The Reports module allows the user to generate a report from either a listing of template reports or create a custom report using the "detail" option.
USPS-R Reports Option | USPS Classic Report Comparison | Definition |
New Feature | Report Bundles are used to automatically generate reports by the system to be listed under Utilities/File Archive/Payroll Archive or to set up single or multiple reports to be emailed to a user at any time. | |
New Feature | Predefined SSDT template report definitions as well as user-created reports are displayed here; can Import and Create reports | |
Import Report | Safari Report/Shared Reports | Import Reports from an outside source. Must be in .JSON format. |
Allows the user to create alternate versions of forms like Direct Deposit Notices or Payroll Checks, they can add their own "Form" and then the drop down will show these | ||
Safari and New Feature | Allows for dynamic reporting of all data objects in USPS-R | |
PAYDIR | It creates an ACH file which is uploaded to the bank for payroll | |
PAYDED | It creates an HSA file which is uploaded to the bank for HSA Payroll Items (HSA deductions) | |
AFFORD | Will assist in determining if an employee will exceed 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month and therefore, be classified as full-time under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). | |
ABS101 ABS103 ABS104 | ABS101, the Staff Attendance Report, provides a listing of attendance and absence categories by employee, by date. It also includes the day of the week the activity occurred, the length of the activity, and the subcategory if applicable. Totals by category for number of records, days, and hours are displayed at the end of the report. ABS103, the Staff Attendance Summary Report, summarizes absence/attendance occurrences by employee. Grand totals are provided at the end of the report. This report will show all employees that have not missed any days with the category's selected. | |
AUDRPT | This program tracks the old values and the new values entered in various USPS programs. | |
USPAUDIT | This program extracts USPS check history information into specially formatted files for use by auditors. Auditors will use these files to assist in automating the audit process. The report will contain a line for each compensation that has a date range that overlaps the user provide report date range. This program extracts Payroll check history information into specially formatted files for use by auditors. Auditors will use these files to assist in automating the audit process. | |
BENOBL/BENACT BENOBL/BENEMP | Provides information by Account about the dollar amount of benefit obligations a district would incur if employees were to use their entire sick, vacation, and personal balances. The Benefit Obligation By Account provides information about the dollar amount of benefit obligations a district would incur if employees were to use their entire sick, vacation, and personal balances. The Benefit Obligation by Employee provides information about the dollar amount of benefit obligations a district would incur if employees were to use their entire sick, vacation, and personal balances. | |
CENSUS | The CENSUS program will create a common census file per ING requirements. | |
CRDC Report | Civil Rights Report- produces a report listing different required variables for specific reporting groups. | |
New | This report will gather all employee date code data and extract them into a csv file. This report can be added to Report Bundles | |
ELIRET | Creates a report of employees showing Age, Retirement System, District Experience, Total Experience, 60 Year/s exp, 55 years/25 exp and 30 exp. | |
EMIS Data Collection Reports EMIS Data Extract Report | Similar to PERDET | Option produces a report listing data errors or invalid data prior to EMIS reporting. |
ERNREG | Can be ran for one and all Employees or Pay Groups receiving a paycheck. | |
EMPMST | Report that reflects the Core program data element fields. | |
BRDDIS | Generates a worksheet to provide you with dollar amounts for the distribution of board paid deductions to the proper USAS accounts. | |
BRDRET | Distributes the board's retirement share by allocating amounts to non-general (non-001) fund accounts at a flat 14% rate of the current payroll items paid. | |
CALRPT | Produces a report showing job calendars which have been created. | |
The Leave Activity Report provides a listing of accruals and absence categories by employee, by date applied date and then by activity date. It also includes the Beginning Balance, Length and Ending Balance of the activity by category. | ||
BENRPT | The Leave Balance Report shows the balances of sick, vacation, and personal leave. | |
LEVPRO | This program creates a posting file from which absences may be charged to the proper leave accounts. | |
NEWCNT/REPORT | Generate a report outlining purged contract information. | |
NEWHIRE ODJFSRPT | To assist in the reporting of new employees to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services The ODJFS New Hire Report is designed to assist in the reporting of new employees to the Ohio Department of Human Services. This reporting is to be done within 20 days of the employee's hire date. Generates a report of quarter-to-date figures for employees and provides information necessary to complete the IRS Form 941 Quarterly statement. Creates submission file to submit to ODJFS for unemployment purposes. | |
CHKSTS | Generates a report that lists the check number; check status and type; employee ID, deduction code, or vendor number (depending on the check type); name; issue date; period ending date; date voided; date reconciled; gross pay; and net pay. | |
QRTRPT | Generates a report of quarter-to-date figures for employees and provides information necessary to complete the IRS Form 941 Quarterly statement. | |
RPTSUM | The Reporting Entity Count Summary Report Options generates a report that displays Retirement days (service days), ODJFS weeks, and/or EMIS attendance and absence days with the Percentage of Attendance for employees by selected time periods. | |
RETIRE/SERSMONTH RETIRE/SERSHIRE RETIRE/SERSREG SURCHG | Creates a report for SERS balancing and month-end reporting purposes. Create a projection report or a new employee enrollment file to upload to the eSERS website. Creates a projection report to verify State Employees Retirement System (SERS) and will create a tape file used for submission of data to SERS (per pay). Creates reports that will assist with the SERS surcharge calculations and GAAP reporting. | |
CHKSTRS STRSAD RETIRE/STRSMONTH RETIRE/STRSHIRE RETIRE/STRSREG | Report showing employee's STRS Advance Payments Allows you to create Advance FYTD, Advance Position and Non-Advanced reports. Also, can create the tape file for the STRS annual report submission. Creates a report for STRS balancing purposes. Creates a projection report as well as an option to create a STRS New Hire submission file and submit it to STRS. Creates a projection report to verify State Employees Retirement System (STRS) as well as an option to create a STRS submission file and submit it to STRS. | |
WAGOBL WAGOBL | This program generates a report listing the district's current accrued wage obligations by account code. This program generates a report listing the district's current accrued wage obligations by employee. | |
W2PROC | Program creates reports, form files, data files, and tape files used for reporting W2 wage information at calendar year end. W2 Archive Individual Forms is used to schedule a job (Job Scheduler) and produce a file in a folder in Utilities/File Archive/W2 Archive for the year being reported. The W2 Form Output Files will store the processed W2 Forms (Employee), W2 Forms City and W2 Mailable Forms The W2 Mailable Forms option can generate a 8 1/2" x 14" paper form for all employees included on the parameters. The W2 Report module creates a reports and Submission files used for reporting W2 wage information at calendar year end. | |
W2C | W2C Statement of Corrections Form The W2C Forms Output Files will store the processed W2C Forms (Employee) To create a W2C correction record for employees Creates a Report and Forms from the W2C Records | |
W2 SSN Verification> Create Submission File Results Report | W2MAINT | Generates an extract file that can be uploaded to the Social Security Administration’s Business Services Online to assure the SSN entered in USPS matches the SSN on file. Any errors are returned in a results file and this option can be used to view that information. |
YTDRPT | The YTD report program provides year-to-date totals and a benefit statement for all employees, pay groups, or individual employees. |