Start and Stop dates

Payroll Items

Usage of Start and Stop Dates in Payroll Items

The majority of Payroll Item records contain fields labeled "Start" and "Stop".  These are the Payroll Item start and stop dates and can be used to start or stop when a Payroll Item will be withheld by making comparisons to the payroll pay date entered during the payroll Initialization. Please note that the payroll beginning and ending dates are not used in comparisons to determine if the Payroll Item should be withheld or not.  If the Start date is equal to or prior to the payroll pay date, then the payroll item will be included.  If the Stop date is equal to or after the payroll pay date, then the payroll item will be included.

Usage of the start and stop dates are optional. If there are no dates specified, the payroll item will be withheld. There can be other fields that would keep the payroll item from being withheld (such as the pay cycle or the maximum payroll item amount being reached).

The recommended method of using Payroll Item start and stop dates is as follows:

Set the start date equal to the first pay date of the payroll in which the Payroll Item should be active or leave all zeros.
Set the stop date equal to the last pay date of the payroll in which the Payroll Item should be active or leave all zeros.

The following are the comparisons that are made on the Payroll Item records to determine if the Payroll Item will be withheld or not.

If the Payroll Item start and stop dates are blank, the Payroll Item WILL be withheld.


If the payroll pay date is equal to or after the Payroll Item start date, the payroll item WILL be withheld.


If the payroll pay date is prior to the Payroll Item start date, the payroll item will NOT be withheld.

If the payroll pay date is equal to or prior to the Payroll Item stop date, the payroll item WILL be withheld.

If the payroll pay date is after the Payroll Item stop date, the payroll item will NOT be withheld.


Compensation Start Date is the start date of the current contract.  This date is a required field and is usually the first day for which the job is paid.  The contract workdays are figured by using the Compensation Start and Stop dates and the Job Calendar selected.

  • The Contract Start Date is used in EMIS Position reporting for the employee.

  • (Note - Make sure to enter a Calendar Start date, which is located under the Historical Context box in compensations.  This is a required field for ODJFS and EMIS reporting)  

Compensation Stop Date is the last day of the current contract.  This date is a required field.  

  • Enter a Compensation Stop Date - in most cases this is normally one day less than the next year's Compensation Start Date. 

The contract workdays are figured by using the Compensation Start and Stop Date and the Job Calendar selected.  

When a payroll is initialized and the Compensation Start and Stop Date are inclusive of the period beginning and ending dates, the Compensation will be included.  If necessary, depending on dates, in most cases, the 26 (or 24 if paid semi-monthly) the system will include both contract Compensations - the final pay for last year's Compensation and the Compensation for the current fiscal year.  The system will pay off the final pay on the prior year's Compensation and count the Days Worked/Amount Earned on the new fiscal year's Compensation. 

Contract Days Worked are the number of days the employee has worked on this job.  These days are automatically calculated by using the Job Calendar and Compensation Start and Stop date. The days worked is determined by the work, holiday, and calamity days that are on the job calendar that is assigned to the compensation.  When a compensation is included in a payroll, when that payroll is posted, we find all the days on the calendar that fall between the payroll pay group date range and add them to the contract days works.  Users can also manually adjust the days worked by creating a compensation adjustment for work days.  The adjustment will be added to the Contract Days Worked on the compensation.

Calendar Start Date is the day on which the system will start counting information from the calendar. This is a required field for ODJFS reporting and EMIS Position reporting

Calendar Stop Date is the day on which the system will stop counting information from the calendar.  The system uses this date when calculating ODJFS weeks, EMIS days, and service credit.  

  •  The calendar start date should be updated on a new compensation, so that workdays from the calendars are accurately found and counted for retirement purposes.  The retirement service will use a separate date range, also, in addition to the calendar dates, fiscal year, for example, that will prevent days from being counted beyond the calendar dates, if they are not accurate.  Calendar dates on the compensations should be updated with each compensation created.

  • **NOTE** - EMIS Staff Collection uses the Calendar Dates to count Absences for the employee for the FY**