must be a revenue account and Reduction of Expenditure (RX) must be an expenditure account.  
Received FromMaximum length is 3000 charactersDetails of where the transaction was received from.
DescriptionMaximum length is 3000 charactersDescription of transaction header for receipt.
Xref Code

Accepts numeric and alphanumeric characters.  Must match the existing xref code for the account (it is case sensitive).

Unique code that corresponds with the Full Account Code. 

More Information

Refund of Prior Year's Receipts

Refunding a prior year's receipt means the district needs to refund money that was receipted into the prior fiscal year.  Receipting into the wrong account is just one example why a district would need to do a refund of prior year's receipt.

  1. Create a purchase order to the vendor (or electronic vendor if this is a 'correcting entry' vendor) using the fund used on the original receipt using a 7500 9xx (refund of prior year's receipt code).
  2. If you need to re-issue the receipt, you will need to do so in the current fiscal year.
  3. Post an Invoice and Disbursement to the vendor.

By default, the account code must be active and receipt codes 51xx and 52xx are not allowed.  This behavior may be customized if desired, see rules org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptAccountRules and org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptRestrictedCodes.  The 51xx and 52xx receipt codes are reserved for Transfers and Advances which must be entered via the Transfers/Advances option.

Receipts generated from AR Payments

When applying a Payment in Accounts Receivable, the 'generate receipt' option is checked by default which, when posted, will create a USAS Receipt.  Receipts created via AR Payment postings can be queried, viewed and printed in the Receipts module.

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