Mass Load

Mass Load

The user must have both CREATE and UPDATE for a given entity in order to use Mass Load. The USAS_MANAGER Role contains this access by default.  USAS_Standard user also needs the permission of MODULE_IMPORT to see the menu option of Mass Load.


The Mass Load program allows a district to import cash, expenditure and revenue data into the USAS-R from an outside source. This may include, but is not limited to, Excel, Access, Lotus and other third party software's that have the option to export data in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. The Mass Load program reads the data, imports and validates it, then writes it to the USAS file structures, thus eliminating manual entry. This might be useful for a district converting to USAS or for a district processing mass updates to varying fields.

All possible Importable Entities and the required Object fields are outlined below under the Mass Load Criteria.  To include additional Objects in the csv file, please see the Informational note under the Mass Load Criteria for how to obtain the additional Identifying fields used in the Header row of the csv file.  Any records with fields that do not meet the validity checks for USAS possible values are rejected.  A message iindicating what record includes the invalid data will be written to the USASLOADERR report. 

The CSV being read by the Mass Load options can include the fields in any order. The file must contain a header record which includes all the pre-defined field names (Req Column Desc) as the first record in the import file. The pre-defined field names are included in the Mass Load Criteria found below.  The remaining records in the file following the Header record will represent the data values being loaded.

The Custom Report Writer can be used to create the header file for you. To do so, Select the Object you wish to import (i.e. Cash Account, Expenditure Account or Revenue Account). Once the object is selected, add the 'Identifying Fields' necessary to import the object. (These will be the required headers needed to correctly import the records. This list can be found below.) Generate the custom report using the Comma Separated Values-Field Names format.


 Once the header fields and data are populated on the csv file, from the Utilities menu,

  1. Click on 'Choose File' to select an outside file to import.

  2. Select an importable entity:

    1. Cash Account

    2. Expenditure Account

    3. Revenue Account

  3. Click on Load.

MASS LOAD Account Criteria

Each Object to be imported (i.e. Cash Account, Expenditure Account or Revenue Account) has to be created on a separate .CSV file. The Identifying Fields below have to be entered exactly how they are written. For more Identifying fields, please use the Custom Report Writer to find the field names needed for the data that will be mass loaded.   'Select Object' to open up the Property names and hover over the name with your mouse pointer: example. CashAccount Object - the cash account dimensions are under 'Code'. code.fund would identify the fund code of the cash account.   The appropriation account will be created for you when the first expenditure account is created. 

Example:   To Mass Load Cash Account data - set up the custom report to pull the required Identifying Fields (Fund, SCC and description) and other desired Identifying fields that the user wants to load (i.e. dateRange.startDate or customFields.text.value).  The csv file created will update the Cash Account to show the data loaded or specify the error on the USASLOADERR file.  


Cash Account CSV Format

Object to be Imported

Identifying Field Required

Object to be Imported

Identifying Field Required



Special Cost Center


Account Description


Fund Type



Expenditure Account CSV Format

Object to be Imported

Identifying Field Required

Object to be Imported

Identifying Field Required







Special Cost Center




Operational Unit


Instructional Level




Account Description



Revenue Account CSV Format

Object to be Imported

Identifying Field Required

Object to be Imported

Identifying Field Required





Special Cost Center




Operational Unit


Account Description




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