OPUs (Operational Units)

OPUs (Operational Units)


The operational unit (OPU) is part of the 30 digit USAS account code that defines the location of education activities and is defined at the district level. The OPU interface allows the user to define these Operational Unit codes with three digits which will be considered valid by the system when entering USAS accounts in the various processing programs.

Create an OPU

  1. From the Core menu select 'OPUs.'

  2. Click on .

  3. Enter in the required information:

    1. The description should not contain a carriage return as this causes problems with EMIS H data.

    2. Check the box if the OPU is the Central Office OPU.

  4. Click on image-20240529-164322.png to create the OPU.  Click on image-20240529-164337.png to not create the OPU and return to the OPU grid.

Search/View OPU

The OPU Grid allows the user to search for existing operational units on the system. Click on image-20240606-174744.png to view the details of a particular OPU.

Edit an OPU

Existing OPUs may be modified. All the fields except for the OPU code are modifiable.

  1. Search desired OPU on grid.

  2. Click on the edit icon image-20240529-164405.png to edit the OPU.

  3. Make the desired changes.

  4. Click on image-20240529-164322.png to save the changes on the OPU.  Click on image-20240529-164337.png to not post the changes and return to the OPU grid.

Delete an OPU