Timesheet Entry, Approval and Export

Timesheet Entry, Approval and Export

Once the initial set up steps are completed, timesheet employees may proceed with creating and submitting their timesheets for approval. 

Timesheet Entry

Role: Users

For an employee to be able to enter a timesheet, they must have an ESS user account and their position record(s) in USPS must have the ‘Timesheet Required' checkbox enabled and ‘Supervisor’ filled in (required)

  1. Create a Timesheet

  2. Submit a Timesheet for approval. If email is configured, both the submitter and approver will receive an email notification

  3. My Timesheet Grid to view, edit or delete your timesheet

Supervisor Approval

Role: Timesheet Approver

  1. Supervisor Timesheet Grid to view or recall their staff member’s timesheet depending on the approval status of the timesheet

  2. Approve their staff member’s submitted timesheet via Home Screen or mass approve timesheets via Timesheet Approval. These options allow the approver to view, edit, approve or reject their staff’s timesheets.

Timesheet Manager

Role: Timesheet Manager

  1. District Timesheet Grid to view all district leave requests regardless of approval status. Depending on the status of the timesheet, additional functionality may be available.

  2. Timesheet Escalated Approval to escalate approval of staff timesheets to an approved status

  3. Timesheet Export to export approved staff timesheets for a specified time period or employees to a CSV file. The spreadsheet can then be posted into USPS.

  4. Timesheet Overview Report: Ability to generate a CSV file of timesheet data.


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