Delivery Addresses

Delivery Addresses

Delivery Addresses

Delivery Addresses are maintained in the Core menu and are created one of two ways:

  • Deliver-to vendor addresses imported from Classic
  • New deliver-to vendor address details entered when processing a requisition or purchase order.

Activate/Inactivate Delivery Addresses

  1.  From the Core menu select 'Delivery Addresses'
    1. By default, all delivery addresses imported from Classic are inactive.  Checkmark the 'Active' box to activate a delivery address.

    2. Once a delivery address is activate, it will automatically populate the delivery address when processing a requisition or purchase order.

Create/Edit Delivery Addresses

A delivery address cannot be created or edited from the Delivery Addresses interface.  A delivery address is automatically created when you enter a new delivery address or edit an existing delivery address during requisition or purchase order processing.

Query Delivery Addresses

The delivery addresses grid allows the user to search for existing delivery addresses by clicking in the filter row in the grid columns and entering in the desired information. Click on any row of the search results to see a summary view of the record.  The Advanced Search can be utilized by clicking on the in the upper right side of the grid.

Delete Delivery Addresses

A delivery address cannot be deleted.  If it's currently active, click on the 'Active' box to remove the checkmark.  The delivery address will now be inactive and may no longer be selected when processing a requisition or purchase order.

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